Hi, everyone !
Do you know where can I get the videos of LCTHW ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching videos
go read K&R like you're supposed to
K&R is outdated and incomplete.
I haven't tried out LCTHW yet but if it's anything like Learn Python the Hard Way you should steer clear of it.
Learn C the Hard Way is fucking garbage. It's littered with factual errors and doesn't explain anything about what he's doing. It's just "Copy this Shit Code: The Book".
Zed Shaw is fucking retarded.
this, zed shaw is a huge faggot.
they can be found in every second trashcan around the world.
Okay, so this book is garbage.
So what should I read (for C) exept K&R ?
kek, but I have one last question for you...
All of Zed's Hard Way books are trash, but I took a look at C the Hard Way and I have to say that it teaches C well even if you dont agree with his views on the problems of C. All of Zed's other books are just lists of print statements with zero explanation of anything. But C the Hard Way is actually on my list of programming books to read.
No, really, K&R
Why this programme don't work ? (it's from K&R) :
#define MAXLIGNE 1000
int lireligne(char ligne[], int nombreDeLigneMaximum);
void copier(char vers[], char de[]);
int main(void) {
int l;
int max=0;
char ligne[MAXLIGNE];
char pluslongue[MAXLIGNE];
while ((l = lireligne(ligne, MAXLIGNE)) > 0)
if (l>max) {
copier(pluslongue, ligne);
if(max >0)
printf("%s", pluslongue);
return 0;
int lireligne(char s[], int lim) {
int c, i;
try using code tags
(I'm a baguette)
>code tags
What do you mean ?
>Zed "Python 3 isn't Turing Complete" Shaw
Why even bother with books? There are fuckloads of C videos on youtube.
I cant really type it out because the code tags get converted into a code window, but you put the word code inside square brackets at the start of the code and put /code in square brackets at the end of your code and it will maintain indentation of your code
au lit
>Learning a language thats only use is shitposting on Sup Forums
I don't understand wtf you talking about, sry :/
Do you have example ?
The only "code tags" I know is from html...
Same as BBCode code tags
seconding. read K&R. read it again. now go read the Linux kernel man pages. thank me later.
it's not.
Here is a passage from "C the Hard Way", you can call me a shill, but this book is well written and teaches C and a very deep level that no other C book. (UB means undefined behavior)
K&R does NOT teach C, it demonstrates the use of C to experienced programmers, anyone who says its a good beginners book is a troll
>This means that you, not the compiler writer, are left to enforce the rules of an abstract computational machine, and when you inevitably fail, it’s your fault. The compiler doesn’t have to flag the UB, do anything reasonable, and it’s your fault for not memorizing all 191 rules that should be avoided. You are just stupid for not memorizing 191 complex potholes on the road to C. This is a wonderful situation for the classic know-it-all type who can memorize these 191 finer points of annoyance with which to beat beginners to intellectual death.
>There’s an additional hypocrisy with UB that is doubly infuriating. If you show a C fanatic code that properly uses C strings but can overwrite the string terminator, they will say, “That’s UB. It’s not the C language’s fault!” However, if you show them UB that has while(x) x
Literally read K&R you fucking faggot.
>hurr outdated
No it fucking isn't. The only thing it's missing is modern programming idioms that no introductory book covers. There's literally not a better book to learn the C language, or programming in general. Read K&R to learn C, and then read A Modern Approach to C for all the idioms common in industry.
K&R defines a variable you fuckface. And functions. Stop with the "experienced programmers" meme. Also that quote is shit and backwards. In C you don't memorize UB, you just leanr the beautiful and simple language, and don't do anything defined therein.
>but this book is well written
It's really fucking not. If you know C, and try to read that shit, you'll see that it's fucking garbage and does a poor job of teaching you ANYTHING.
If you're not a straight up shill, you must just have some extreme post-purchase rationalisation going on.
stop shitposting zed. SICP is difficult. K&R is not.
Youre not giving any specific reasons why the book is bad because you CANT. Half the guys who give reviews of programming books on Amazon are just like you: "This book is 'garbage' because it doesnt teach they way I think it should be done. What you dont understand is all information given to help you understand something is good whether or not you agree with the the authors views or preferences. C the Hard Way gives a lot of information about the hows and whys of C works, it doesnt just spew idioms that fizzbuzzers like you think is the pure way to understanding. The fact that you cant give any specific example as to why this book is garbage means you dont really know C nor do you have any professional programming experience but are just another basement dwelling 'expert' programmer who worships C. Again, you can acuse me of being a shill, but I think its a good book. The difference between me and you is I can tell you exactly why its a good book, you just throw stupid insults and are unable to demonstrate any knowledge at all behind your 'opinions'
Is this yet another bait thread or another legitimately retarded OP? God, there's so many idiots on this board it's impossible to tell anymore.
No, I'm serious but I think I'm just gonna read K&R after all ^^
>Too many factual problems and a presentation that gets you to do things wrongly before being shown how to do it correctly, and not even always then.
>544 pages
what the fugg is he doing?
No other C book goes into as much detail on how C is implemented. Every C book Ive read including K&R and C Programming Language just explain syntax at a surface level and leave you to investigate on your own how to program defensively. A lot of people who program in C really dont know C and are learning as they go by fixing things that break.
Seconding this
It seems to do what it's supposed to, though? Until it reaches MAXLIGNE number of characters, or until it reaches an EOF symbol, it'll keep reading in text from stdin. Once either of those conditions fulfill, it'll copy the string to a different string and do the same thing again. Finally, it prints out the last line to the inputted.
Without knowing what the exercise is about, that's what I've been able to glean from reading and testing the code myself. What's it supposed to do?
I used
>c programming the modern approach
True, but so is LCTHW.
if you use K&R these days you are a retard, unless you need to learn the old ways for portability reasons (I.E. you are a *BSD developer on the vms port or something)
>learning C at all
Read the GNU C reference, it's quite comprehensive and teaches you all you need about C
>Zed Shaw is fucking retarded.
This. Also epic macfag
code goes here
Only with brackets instead of parentheses.
> trying to learn from Zed 'Python is not Turing complete' Shaw
Don't do it, user, it's a waste of time.
>2017 still reading books