

Other urls found in this thread:

back to r/the-racist

at least firefox is back on track while brave is a dead meme.

This is the state of this site. Just look at this post.

Congratulations reddit, you really made it, you turned this shit into another reddit.


GTFO newfag

Javascript fucked up so much shit, I can't decide who is worse.
I'll go with Eich, since SJWs don't have any impact on my life.

Fuck off to pol you stupid phone poster. Go worship your cheeto there.

Come back is amazing

dumb brain-dead leftists

>waaaaaaaah! Sup Forums isn't my /r/The_Cheeto circle-jerk! That means it's reddit!
Like most conservatards, you're none too swift.

>Literally over a decade later
>Redditors still can't format a board name
God you niggers are dumb

>Nobody mentions Trump
>Autistic shitlibs go full sperg about "MUH DRAMPFLCOPTERS" anyways

Alright alright we'll bring it back to Trump since I know you're obsessed

He IS your President.

why are these people in every Sup Forums post nowadays?

wow, canadian much?

They organize raids on Sup Forums from left wing discords and somehow get the idea the rest of the site belongs to them. None of them were here before 2015.

ya some of them got mod too I'm guessing, last week I got banned for calling google sandnigger software

Is this a new ironic meme?

There's been a couple retarded lefty mods since around 2010-2012, just use the old wordfilters and call people roody poos and candy asses. Or in your case, clock-americans.

Canadians can be ok

I get deleted posts usually about sandnigs, or poos.


>roody poos
Haven't seen this in a while.

Because we're sick of you newfag redditors.
This is a site for anime fans to discuss their interests, not for white male children to incessantly whine about how the world doesn't revolve around them.


>This is a site for anime fans to discuss their interests
this hasn't been the case for years now.

it's the only canadian worth mentioning.

slay the princess, take the dragon, save your room

>site for anime fans to discuss their interests, not for white male children

Not with that attitude

You don't see Sup Forums overrun with Sup Forums shit. There's a reason for that.

whoever wins, we lose.

yes i too am mad this is a technology board where someone is talking about technology. fucking autism.

i ironically blame the socialist jews for the feminist conspiracy keeping the whiteman down.
im a Sup Forumstard
>inb4 goy

>muh gaymergate is tech
No, it's Sup Forums.

>He IS your President.

No he's not. My PM has nice hair


>fuck off to pol you stupid phone poster

>/r/The_Cheeto circle-jerk! That means it's reddit!

Do you realise the irony in all of your posts? Niggers like you who uses shit like reddit, tumblr, and all that faggotry, came here a few years ago because you saw "the epic 4chinz trolls are funny".

You don't realise either, that you're turning this shit the same as reddit. You probably don't know, but not so many years ago, it was almost taboo to talk about reddit here. Why? Just look at your fucking posts.

And who the fuck said I like Trump? When people say "cancer of the internet" they usually don't give it much thought, but it's exactly what you are.

>complains about reddit
>uses reddit spacing


this meme needs to stop, especially because you used the same spacing in your post. people have always used extra spacing in posts to separate paragraphs. ive been here longer than you


>Because we're sick of you newfag redditors.
Get fucked you sandnigger faggot sandkike plebbit summer faggot nigger kike enabling mudslime diaper divider rough ryder cum inside her hymen popper ....

Fuck off, newfag. Sup Forums ain't your safe space.

I did use the same spacing, but I also wasn't bitching about reddit and I'll even admit I use it. I bet you've only been here since der donald started being a thing.

>go back to Sup Forums
>go back to r something
>stop being a racist
Yeah, you can clearly see who thinks this is a safe space. Free speech is what existed here before faggots like you came and find shit "racist".

I don't even know why would anyone say that, it's the default way to write. How the fuck do you write your emails?



>When a newfag complains about newfags.


>he thinks Sup Forums Sup Forums is a forum for free speech
Fuck off, this isn't technology. Read the global rules, it's pretty clear that there is no free speech on Sup Forums.

Like this entire thread? Well, anyway the mods, who came from reddit, will delete this shit anyway.

You clearly never came here before 2008 or so, before moot started becoming a huge faggot. It was free speech.

this post was a mistake

Only on /new/ and Sup Forums and the text boards. The other boards had clear board cultures and posting off topic shit would get you the ban hammer.

