ITT: "Idea Men"

ITT: "Idea Men"

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being a billionaire couldn't save him
perhaps the world is just after all

He didn't believe in modern medicine and tried to meditate the cancer away.

didn't he refuse to go through all sorts of treatment because he believed in alternative medicine or something like that?


Being a billionaire couldn't save him from his own idiocy

He believed in )))alternative medicine((( and thought smoking weed could cure his cancer.

He died like a redditor.

>wearing a dress
lol fag, just like his consumeer base

Apparently Steve fell for all the pajeet dogma and basically became a hindu, thus he rejected medicine for hippy shit

Hindus probably make up 10-15% of US doctors. They would not be the ones recommending him not to take modern medicine.

Nah he practised Zen Buddhism.

he was the kinda guy who would read medical journal articles himself, try to interpret them, and actually make medical decisions for himself based on the work of shitty university profs/grad students who fudged their data just to get published.

the shitty state of science literally killed steve jobs.

>He died like a redditor.
Redditors would tip their fedoras and trust in science.
He died like a Sup Forumstard who sees conspiracies in everything not-natural.

what's the difference between trusting bad science and trusting conspiracies?

Sup Forums would believe in christian science rather than herbs and water.

When you trust mainstream science that then turns out to be wrong, you can always fall back on reasonable doubt like
>I'm not an expert on the field, me doing my own research in a field full of charlatans would be more likely to result in me being misled than me finding some hidden knowledge
When you see jews manipulating everything everywhere and believe that global warming is a jewish scam/transgenderism is objectively a mental illness/race is a measurable and objective thing, you're trusting charlatans with agendas not to mislead you.

It's harder to mislead the giant group of scientists - even if you find all the cool new fad diets and produce 10 papers in their favor, you can expect 50 less biased ones to appear when you get popular.

Same shit.
Metaphysical placebo vs. herb and water placebo - the method is the same

>even if you find all the cool new fad diets and produce 10 papers in their favor, you can expect 50 less biased ones to appear when you get popular.

But a lot of people can die in the mean time. Dr. Ancel Benjamin Keys convinced the government that we should replace all saturated fats in our diets with trans fats. The guy probably killed tens of millions of people with his shitty science.

Science isn't as vulnerable now as it was back then when tobacco was "proven" to be safe.
Thanks to the internet, universities all over the world sharing data, easy access to tons of data, shilling bad science is much harder and generally only reaches the vulnerable people who prefer novelty of fad diets like paleo to boring shit like
>our research showed for millionth time the same shit that research before us showed: that substance xyz correlates with illness zyx in humans aged 22-60 blah blah blah

Wealth don't buy health

say that to the Rockefellers, they all live to be 100

>companies hate him!

>shilling bad science is much harder

the peer review process is more of a formality than ever... especially when there is so much incentive to fudge results in the publish or perish world of academics.


But to truly fudge results you need to outdo the competition.
It's easy to handwave a bunch of results unlike yours with
>their methodology was shit lol
But when your results are unlike those consistently reported all over the world where you can't shill, you will need to somehow handle that and double down on shilling to get through.

It's the safest to wait for confirmation from multiple independent sources. Sure it's slower than going for novelty, but much, much safer.
We still don't have a confirmation than EM drive actually works, even though it should be objectively testable.

They are not retarded hippies

Besides comparing Steve's wealth to a Rockefeller is like comparing my $5 dollars I earn per hour to Bill Gates fortune.

I can assure the first gap is bigger.

>Redditors would tip their fedoras and trust in science

Redditors think fracking and GMOs are bad. Euro-redditors think nuclear energy is bad.

They don't believe in science.

Why would he wear that?

And why accept taking that picture?

>And why accept taking that picture?

What's he going to do? Fight?

>Why would he wear that?

He is severely weakened by cancer.

That dress make toilet visits easier.


>modern medicine
We already got cure for cancer ?

Yes we can cure some cancers. Steve Jobs cancer for instance is one of the most easily treatable cancer and have very low death rate, but he was into the alternative """medicine""" meme for years and didn't want to go through traditional (i.e. scientific) actual medicine.

We have synthetic hearts and shit lmao

> Jobs died 9 years ago already

It feels like it was just two wtf

Steve Jobs didn't eat babies

>Michael Jackson died 17 years ago
wtf man...


he didnt accept it, the outlet that posted that (tmz iirc) got a ton of shit from apple whiteknights for "exploitative journalism"

>Implying my man Steve wasn't on the gothninja wave before the other Rick posers

gothninja was a thing practically day one with /fa/ back when it was a trial board

this was long before jobs died

But he was homosexual.
I know trust me.

you better get tested dude

>I can assure the first gap is bigger.
Can you even math?

No he didn't

Isn't that what killed Jim Henson

I wish Kevin Rose would do diggnation again
They could do Redditnation