Which one is better? Have some basic designs that I need to come up with so what would be better for a total newbie?
Have my favorite wallpaper
Which one is better? Have some basic designs that I need to come up with so what would be better for a total newbie?
Have my favorite wallpaper
Other urls found in this thread:
one is used by professionals all over the world
the other one is gimp
A fucking auto-metaphor
>professional image editing software giant
>small room full of freetards
Which do you think?
GIMP is so unintuitive it's baffling how anybody uses it unironically
GIMP can do a lot, and can probably do what you need, don't let PS shills tell you otherwise. Notice that the main argument against GIMP is that it's not a PS clone - essentially telling you that the people against GIMP have never bothered to learn it. GIMP has never touted itself to be a PS clone.
Photoshop is so unintuitive it's baffling how anybody uses it unironically. And it's proprietary.
From what I'd heard GIMP was just photoshop free with more flexibility(?)
put GIMP in single window mode and then get to working. Once you reach the limitations of GIMP, buy a photoshop license or steal it. simple.
green is my pepper
go with photoshop, so you don't have to waste time relearn the interface.
I'm sold on photoshop. Just gonna torrent it
You haven't used either?
Photoshop has way more features and much more robust tooling and algorithms. The interface is easier to use as well.
GIMP is fine for image editing, but if you have the choice, Photoshop is a no-brainer
I haven't. Starting from scratch and see these two recommended a lot so
>single window mode
Just visit that CloverOS thread and watch a guy using GIMP struggle to separate drawings from solid white backgrounds without leaving crap around the edges. It's sad. If you can't use Photoshop, at least try Krita before GIMP.
gimp is the blind-man-describing-an-elephant reimplementation of photoshop, is the best way to describe it. you can usually, kind of, after a bunch of extra steps and unintuitive and/or "what you mean the turn signal is a foot pedal" unintuitive-for-anyone-who's-ever-used-any-competitor bullshit, perform specifically most raster manipulation tasks on a single raster.
then it comes time to place text or a logo on TOP of that raster, or work with multiple layers (say, a b&w photo blurred and tinted blue), and send it off to the printer. that's when the freetards roll out in force going "reeeeeee muh unix philosophy it's just a raster editor do your vector and effect compositing somewhere else".
in ps you double click on the logo and it opens up in a best-in-class vector editor ready to be manipulated. in gimp it's burned on the second you insert it.
in ps two clicks turns your blue tint to an orange tint. in gimp you get to reopen the original b&w image and reapply all your manipulations in order if you want to change it.
it's pretty telling that anyone with even a hobby in art will suggest using krita or inkscape, two actually pretty decent vector image editors, for raster work if you have to use Linux/BSD.
Draw a circle in gimp
Thanks lol. Fuck GIMP
So pretty much the same deal with blender, I don't know how retards defend its interface. Why does freeware always shoot itself in the foot like this?
Whats blender?
Freeware is written by people for themselves, who then happen to share it with the world. GIMP is probably 100% the way their creators prefer their workflow.
PS is written by people for profit. They create it the way the world wants it.
Learn 2 alpha channels
it doesn't always, krita or inkscape apparently at least belong in a conversation with sai and comicstudio.
but yeah a lot of it is what says, there is no reason to spend an evening working hard on gimp when an evening working hard on a paying project will buy you all of creative cloud for half a year. which leaves it at "programmers making programs to make programmer art"-tier. at least the vector painting programs can catch the interest of weebs.
A very interesting 3D program with one of the worst interfaces produced by autism
So extreme autism. Also blender started out as commercial software and they went out of their way to make the ui autistic
Blender is god tier software, better than maya or 3dsmax.
GIMP is better unless your profession is drawing circles all day.
I personally prefer GIMP over photoshop.
Back when I was using windows, I had photoshop which I used for my work.
Since moving over to GNU/Linux I've had to adapt to GIMP and I'm doing my work faster if not better.
Paint.net is better than both
I used to do everything in Macromedia Fireworks, which is now discontinued in Adobe.
Since then I use GIMP but it works like ass. It's sufficient for webdev jobs I do. But if I want to make a logo or edit a picture neatly I need to use something else.
You might want to learn how to use GIMP before you bash it.
gimp gets its hate because at least with blender, hiring a level 20 autismancer can produce amazing results. same for things like avisynth over a commercial nle suite, even imagemagick for procedural image editing.
gimp has three options: as good as photoshop at a task if you've never used any other image editor, as good at photoshop at a task if you know exactly what you want to begin with and carefully design your process around its limitations, and lolno. it's not better at anything except putting isometric photos of a green pepper on something.
there are tasks where i'll just open PdN, yes! it's less versatile than either but light and follows the same UI cues as the last 30 years of every raster editor that isn't gimp.
Can someone enlighten me why photoshop costs an arm and a leg?
MATLAB vs. GNU Octave Sup Forums?
Lack of competition.
What about GIMP?
octave is shit.
If you want a free software scripting tool for mathematics, use R
see CAD suites, POS software, OBD readers that do something other than spit out the raw code, etc. the price is "a small cut of what you're about to make with it" and then they look the other way when hobbyists, students, and evaluators "acquire" a copy.
GIMP's got issues. But so does Photoshop.
