NEWPIPE 0.9.10 is out with adjustable playback speed! (APK provided now)

>using the official botnet Youtube app
>not using the open-source, ad-free, non-GooglePlay, audio-playing, AV-downloading, 4K, speed adjusting, superior Youtube player known as Newpipe.


>Add About Page #612
>NewPipe's License
>Note on how to contribute and a link to GitHub
>Copyright of the software components used including full license texts
>Add support for adjustable playback speed


>Ability to control the playback speed of the video players. Fixes #153.


>Fixed margin at the bottom. Fixes #601
>Fixes the NullpointerException described in #588

Other urls found in this thread:

only problem with newpipe is that you can't subscribe to channels but skytube takes care of that. together its a thousand times better than the official app

>you can't subscribe to channels but skytube takes care of that.

Newpipe will get that eventually. Skytube has comments, too. If they were merged into one project, it would be feature complete. Newpipe has way more useful features, though.

Go advertise your shitty app somewhere else

>using extra """"apps"""" when a browser suffices perfectly
I hate nu/g/

>he thinks everything can be done with just the browser

typical Sup Forums luddite

It still can't do livestreams, which sucks because there are YT radio stations I'd like to listen to.

it's coming

> If they were merged into one project, it would be feature complete.
Theyre both FOSS, so why doesnt anyone here do it?

How do I uninstall youtube app in android.

Because comments are cancer and RSS solves the subscription problem.

Can it do playlists now?

>When your app is so shitty it needs a crutch
Good job freetards.

1080p60 video works, so the app is golden in my superior opinion

Its doesnt even have a proper release, its still in beta. How is it golden?

You need to root your phone then uninstall it

If I can compile it, it was released.


Does it do autoplay?

I want to be able to scroll through audio only. I like to listen to Lovecraft audio books and sometimes I want to get back to where I left off.

I will never understand why someone would use this shitty app over Firefox + ublock + force desktop mode. Literally problem solved.

Because maybe I want to have an interface that's actually useful on a phone screen?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the full functionality and utility of viewing it in the browser. You only perform like 3 functions with the video anyway, pause, play, adjust quality, maybe seek to a time? I'm not using this shitty app shilled by some desperate faggot when I can have the full functionality in my already stable browser.

I like to play music or other audio from youtube in the background while I do other things, and also download videos straight from YouTube into MP3 format. The web browser isn't going to do any of those things without using a third party website, in which case NewPipe is a superior option

Because better performance, better mobile UI, downloader, no resources wasted on blocking ads.
Basically the same reasons why Clover is better than browsers. Browsers are bloat and so are modern websites.
>full functionality
That's what you get on NewPipe.

Actually, firefox has supported background playback for years.

Sweetie pie if you want literally anyone to use your app then put it on iOS k?

Tubtub does have audio only! You can found it on fdroid if you add the izzysoft repository

Just use OGYouTube you autistic fucks

That's not as good

>That logo

Ok how do I skip through the audio to find where I left off?


Ability to resize of the always on top pop up player when?

skytube > newpipe

>can't download videos or convert them to music
>no pop-up mode
>no audio only mode

Why the fuck it is root-only now?

Yeah but can it play through play lists. Or do I still have to click on each video

No, it isn't. The fuck are you talking about?

I see no updates on fdroid

Holy shit I'm a retard. I have the "show apps in grey if they require root" option, but also the ones that promote non-free shit,.

Arbeit macht frei.

>still can't subscribe to channels like on skytube
>skytube still doesn't let you download videos
why do devs do this

It's better wtf.

I tried the previous version, it was utter shit, much worse than the official YouTube app.

I'm not falling for this retarded meme again.

three separate ways to play the video is fucking ass, its not like the youtube app or youtube music app where its seamless to transition between the watching the video and playing it in the background. i cant even change the position of the video thats playing in the background, newpipe is literally only usefull for downloading videos

What can subscribing do that RSS cant?

No way to log in/find playlists?

With the audio only play and those two features imo it would be perfect

>download shitpipe
>can only play in background when hitting the headphone button
>when you hit the button it plays in the background but you can't seek
wow retarded

>log in
This is the exact opposite of what this project is about. Logging in will never be implemented and it shouldn't.

Playlists only then nigger

>becoming a reasonable alternative to the official app it's not what the project is about

What is this project about then?

popup mode also plays in the background

more audio formats when?

