How do we fix the "numales in tech" problem?

How do we fix the "numales in tech" problem?


just shoot them. should not be hard because its mostly an american problem and all americans have guns.

The problem is bringing people's personal lives into the professional sphere.

Ban that behavior on their end and stop hunting for it on yours. "Don't ask, don't tell" had it right all along.

Reported for tangential politics.

what the fuck, thats just objectively wrong
what in the world is happening to "science"

you ever been to europe?

Is that why 99.999% of females have vagOnOs and 99.999% of males have pOnOs'?

Wait, Laci Greene is out there talking rationally about gender and shit? How long?

>you ever been to europe?
Yeah I live there and If you for a while stopped treating Sup Forums as your only source of news.
Save for the Bongistan we don't fill our lives with stupid shit like "gender justifiied toilets".

Assuming they have the required technical skills for the position then you don't. If they are capable of holding the job then you're just gonna have to put up with it and they'll just have to put up with you. People have different stances social, political, and economic issue. You don't have to agree with them but you're gonna need to learn to tolerate them in order not to make yourself miserable.

I think that's an incomplete solution. Workplaces can become unbearable over a person's microwaved lunch choices. It's unreasonable to think that people will "just have to put up with" stuff like this leaking into working hours. No one should have to put up with that, and that creep is a part of the "problem" even if it's not illustrated by the OP.

You sound like HR.

At the end if the day your fucking bones indetify you as make or female. You can pretend to be a girl all you want but if you end up in a ditch and all we have is your bones we can find your gender based on something like your fucking pelvis structure

t. Osteoligist using clover headed to Sup Forums

I suspect that the reason we have so many numales, homosexuals, betas, pink haired fat, feminist pigs and mentally ill trannies in technology is because: while normal, healthy, well-adjusted children were outside playing in the sun, having fun, learning to socialize, enjoy life and develop healthy outlooks, these mentally ill people shied away from social contact and took refuge in the internet.

Because these terrible, weak, hateful mentally ill morons spent so much time on their computers they developed superior computer skills and unfortunately were able to take over the industry and subsequently our means of communication in the 21st century.

Platforms like youtube and facebook are staffed by these awful degenerates and they push all kinds of sick agendas like transsexuality onto children and normal, healthy people are censored and blocked if ever they speak out against it (because the filth control the platforms).

Sadly though Sup Forums users are no much better as evinced by the plethora of “I’m 20 years old and never had a girlfriend” type threads.

The silver lining of this dystopia is that the degenerates that have seized our communications are usually weak willed, shy betas with little spine. They are only successful because they are hiding behind their multibillion dollar platforms.

I think the best solution is to start marketing technology to strong, charismatic, intelligent and powerful men instead of weak nerdy betas. Strong men will push degeneracy out of tech and reinstate a meritocracy where good ideas are valued over political agendas.

We need to create some kind of chadIntech campaign or something.

All that said the real problem isn’t numales. It’s the eternal pajeet that truly threatens technology.

What the fuck happened to Laci? Did Sargon's big fat meaty red pill really change her?

Did they fuck? Isn't he married? lol

he's right you sterile fuck
move to georgia

She released this "red pill?" video amonth ago or so. I just don't know if she has apologized to all of the people she's sperged on.

breddy cool image, thanks user

Accept the fact that there are people won't agree with all of your opinions. I recommend spending less time on Sup Forums to help with this

Fuck off Chad, stick to manual labor.

the atheist/gaymer/tech communities were picked by SJWs specifically for their high proportion of beta males

Damn there's a lot of niggers in Nigeria

Laci was a pedo favorite who spouted whatever her high school women's lib teachers taught her on YouTube and some Sup Forumssters got a hold of her after her subscriber count went way down and radicalized her by convincing her that being white mean she'll never be accepted as a YouTube lifestyle star

I very nearly ended up an SJW. It's all about self-esteem and getting pussy and guilt.


Except for the lewd sex. Give me more qt twink programmers to snuggle and bang.

>cut off genetalia
>still can't scrub away that y chromosome

Why is it you're an SJW or you're Sup Forums. Don't people realize that there is a wide middle ground where the three rational people left in America hang out or is politics doomed to be extremely polarized for as long as America exists as a first world power?

>doesn't know what a y chromosome is