My recommendation would be to support GIMP and not be an Adobecuck. If you go to Window -> Single-window mode in GIMP that'll make your life a lot easier. The interface actually isn't too bad, but some things in GIMP are a lot harder to do than in Photoshop (e.g. stroking text). Photoshop is far more pleb friendly in this regard.
Thing that annoys me about all of these is that they kind of re-invent the wheel, so far as programming language is concerned.
I'd rather use something that's just a wrapper around an existing language like Python. That way, I have all of Python's native functionality + a library built for mathematics. I don't have to go learn yet another programming language.
I just need to create some simple designs for uni festival bannners. After that I may use it to make my own little graphics for my app and thats a big maybe. Ill just get photoshop
there you go faggot
I use both and can tell you Matlab is much more intuitive that Python for matrices. It's got its downsides too, but for what it's designed for, you get a language that's less verbose and more natural looking than Python.
You know how hard it is to make Python matrices compared to Matlab? I have to call library functions just to do basic matrix operations rather than just use * and other operations on Python.
I'm not bashing it.
I literally said, that
>Unless you're too stupid to draw circles in GIMP you should use it
>GIMP is better unless your profession is drawing circles all day.
>one of the worst interfaces produced by autism
that's just you opinion
it has a learning curve and then its good
there was some guy on yt with really good tutorials if you need help in the beginning
Prove me wrong.
It's designed for businesses where the cost of licensing is peanuts. They don't care about individual users, or whether they pirate it. In fact, they prefer you pirate it over using competing software so that when you enter the workforce, you will know exactly how to use it. Same reason why educational licenses are so cheap.
>hi im adobe
>we have alot of money
>but yet
>we cant support ps on linux
there is literally no reason to use matlab when octave exists
it's literally the same except free
if you buy MATLAB you are literally throwing money away
The entire CG industry is proving you wrong
Also I think Photoshop CS2 is free.
If you don¡t know either, just learn/use GIMP. Stay away from cancer..
It's good for liight sprite work. That's it
I honesly tried to use GIMP for some web projects. It kinda worked but damn it was hard to do simple things that I could do in PS in a matter of a few minutes.
Also, still no native CMYK support (only a very basic plugin). So no professional work in GIMP (or Inkscape for that matter but that's another story).
I don't like Python, but the correct answer is NumPy + SciPy + SymPy.
It's not free, they've taken down the license servers and put the license code online with a text saying if you've bought it you can use this code to active it.
I learned to use Gimp 10 years ago and every time I try to use Photoshop I feel retarded because I can't find anything I want. It's also harder to use a graphics tablet with it if you're on Windows and have some chink tablet like huion.
there are some plugins for gimp, i havent used them but i hear it makes green peppers on steroids
Blender has the worst workflow of any 3d software though
Gimp is serviceable to do most tasks, but its not photoshop
I don't think the creators of GIMP actually do photo manipulation or design at a even a decent hobbyist level.
>Why does freeware always shoot itself in the foot like this?
Because people that know what they're doing in graphic design and photo manipulation are expensive and they're never going to work for free. Adobe has money to pay them, GIMP and freetards do not.
> $9.99 a month
> expensive
Linux is shit for design work and no designers give a shit about Linux. Poor font rendering alone makes it impossible to do any serious design work on Linux. Not supporting Linux is probably the simplest business decision they've ever made.
I work as a graphic designer and I like Linux.
If Adobe products were on Linux I would never go back to OSX.
>Poor font rendering alone makes it impossible to do any serious design work on Linux
Did you even try a linux distro in 2017?
Yes. They're all still awful.
Is this awful?
this. Same with Scribus.
I try to use GIMP but my autism is seriously triggered by its toolbox. Photoshop no problemos. why?????
You can change the theme in gimp, but your'e just too attached to photoshop.
They're about the same unless you obsess over circles and are unable to install a plugin. Adobefags get upset that a different program has different layouts and shill photoshop.
If you wanna simplify your vector math in py, make a vector object and use operator overloading
Write it once, and you're good. Makes things much nicer
Been using gimp since 2010 and It suits my needs for light image editing.
Photoshop is objectively archaic and crappy for anything that isn't printing-related work.
It's crap for photo retouching, which is a glorified image processing chain with 5% of manual editing. It needs node-based editing, not photoshop layer-based interface.
It's crap for UI layout and prototyping, the new artboards are buggy and un-intuitive, it's still a bloated mess.
It's crap for painting, because it doesn't have infinite canvas, physical simulation and many other things that are common to digital painting software.
etc etc etc
but gimp is 10000 quadrillion times worse, and is a total abomination
more pics like this?
comfy for background
GIMP user for half a decade and counting but sadly PS walks over it.
Octave if you're just doing numerical calculations.
The only reason to use Matlab is if you're going to interface with hardware and use simulink.
Both need to die.
Python, Julia etc will replace everything.
But MATLAB won't die in 100 years because it has a shitton of ready-to-use code for all kinds of specific applications written for it. Octave doesn't have it and is barely usable for this reason.
Depends what you want to do. If by "designs" you mean icons or a logo for your website or something like that, just use illustrator.
If you're doing light photo editing and retouching for your own personal things, I'm sure gimp is fine. If you want to do professional/industry level editing then you're going to use photoshop