How organized and functional is your dock? What does it look like...

How organized and functional is your dock? What does it look like? What applications have you chosen to be the most accessible?

>linuxfags, iToddlers, winbabies, OpenSTD carriers...
Anyone with anything dock-like is welcome ITT

It's time to show off those sexy dock pics, you dirty slut.

have a shortcut for whisker menu and type tgree letter for a program, enter.

Looks like shit

>not frequently multitasking between multiple applications at once, and placing your commonly used applications in a convenient and organized sequence for when you're balls deep in mouse-heavy workloads
it's like you're a faggot minimalist that fucks golden retrievers or something


Docks are just visual bloat.


>needs visual cue to know how to open an application

Its like your an autistic toddler who lacks object permanence

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood

>hurt durr... I'll choose the most inefficient way to do the thing, just because I have the intellectual ability to do so
>convenience and functionality is for brainlets
what are you compensating for? show tiny feminine penis.

t. buttmad macfag

>hurrr we has big buttonz to signify where i shud click xD

MacOS shortcuts are better than Windows ones, use them for multi-tasking you stupid fuck. There's so much capability and granular customization in that OS and you're fucking clicking icons.

>MacOS shortcuts are better than Windows ones


>typing letters for a program
>not just running a WM and having everything macro'd on a $mod(+Shift)+random_keyboard_press
absolutely disgusting

I use dash to panel, rather than dash to dock.

forgot pic related

don't really like mac, but i was given one for work, so...

delet this right now

It has mostly the stuffs I need.

I swear I was born with autism

>in mouse-heavy workloads
yes, the famous "browsing gay porn" work

it's a big load

I just have it set to only show open applications since I launch everything from spotlight/keybinds anyways.


>more like 2(You)
an 8dude back-mounted squirmer

what image editor is that? any good?

Taskbar doesn't have this issue.

It's Pixelmator. It's pretty good, has most of photoshop stuff but it can be a bit confusing (not as confusing as gimp tho). I mostly use it because it won't install a bunch of shit into my os like photoshop.

OP here, I'm wondering this as well.

also unrelated, but
>pic related
I posted that silly "if you need me I'll be in my lab" meme earlier in the thread - which I suppose could be considered as beastiality

fuck me, bros. they're readying the v&n.

[ ] Not worry

I don't have a dock.
Docks are for fags.
I do have a bar tough.

'Apple Menu' acts as a pre-OS X style menu that I can add shortcuts to whatever into. But really, any non-starbucks Mac user uses keyboard shortcuts for all Finder navigation.


Dock is for when IM bed posting and im too lazy to launch a program via keyboard

I know you can do this yourself, but don't you wish Signal would just change their official icon? It's so damn ugly.

you should make the top menu bar 3px smaller

>this side dock degeneracy

show your emacs setup

Nothing really exciting.
Emacs 25.1 with prelude starter kit and some personal touches

>not having the dock on the side and auto disappear

It's like you like losing prime real estate.

I have it auto disappear but on the bottom, left/right doesn't work well with dual monitors.

>Using a mouse to click things in the year of the LORD 2017

I use spotlight to open shit and only use the dock for already open programs to see notifications/switch between open windows since CMD tab won't let you do that


Not multitasking too much right now, but I'm usually reading my feed, using an Adobe program for work and having a whole lot of tabs oppened

I basically never use the dock. Open everything with Cmd+Space.