Just lied about having basic unity knowledge for a job. How much can i learn in a week?

Just lied about having basic unity knowledge for a job. How much can i learn in a week?

Don't bother, learn gnome instead

if you're coming to Sup Forums for help, none
good luck with your job interview, you fucking retard


Sup Forums is really the dark part of the internet

such an edge

get a course on udemy. They are pretty cheap and you get permanent access. Better watch dem videos fucking quick and practice

You can learn everything.
Download or buy a book, read that book, follow along with the text, then practice practice practice.
If you want to learn stuff, read books.

It's like when someone asks me "How the fuck can I lose weight?"
Well...eat as little saturated fat as possible, eat as little sugar as possible (even fake sugar), eat absolutely no trans fat, have a huge salad with some sort of meat in it for dinner, and do light exercise twice daily. In other words...eat healthy and exercise.

Enjoy your exit interview

I like your mentality user.

LOL just hang yourself now

It's really easy. There's a reason it's the default for mobile crapware. You can produce something substantial with it in under a day.

Do the "roll a ball" tutorial on their website and technically you're not lying.

So you're saying he should really get the ball rolling?

you can learn it all in 2 days if you have Musk-tier autism

>how to get blacklisted, the post

>buy course on Udemy
>download all course videos with youtube-dl
>refund course

Enjoy your free courses.

What edge?

Explain that Unity's resource manager is finicky and unreliable when you start to move outside of prefabs and into scripted objects, and that you're still trying to work out your own systems so you're a bit rusty with using Unity conventionally because you literally cannot stomach using those terrible built-in systems.

Additionally, shaderlab is poorly documented and is the worst part of working with Unity.

Wow that's both against the spirit and the letter of the law, you should be ashamed.

>being this new


I'm not sure that telling OP to just admit he's terrible is the best suggestion.

write everything from scratch in C++

The game engine or the DE?