Everything became worse when moot killed the textboards actually. The retards on /prog/ and /tech/ started coming here instead and attempting to turn it into neo-Sup Forums

OP right now

You could call someone a nigger or a faggot, which are common ways of conversation here, without being banned.

And what did /prog/ and /tech/ had in common with today Sup Forums?

Calling each other nigger and faggot is not going around saying, "We should build an army and murder all niggers and faggots for the glory of the white race."
You newfag Sup Forumstards can't hold an on-topic conversation. You have to make everything about your goddamn racism.

what the fuck do niggers have to do with gay javascript

>The guy who created one of the biggest cancers that killed the internet

>Calling each other nigger and faggot is not going around saying, "We should build an army and murder all niggers and faggots for the glory of the white race."

This is correct. But find me a thread where this happens. You won't find it, but you can find many of the contrary. Someone says nigger or faggot, hell, even a sandnigger, and the thread derails like this with people saying it's racist and >go back to pol. You can actually even get banned for it.

>Calling each other nigger and faggot is not going around saying, "We should build an army and murder all niggers and faggots for the glory of the white race."

>But find me a thread where this happens
This thread is literally about bashing SJWs.

>And what did /prog/ and /tech/ had in common with today Sup Forums?
They were filled with underaged teens trying to be edgy by saying that Hitler was a cool guy.

You're in here crying about "muh SJWs." Guess what isn't tech? People, Guess what SJWs are? People. You're butthurt that someone made a white male resign without your permission? Call your fucking congressman. You think all SJWs should be shot? Call your congressman and get murder legalized. None of this is fucking technology.
Your endless crying about race and sex is not technology and belongs in Sup Forums.

Mate, you don't understand it, do you? It's not about joking about faggots, niggers, sjw, sandniggers, canadians, fat fucks, etc. It's about faggots whining when someone jokes about those.

/prog/ was alright, /tech/ was teen cancer, but it wasn't anything like Sup Forums. You can't say that for even /new/.

If you didn't notice, I'm not rightist, leftist, conservatist, liberalist or any fucking bullshit people invent everyday. Don't know why you're saying all that. And again, what does sex have in common with Political(ly Incorrect) discussion?

>t's about faggots whining when someone jokes about those.
That literally never happens on Sup Forums, go cry more about being censored on Sup Forums dipshit.

>/prog/ was alright
No, it wasn't and this is how I know you don't belong on this board.

>but it wasn't anything like Sup Forums.
It was all about j00 memes, so it was pre alt-right Sup Forums.


Just fuck off already.

who are you quoting

You're not "joking" about niggers, SJWs, and sandniggers, they fucking trigger you and you insist on making every goddamn post about them. Just because your entire world revolves around criticizing others to try to make you feel better about your pathetic life doesn't mean it's on-topic. Try having interests other than your goddamn self.

The reason we are discussing so much politics on g is because politics, specifically the left is invading tech.

Stop whining about people talking about it here, go whine to Google, Mozilla, Apple, github etc. They are the ones forcing their politics on tech.

I wonder.
Take your whining about it to Sup Forums.

sjws are not people

>That literally never happens on Sup Forums, go cry more about being censored on Sup Forums dipshit.
It never happened on Sup Forums. For some years now, it's been a common sight.

>No, it wasn't and this is how I know you don't belong on this board.
And still you use Sup Forums which is worse on every aspect.

>It was all about j00 memes, so it was pre alt-right Sup Forums.
I wrote sjw in the other post, but those two terms are fucking retarded, and you know it. What the fuck is alt-right? Retards? Just call them that way.

So if niggers triggered me, that means I wouldn't have any interests and my life would be pathetic? How so? How do you know about it all?

Mate, one of my best friends is a faggot. I also have some niggers as friends. What does that mean? Am I racist, homophobe, or not? Maybe I'm a closet fag? Please enlighten me, knower

>pic related it's me

They are regressive left.
But they don't need to be political at all.

So you think it's fine when they push their political agenda, but whining about it is not?

>For some years now, it's been a common sight.
I dare you to find a single occurrence.

>inb4 i'm getting told to fuck off back to Sup Forums in this thread
This thread and your posts are off topic.

