4 glued-together desktop dies

>4 glued-together desktop dies

Sick burn, how will AyyMD ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:


markerters should be castrated

These points still stand valid though

couldn't AMD just sue intel for libel?
The chips aren't technically glued together with an adhesive like those slides imply.

This is an actual, real Intel marketing slide.

are you saying that AMD's average customer is so retarded that they would take such a bullshit statement seriously to a damaging extent that would be taken seriously in court and justify spending millions of dollars on?

>desktop dies

So xeon isn't skylake-x?

and this marketing will work. AMD could learn a thing or two on marketing

>repurposed desktop product
>glued-together desktop die
>opteron never existed, goy

People who buy server hardware are usually not impressionable Sup Forumstards who buy into marketing that looks like it was written by a teenage shitposter.

This is an actual, real Intel marketing slide.

>Xeon slides
>link about day0 gaymen benchmarks
H1Btel doing gods job at marketing.

They quite literally don't, since desktop Ryzen is quite literally a repurposed server architecture. EPYC was the real focus all along.

AMD has no gaems

Work on who, exactly? Dumb gaymers who eat shit like this up, but have no chance of ever owning one of these things? Companies like Microsoft and Samsung are already on board. A few Intel marketing slides aren't going to change minds.

You know they know that they're fucked when their slides intended for investors and industry partners look like Pepsi ads.
>Coke is so lame
>only uncool people drink Coke
>p-please buy Pepsi, it's totally hip, I swear

>multiple dies is bad
>it wasn't bad when we did it with Pentium D though
>just because our implementation sucked means it'll be shit

>on multi billion corporation slide

haha, somebody going to buy them out for millions now



Here's the rest of them. Most of them are relatively normal (by Intel standards).

>single die

That's the fucking problem nigger. Enjoy your 1% yields and excessive nerf'ed binning to salvage the rest....

> What is dual-socket?

>Software and programs used in (((testing))) have only been optimized for Intel™©®π¶ processors

$INTC isn't even up 1%, even Intel shareholders aren't buying this joke

>we have a single die!
>but plz buy 8 sockets worth!

this is even more pathetic than the average butthurt /r/impeachtrump post on reddit KEK

Intel has gone one step above JUST

>gaming performance is shit
>server cpu


>look like Pepsi ads

Hey now intel still has a way to slide before that happens. Hopefully Zen 2 makes them hit that level.


They sure like to stress the fact that it's a desktop CPU even though it was clearly designed as a server CPU.

post more slides

Doesn't ryzen have lower core to core latency than Intel's bingbuss?

At least on high core count Intel chips.

god damn it I still have the pdf of the pepsi advertising fuckery

Holy shit, (((they))) look so desperate. AMD should sue for libel.

I agree

you sue because you can make money out of it.

Somebody filling this in yet?

>pull out a gaymen quote


So you were saying AMD marketing was terrible?


This is almost unbelievable to see happen from Intel. Holy shit they are getting wrecked so hard they don't even know what they're doing anymore. Doing borderline Sup Forums macro tier marketing slides and quoting gaming shit from random websites for server CPUs. They deserve everything that's happening to them.

Am I seeing this right? AMD has 60-100% better perf per watt in raytracing workloads?


AMD and Intel are toe to toe on integer, but AMD wrecks Intel's shit on FPU.

Also, Xeons turn into housefire when performing floating point workloads.

it's annudah shoah

I implore you to delete this antisemitic drivel.

How long will it be until intel shareholders start shopping around for a new executive?

These are fake and photo shop no way Intel would use such shit slides

>Muh games in server slide, muh currytech.

Intel is shitting themselves,but that doesn't mean their slide would be low quality.

It's too late for damage control, Schlomi. Those are 100% real.

top kek, Intel are fucking desperate.

Frankly I'm surprised they haven't done so already.

>Check out slides
>They were made to present the """""new""""" Xeon family to investors
>Almost 50% of them are slides attacking Epyc instead of showcasing their product and it's features
So this is it, uh? They really don't have anything to compete with Epyc, do they?

It took them 6 months to hire Mr. Fuck-my-shit-up. At this rate it will take another year.

I'm waiting how are they going to justify dem 2% yields with such a big die.

>such a big die
for you

I am not jewtel, I just cannot fathom Intel with their billions would pay for such shit marketing slides.

>Look at these ryzen gaming reviews dude but our servers

This is beyond pathetic.
>Jew everyone make billions
>Some can compete with you
>Have 6 month to get you shut together for their server market

This is all Intel could come up with gaming reviews....

This is a holocaust.
Cant wait to see Raven Ridge moping the floor with mobile Intel UVL processors at the same voltage.
That will be a butchery. And I want to see it.


D...delid this?..

why remove the RFID? why go back on that intel?

