Modern software complexity

Does anyone else wish we could go back in time a decade or two with software complexity? The amount of documentation and obscure settings for modern software is getting ridiculous. For example, does anyone even have a clue as to what even 1/4 of the options in Firefox's about:config do? But if you're concerned about your privacy and security you need to know which ones to change from the default. Also, modern mainstream software that is "simple" because it just hides all the options from the user is still complex.

>Green text
>Learn it faggot

those were the days
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

return y;

People in 90s tech were retards
same as early 00s

You have to be smart and handle complexity to do tech today

You're just autistic lil fag boi

>what the fuck?
Still gets me

>// what the fuck?
How can he comment that when he's the one who wrote it?

That's not how you use the meme arrows.

It's no use, his brain has degenerated so much that he can only form and present an idea by greentexting with meme arrows. He knows no other way of presenting the thoughts in his head to you.

Instead of forming proper sentences with punctuation and proper form, he strings together fragments of sentences that resemble his internal monologue, for he has lost all ability to take this information and form normal conversation with it.

He couldn't do it any other way, because the part of his brain that takes theses garbled Unorganized pieces and forms them into proper written and spoken word has atrophied. If you never hold and sustain a proper conversation with someone for years, you loose the ability. If he wasn't on Sup Forums he would be hard pressed to find a way to express his idea in a manner that can be readily understood and picked up on by his peers.

No you stupid fucking neo-luddite neanderthal. You just gave up and are becoming EXACTLY like your grandparents who fought PCs for over 3 decades shitting up whatever industry they're in.

>does anyone know what 1/4 of the options in firefox do
So you're saying you should just chop out the majority of options in software just because you happen to not use them. No really you're exactly like your grandparents.

Journalist clickbait meme.

>hiding majority of the options to appease shits like me isn't good enough
How retarded and anti-progress can you get.

Just want to make sure you know - software of your made up nostalgic circlejerk time was just as complicated, you just never thought about it up until now.

There's a containment board for you and it's

>Instead of forming proper sentences with punctuation and proper form

>Reddit spacing

Wait, hold the fuck up.
What driver letter does the third floppy drive get?


Sounds like openBSD with software packages is right up your alley.

Oh right I keep forgetting, youre just a luddite unable to do shit on his own and expecting the whole world to pander to him.



Awful waste of resources.

Wow, this is not the Sup Forums that I knew five years ago. Never thought this would be an anonymous Facebook with a common discussion topic of "technology" (see: consumer tech). So much shilling and edgy fifteen year olds.

kb is the true measure of real software

yes because I don't want to be stuck in the late 80s I'm a facebook twitter browsing kid.

You have become your grandparents. Please do not attempt to be part of any industry.

He doesn't know what paragraphs are, or how to space them.

That magic number was know previously in the industry.

>OP addresses the problem of bloat from the perspective of actually trying to go through all the extra settings and documentation it brings instead of just complaining about how bloat makes software run slower or take up more space
>thread gets shitted up by neo-Sup Forums
What the hell happened to this site?

You talk a lot of shit about your grandparents who invented the toys you are using to shitpost on 4gag. Back then computer "science" actually meant something.

Does anyone wish we could go back in time 60000 years or so with societal complexity? The amount of instructions and obscure demands for modern society is getting ridiculous. For example, does anyone have a clue as to what even 1/4 of the conversations with your neighbor do? But if you're concerned about your privacy and security you need to know what decisions to make different from the norm. Also, modern mainstream culture that is "simple" because it just hides centuries of archaic of codified social rules from the autist is still to complex.

While some of them did invent things ask any boomer and the vast majority will answer they fought technology for decades at a time.

Computer science now has progressed many miles above its 70s and 80s counterpart and currently runs the entire internet and world. What you're doing here is falling for our shitty nostalgia circlejerk threads where you're basing the entire history of the past off of cheesecake IBM images. It was miserable and limited.

You have just given up and are pretending to live in this fake time that you can't even define properly because everything you have to go on is just sales advertisements and lies and only filtering the good parts and casually forgetting about all the misery and failure.

Either way regardless of what you think you are, you don't get to make these decisions about software because you are a retarded hippie. Software is complex because it has to answer a lot of questions and problems so in order to make it any other way you'd have to go full hippie luddite and "remove the needs". Nobody's going to do this. Fuck off.

>Software is complex because it has to answer a lot of questions and problems

So built-in spyware solves what problem, Mr. Shill?

So then just use and program simple software?
You do have the choice.
Install plan9 or some simple linux system like stali linux, which will grant you a lot of simplicity.

standards where decided on by engineers who understood that a single standard should be put in place to reduce the effort needed to recreate certain functionalities in certain domains. much effort was put into creating lasting standards that would stand the test of time.


standards are out the window. everyone is competing with everyone else. no one is trying to create a standard that will last longer than 10 years. instead of writing a new html standard, companies build obtuse tools to work around a standard that was created to do a different thing in a different time.

we are living in a cluster of software that will not exist in 10 years. problem is that not one wants to come together to build a good tool that works, or maybe we are not longer able to do that.

>paragraph == reddit spacing

Web browsers are complex for all the wrong reasons.

The web used to be a nice simple, quiet document sharing platform.

Now its a disgusting hyperactive multimedia application environment, and modern browsers have to basically be a second operating system to handle all of this garbage.