>I wrote sjw in the other post, but those two terms are fucking retarded, and you know it. What the fuck is alt-right? Retards? Just call them that way.
I already do this, and I'm also calling you a retard for complaining about "MUH FREE SPEECH" on fucking Sup Forums. Read the global rules and fuck off.

>le I have a nigger and a faggot friend so I can't possibly be racist or homophobic meme
Logical fallacy - the post.

People getting banned for it is a good damn example of this fucking bullshit.

You're right about calling me a retarded for this reason, but you're the most retarded and actually the root of the problem. It's almost as if you faggots came here and tried to make it a safe space - nobody can joke about anything. If you do, you have to go back to Sup Forums. That is, even though it's all because of you damn retards.

>Logical fallacy - the post.
Can you explicitly say what logical fallacy am I doing? If I recall correctly, that'd be the case where I said someone I knew had nigger and fag friends.

I expected some info about what happened, but all I got was a couple retards arguing over who's the biggest faggot.

>People getting banned for it is a good damn example of this fucking bullshit.
Again, this is a lebanese mountain biking forum, if you want to talk about politics go to the fucking politics board.

>but you're the most retarded and actually the root of the problem
The "root of the problem" here is that you think that "muh free speech" is some magic keyword that means that you can call people niggers or faggots, it's fucking not.

The literal definition of freedom of speech is that you can say nigger or faggot without the government throwing you in jail for it.... However, other people are free to call you a fucking racist and ban you from their forums.

>It's almost as if you faggots came here and tried to make it a safe space
Racism and trolling is only allowed on Sup Forums, read fucking global rule 2.

>nobody can joke about anything
Are you claiming that this thread is a joke? Because you are clearly giving the impression that you think Sup Forums is serious business.

>Can you explicitly say what logical fallacy am I doing?
Saying that you can't be racist because you have black friends is a logical fallacy. Having black friends doesn't prove anything, other than that you're willing to socialise with black people. You can still consider them inferior because of their skin colour.

Brendan Eich chose to leave Mozilla after someone discovered that he had donated money to some anti-trans lobbying group and to another anti gay marriage lobbying group.

Blacks have genetically lower IQs than whites.

>reddit out!!!
>uses reddit spacing
are u le trolling me

Doesn't that mean that they can't help that they're acting like subhumans? Shouldn't we lower the bar we judge them on then?

Now had betters things to do


>Doesn't that mean that they can't help that they're acting like subhumans?

And what would a sound political response to this be?

Affirmative action

Since when does reddit own the practice of separating parts of a post with a blank line? Are we no longer allowed to format our text so it's easier to read? Is it only a reddit post if it's a single blank line, or any amount greater than 0?

>if you want to talk about politics
Show me where I talked about politics, please.

I'm not even advocating about free speech, as it is. But in free speech as in not having those fucking faggots, who not only make every "serious" discussion worse, but also shit threads even shittier. See pic related.

>Racism and trolling is only allowed on Sup Forums, read fucking global rule 2.
So since the beginning every fucker here disrespected the rules, if you consider saying nigger is racism and trolling.

>Are you claiming that this thread is a joke?
Yes. There are very rare exceptions of serious threads here.

>You can still consider them inferior because of their skin colour.
Let me rephrase it then. I have a faggot and niggers as friends. And I consider my friends as equals. Sounds better? Now you can understand?

On the contrary, the premise of affirmative action is that blacks are temporarily in poor economic conditions due to muh slavery but with some temporary affirmative action will be brought up to the level of whites.

The fact that their higher crime/lower socio-economic and intellelctual achievements are (partly) due to genetics renders affirmative action useless.

No, the correct policy would be to drastically limit immigration of these people.

what's wrong with racism

>Show me where I talked about politics, please.
You are talking about left and right and free speech and whatnot. This is offtopic as fuck.

>I'm not even advocating about free speech, as it is. But in free speech as in not having those fucking faggots, who not only make every "serious" discussion worse, but also shit threads even shittier. See pic related.
They didn't make this thread shittier, they only told you to fuck off with this offtopic shit back to a board that cares.

It's not their fault you got maximum triggered by being called racist. It looks like you got baited pretty hard, and you fell for it.

>So since the beginning every fucker here disrespected the rules
Well, yeah. Moot was 14 when he made this site, and yet he set the age limit to 18 years old.