Cant, them sumbitches are soldered.

hilarioulsy c2q were better than "true" quad core phenoms

If i wasn't about to go the fuck to sleep (nearly 5AM here), I would pit my Phenom II 920 and Q8200 (both at 2.8ghz w/ 800mhz DDR2) against each other just for kicks.

To further expand, if i were to do that, I wholly expect the Phenom II to win (IMC, big fat slab of L3 cache, unified die).

What would happen if the next dies for newer EPYCs are over 300mm^2

Not that user, but these slides look so retarded I can hardly believe they come from a billion dollar company

q9xxx beat phenom 2 because phemon 2 cache is shit in compariosn
also phemons lack ssse3 and sse 4.1 instructions and it shows when you try stuff liike HEVC now

Shoah we've never seen before.

Intel has been going full retard for the last few months so go figure

>lack of ecosystem
>literally 80% of the server market as Day1 partners

>Inconsistent supplier

>Inconsistent performance
>Yet still higher than anything Intel can get with their Xeons

MUH, MUH BATTLE TESTED!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!111!111!!111

Intel are really grasping at straws.
I'm just waiting until these "statements" reach the point of Slander, then AMD just sues them

user Intel literally resorted to Sup Forums- shitposting.
What's next, frogposting?

You want frogs? I have frogs!

Yeah I know that Q9xxx beats Phenom II. However, Q*8*xxx should lose to Phenom II because of the small L2 cache size (2x2MB), which further increases contention on the FSB getting shit between the two dies and the main memory. And this particular specimen has one of the dies shit itself after 400mhz FSB no matter what settings I use.

Memes are the only way they can keep the sheep in the gaming market once Zen2 hits.
7nm leap, improved silicone, more features, higher IPC. And Intel will have no answer for it because their 10nm node is complete shit.


They do, but latencies within the CCX it's faster than either, so Intel isn't technically wrong calling it inconsistent despite theirs being slower all around

Both sucked desu.
I had a C2Q, friend had a Phenom XII. They were both truly fucking awful for any single threaded load, so basically 99.9999% of the things. FML

And with software optimisation then cores need never pull from another CCX.
That's a level of optimisation expected within server software.

It's kinda funny that used Q8xxx are now more expensive than salvaged 54xx Xeons with 2x6MB.


that's some AAA grade FUD right there

Finally an NUC that can run games.


Server cpu.... Mobilemark? Sysmark? WCCFTECH?!

Intel wtf r u doin

Kek. Not a big fan of AMD, but this is pathetic and desperate.

What if Ryzen is actually a server-tier die re-purposed for desktop?

This is pathetic. It's like a parody.

Are Intel going to get sued over this?
The arrows don't correctly display how the interconnector works. It's actually core-to-core from one die to another so it's never more than 2 hops but their illustration makes it look like it could take 3.

Technically there are only inaccuracies in their statements, nothing to declare legal war over, or if AMD did, it would be a loose claim at best.

If Intel carry on down this path though, they WILL end up saying something that gets them into trouble.

>AMD wrecks Intel's shit on FPU.
I'm going to run so much javascript

>some user from Sup Forums actually made it to intel and stopped being neet
>he is actually in charge of intel PR
>he is actually using Sup Forums memes like "4 desktop dies glued together" as an advertisement
>linking to wcctech
>full damage control all over the slides

It's like watching a thread where some intel shills try to damage control but still fails

This image is fake right?
Please tell me NBC didn't make that

Saying () though, AMD may get somewhere based on Intel's Inaccurate Representation of competitor's performance here () and may be able to push that to Slander.

This thread made me want to buy an 7500 instead of a ryzen. Thanks OP, not going to tall for the ampoor


It is.

From the start, I believe as early as 2013, you can find leaks about AMD working on a 32 core Zen MCM architecture.

The 8 core desktop CPUs are re-purposed server architecture, not the other way around.
That's why they have ECC support. That's why they're so good at hashing and other common server functions. That's why they're so absurdly perf/watt efficient. And yet despite all that, their gaming performance is also very good as well.

AMD is generally pretty quick to sue and generally seems to win, from what I've seen.
They're suing many mobile chip makers currently for infringing on their unified shader patents.
Don't know about suing over libel, though. These slides do look like libel. I think they could argue that anyone reasonably educated on semiconductor and computer science would would know these are FUD and that they instead intended to manipulated less savvy tech journalists to spin a false narrative.

> SPECint
Isn't it compiled with Intel compiler which does not use latest SSE for AMD?

t. Brian JUSTnich

>Also, Xeons turn into housefire when performing floating point workloads.
Thats what things like GPUs and Xeon Phis are for.

Patent infringements are usually black and white of "this is ours, theirs matches ours, what the shit nigga", so it's often a fairly quick and simple process with cash payoffs and licensing fees from there on out.
Something like this is purely down to interpretation of what Intel may be attempting to say.

SPECint is based on GCC