>listening to music on youtube instead of having it downloaded locally in .flac format

What kind of absolute fucking plebeian are you?

>Ability to resize of the always on top pop up player when?

It's already there

>convert them to music

Newpipe doesn't convert. It pulls the audio track out. No quality loss.

f-droid takes 3 days to update. the apk is in the OP link.

Use both apps, user.

>much worse than the official YouTube app.

retard spotted

It's not supposed to be "an alternative". Only a YouTube player avoiding the social media bullshit. Only 20% YouTube viewers are ever logged in.

>i cant even change the position of the video thats playing in the background, newpipe is literally only usefull for downloading videos

Background play is done 2 ways: with popup mode, and audio mode.

What I do is enable pop up mode, leave it, scroll to where I want, and go back to popup mode. I'm listening to a 1 hour show on Youtube while typing this.

>can only play in background when hitting the headphone button

This is wrong. Popup mode also plays in background and when the screen is off.

>What is this project about then?

Not being a Youtube-account holding nigger that watches ads and has to pay for background play and downloads.

>more audio formats when?

What does this even mean? It downloads the only 2 formats Youtube uses.

>he thinks everything can be done with just the browser
Not everything, but YouTube is one of those that can

You have never used newpipe, you homo. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Resize as OGYoutube does I mean.

I just use RSS to "subscribe" to channels. TinyTinyRSS is really neat.

what is lucky patcher or xposed?

>I just use RSS to "subscribe" to channels.

Same here. Not worth getting a botnet account to do this when RSS does the same shit.

Similarly, is there an alternative Google Maps frontend?



Not when you can't install extensions on mobile Chromium.

no. you have to use openstreetmaps

>audio won't save to SD Card
Anybody else have this issue?

File a bug, dude. Hope you're not saving music. That would be pretty gay. I understand saving long stuff like podcasts, lectures, and radio shows, though.





Thanks for the update OP!

I've been using this app since v0.4.0*

There really was, and still no alternatives.
>no google framework
>use external player

>caring about subscriptions
Bookmarks or favorites that are stored locally is the superior setup.
(like kodi)

>That would be pretty gay
but how can i download 2 hour of lo-fi mix from 88rising then?

you can do that...or shoot yourself for having the musical taste of a nigger

Is there a script that would pull all my subscribtions to OPML so I don't have to add all 200+ myself? I am not capable to write script like that as of yet.

Stop shilling your shitty app
When will the new version be available on F-droid btw?

why are bullying 88rising isn't nigger tier, it might be retard tier

f-droid takes 3 days

>isn't nigger tier, it might be retard tier

same shit

Why would I want youtube comments? Not having comments is a plus, I really don't want to have to see 14 year olds pretend they're on Sup Forums.

Complete shit, stop shilling this thing every new release.

Does it track history and jump to the last part I was at in a video?

No shill, I'm not going to use the official youtube app.

Have they fixed the crash on clicking on a timestamp in the description yet?

shill spotted. go jew somebody else

yes, export subscriptions under manage subscriptions.

You don't need it there. The official app is on github already.

Is this app able to pull any youtube links to itself?
Like, I mean, when I click on a youtube link in an email it goes straight to opening on youtube. Can this app change the direction onto itself?

Thank you based user


>Like, I mean, when I click on a youtube link in an email it goes straight to opening on youtube. Can this app change the direction onto itself?

Yes, just change the default link handlers to Newpipe.

Don't delete youtube though or you will lose some youtube embedding features.

>Can this app change the direction onto itself?

Android settings > Apps > Gear icon > Opening Links > then just tell youtube not to open links in this app. Then it will all go to Newpipe instead.

>1080p60fps, 1440p, 4k,
>Dark theme
>Can download video and audio
>Can play in the background without Youtube Red
>Can play 1080p on shitty internet without buffering every .00005 seconds
Youtube doesn't have this and they have professional non "Freetard" programmers, and we expect more features to come, So tell me more about how shitty it is

Thank you.

The only reason I'm considering this is because when I use the official yt app sometimes it loads too slowly due to slow connection speed so then I have to use another app(youtubedownloader) to download the video and watch it later without having to wait for it to buffer.
Also I hate that if the screen goes to lockscreen in yt, when I unlock the phone I have to wait for the video to download the rest of the video again even if it had already finished buffering it before the screen locked.
So hopefully this(or the other app that was posted) has downloading of video already seamlessly integrated.