Should I stop?

I'm learning how to program as a hobby, and for a couple months now have been making c++ programs. But everyone on this board seems to have disdain for this language. Why? Should I be learning another instead?

Other urls found in this thread:

>listening to Sup Forums

>giving an iota of a shit what people on this board think
lmao'ing at your life

First Bash, then C, then Python

You choose hard one to start from. And no, you shouldn't stop learning C++, but you should also learn a multiple other programming languages. Just remember it's easier to concentrate on one language at a time.

You should be learning assembly.


>everyone on this board seems to have disdain for this language
No one on this board does anything significant with their lives. Including myself. Keep learning C++, it's fine.

> Should I be learning another instead?
No, once you've learned one, learning the next ones are super easy, way easier than learning the first time. Nearly every programming language is related to C anyway so you'll feel at home.

However, next you should try dipping your fingers into the functional world with Javascript, which will have the added benefit of being quite employable in the future since google are determined that JS can be used everywhere to do everything even if the standard library sucks.

C++ is a perfectly fine language to learn, though it's not really the best for beginners.

Don't take anything Sup Forums says too seriously. If you're new to programming and maybe want a language that's a bit easier Python is a great choice, good luck user.

>But everyone on this board
You are so done if you are thinking like that.

C++ is hated because it is a very complicated and inelegant language. It's incredibly useful though.

it's too complex for a beginner and you probably don't need it anyway. you're probably even using it wrong because there are a couple of standard versions in general use and therefore fragmentation in codebases and resources

You are Sup Forums too/

Rule 1 of Sup*/* is don't listen to them

The Little Schemer
The Seasoned Schemer
The Scheme Programming Language by Kent Dybvig
Realm of Racket

for once, I’ll be serious here

Honestly, as some other people said, C++ isn’t made in a way it is easy to learn for beginners, especially if this is their first programming language. C++ is a very verbose language compared to others, and learning the C++ syntax at the same time as learning how to program is going to give you a hard time.
My honest advice would be what said: python’s syntax is really easy to learn, and although it is indeed slow, it will allow you to have a nicer introduction to what programming is about. Once you know your way around in Python, and once you have a solid basis for your knowledge and experience, then you can start to learn other languages and explore new fields these languages allow you to explore. You can then try to go back to C++, but don’t stay only within imperative languages, give a try to functional programming (I’d personally recommend Scheme, I never tried Haskell) and logical programming (Prolog), maybe some basic imperative programming with C.

What said reminds me of something my grandfather once told me:
“Listen to your father, listen to your mother, and act on your very own will only”. The same goes with Sup Forums; there might be some good pieces of advice here and there, but lots of its content is shitpost and nonsense, even what seems to be serious content.

Always disregard people who shits on a language without giving any reasons.
All programming languages have flaws, you should learn programming, not just the language.

I just completed my masters degree.

The only acceptable books which should go hand in hand with SICP are Concrete abstractions by Hailperin , and Programming in Scheme by M Eisenberg

They don't understand C++.
Also, you shoudl start with C --> Python --> C++ --> Java

I believe both C and Java should be known before you learn C++.
Java will teach you OOP and C will teach you the rest.

You dont ever need to learn java unless you are forced into it by work. It's trivial to learn if you know basically any other language anyway

If you want to know about object oriented programming read a design patterns book

this. also both of them before python

>If you want to know about object oriented programming read a design patterns book
this, but only after learning java

Java will teach you IDE proficiency to skip all the verbosity and boilerplate.

>For raspberry pi
fuck ARM
go x86/x64

Sup Forums just hates C++ because they want to shill Rust since they have to constantly push to be bleeding edge for no real reason. C++ is fine, and great for certain types of professional work, and perfectly fine as a general language. But like said, regardless of what you know you should learn other languages, too.

>But everyone on this board seems to have disdain for this language. Why

Because they are brainlets.

>Should I be learning another instead?

No, finish what you started.

>No, finish what you started.
you can't actually finish learning C++ because new standards come out faster than you can learn the previous ones. not only that but they also introduce new "correct" ways to do stuff so half of what you know gets deprecated

Keep going with C++, it's a really good language and has tonnes of awesome libraries.

I got acquainted with linux by using the Raspberry Pi to run samba and torrent clients. It's a great machine.

Wtf is your problem, dude?

C peepee is a crippled language and you should not be using that garbage

Don't stop, but ask yourself what value comes from using C++ over C. I find myself only caring about templates and STL.

>UTF-8 string literals
>constexpr replacing that godawful macro language
>Python-like for loops
and so much more
Writing C in the current year feels like banging rocks together in a neolithic cave