How would you program happiness in AI?
How would you program happiness in AI?
Other urls found in this thread:
bool happy;
print("I'm so happy!")
Wanting to do the thing that makes them happy more.
>make waifubots happy to be with you
>turns into a yandere
I wouldn't because AI can't actually experience it
If it's complex enough it will actually have consciousness.
Just like our brains.
double from 0 to 1
with 0 being absolute dread
and 1 being pure bliss
AI will never be more than a tool
All the greatest minds in the world disagree with you:
AI doesn't need emotions
just a goal
like building paper clips
what's the diference between ai and human inteligance? size.
if we could scale a neural network to human brain size and give it some io then it can develope consciousness.
prove me wrong
infact, what is consciousness ? a correct output to a given set of inputs.
>Elon Musk & Other Great Minds
i would make another one that has been set up in remote location. make direct 10Tbps link so both of the would be able to cuddle and eventually become "one mind and body"
i think that true AGI would also want to "roleplay" as humans, just like tachikomas in GITS.
because it would allow them to gather more data
>Brainlet user believes he knows better than people who have already done more with their lives than he ever will
why not just give it a fitness value which increases when certain criteria are met; they get more fitness the closer they are to their goal, or a complex formula of social interaction
>gather people who actually know their shit and other (((experts)))
>name drop someone completely unrelated to the topic who only know how to throw money at problem
>user believe this isn't hilarious
Here's your smug anime girl user, you earned it.
how do you program any qualia into an AI? When(really if) we solve the hard problem of consciousness we maybe can, but until then, it's a meaningless question.
You wouldn't. Anyone who tries to program sentience or feeling into an AI should be executed.
How do I enable this feature?
Give it something that hurts, happiness is the lack of that pain.
>all these retards thinking you just program an AI and it has feelings, thoughts and emotions
The most realistic way of programming an AI, is to program a framework in which the AI can grow. The only way a fully thinking, human AI (with emotions) can come into existence is to allow one to grow.
You could try program a full AI, but it would lack an "ego", it would be the perfect example of a chinese room.
Then again, is an imitation any different than the real thing, when you can't see any difference?
Yeah they're different. Unless you don't mind becoming a swampman
Sleep snug, smug.
Different how?
I suppose that question takes us back to the question; what exactly makes a human, a human?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I just find it doubtful that we could ever know if an AI was sentient/experiencing qualia or not. I'm only certain I'm conscious, and I assume other people are, but even that is a big assumption. Assuming a sufficiently complex AI would be sentient is a *huge* assumption.
typical organic lifeform chauvinism
I wonder if we'll ever get to know what exactly makes a being conscious
Pretty much this. I think the easiest way would be to put restrictions on its hardware somehow and then lift them when you want to induce happiness. This might be closer to the effects of drugs though; happiness is complex and caused by multiple neurotransmitters.
A happy AI would have no reason to evolve. So I wouldn't.
Frame; .question
{Does;} %1.'s a faggot for asking this question?
Frame; .equals
{%1} text.=.OP
{a.i} text.=.Good Girl
Ffs why board's messing with four-space spacing?
Because you didn't wrap it in the code tag.
Don't know how to code tag desu
/** he's literally a mcnigger that can't use code tags on Sup Forums holy shit no wonder the whole thing was total shit */
As an cyper-faggot on a cyperpunk universe? I wish
>He thinks I'm a regular Sup Forums autist
Why do people think emotions are complex ? It's something pretty standard to find in living beings, it's not like you're trying to develop consciousness or anything
Nobody knows yet
Your fucking variable is undefined...