First page when searching "Sup Forums cli client"

>first page when searching "Sup Forums cli client"
>first page when searching "reddit cli client"
>alienfeed, creddit, reddit-cli, cortex, reddit::client, rtv
What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Sup Forums client is curl | grep

Reddit is mostly text, where images are interactive to Sup Forums


I thought a lot of reddit was upboating images.
You could have the option to download images or open with an external program, or do like w3m and show thumbnails.

Use your favourite CLI RSS reader


>cli client
>for an imageboard

>yfw reddit has an actual API whereas Sup Forums clients are glorified scrapers
>yfw reddit's code is open source whereas Sup Forums's is proprietary
>yfw reddit has far better discussions about programming and technology than this shithole

Go back then.

Isn't there some kind of Sup Forums api that clover interacts with? Is it restful? should be easy to use

you havent written it yet.

get to work

just use lynx

>being this retarded
what is an image? what is cli?

its read only and shit

The real reason is that Sup Forums and most other imageboards don't need special cli clients and work just fine using terminal based browsers like links/links2/w3m. Reddit on the other hand is heavily dependent on CSS for formatting their tree style reply system, which makes it hard to tell who is replying to who if you try reading it using a terminal based browser.

1/10th the userbase
Reddit is also retarded enough to program for free, sorry I mean "fun"

>he can't into w3m

yeah but hasnt reddit's api updates caused old applications to break?

What is framebuffer?

google captcha

Sup Forums has an actual API.

>not using terminology

Sup Forums pass

What is love?

But there are. Lurk more

baby dont hurt me. Forums/4chan-API

Just like Python 2.7 → 3

Don't hurt me


No more

You could probably fork and extend this Forums-finder

You can't post with it.

stop using 4chin meme arrows you reddit queer

this is a place for shitposting, not a place for "healthy" discussions on the proper angle to take a dick up your ass while you use you try to hack Trump's email for "all of the "internets"

+1'd myself on this post

I normally do, but I can't make blatant bait/troll/shit posts on reddit due to the voting system.

>trying this hard to fit in

>100 pennies a day keeps the goyim at bay

Post without API
What is the deal?

>Sup Forums can't find the cli
no surprise here