>Yes. There are very rare exceptions of serious threads here.
Stop trying to justify an off topic thread with this broken logic. Just because you don't like the other threads here, doesn't mean we can't. If this board is so shit, why are you even here in the first place?

>I consider them equals but I still use pejorative terms to describe them to strangers on an anonymous anime website
Cool beans

USA already has one of the strictest immigration laws in the world though.

>implying improved economic conditions over time doesn't improve intelligence
Explain how jewish bankers are generally in the upper percentiles on the intelligence scale, if education and wealth over several generations doesn't matter at all?

>Sup Forums - Technology

>This is a site for anime fans to discuss their interests, not for white male children to incessantly whine about how the world doesn't revolve around them.

Shill left

>USA already has one of the strictest immigration laws in the world though.

1. No it doesn't, the green card is literally just giving citizenship to unskilled people because "muh diversity"
2. It isn't enforced, hence the huge number of illegals

>Explain how jewish bankers are generally in the upper percentiles on the intelligence scale, if education and wealth over several generations doesn't matter at all?

Okay, I'll hold your hand on this.

Let's assume for a minute that genetics is one reason for race differences in IQ/economic status (my hypothesis).

Does this mean that there are no other reasons for race differences in IQ/Economic status?

> Everything became worse when moot killed the textboards actually. The retards on /prog/ and /tech/ started coming here instead and attempting to turn it into neo-Sup Forums
This is how I know you're a retard.
Neither of what you said is true. Also /prog/ and /tech/ were shit because retards from Sup Forums (like you) kept shitposting there. At least they stuck on point and discussed programming/technology instead of consumer whorism.


>1. No it doesn't, the green card is literally just giving citizenship to unskilled people because "muh diversity"
No it doesn't, I'm a former Norwegian and I've been trying to get a green card for 8 years.

>2. It isn't enforced, hence the huge number of illegals
The US deports illegals frequently.

>Let's assume for a minute that genetics is one reason for race differences in IQ/economic status (my hypothesis).
It is one reason, no need to assume. It is also the dominant reason. But genetics is heavily influenced by lifestyle, and more generic natural selection. As if, when blacks start seeing intelligence rather than being good at basketball and general nignogging as an attractive trait in their mates, intelligence will climb.

Wealth and education generally tend to influence lifestyle to make such traits more attractive, as demonstrated by various European, Asian and Jewish communities.

>You are talking about left and right
No. I'm not. You faggots are the ones projecting something. I even said I don't consider myself anything about politics.

>They didn't make this thread shittier, they only told you to fuck off with this offtopic shit back to a board that cares.
I'm not even OP, but I'll keep in mind to make Javascript threads on Sup Forums, not on Sup Forums.

>Stop trying to justify an off topic thread with this broken logic. Just because you don't like the other threads here, doesn't mean we can't. If this board is so shit, why are you even here in the first place?
This is not one of those rare exceptions, but the contrary. Also, I actually like Sup Forums. I didn't say otherwise.

>Cool beans
I don't just use "pejorative terms" to describe them to strangers, but I call them that way, and they also call me names. I don't see why I'd get offended by it, neither does them. I'll ask you something, and it isn't a rhetoric question: do you have good friends?

So, almost everything you say, is just your and the other's projection against me. Look over this thread and see for yourself. The only fucking shit I'm talking about is this fucking faggotry you fucks brought from reddit. Why don't you say for anime posters? >>>/lgbtl/ for fag posters? to animal pic posters?

Sup Forums are the niggers of Sup Forums

>At least they stuck on point and discussed programming
This is how I know you never actually went to /prog/. The only "programming" posted there was ENTERPRISE QUALITY fizzbuzzes, endless bickering about Scheme/Racket and Haskell, and people calling each other mental midgets and toiletscrubbers. Even the LosThos threads was just Terry quoting Bible verses.

Niggers are the niggers of the world


>I even said I don't consider myself anything about politics.
That doesn't mean that you didn't bring up a political topic. Discussing free speech is by definition a topic in politics.

>do you have good friends?
Yes, and while I might jokingly insult them to their face, I wouldn't call them niggers and faggots behind their back on an anonymous anime forum.

>No it doesn't, I'm a former Norwegian and I've been trying to get a green card for 8 years.

>The US deports illegals frequently.

And lots of illegals don't get deported and have anchor babies.

>It is one reason, no need to assume

Glad you agree with me then.