How do we save him Sup Forums? Is there any hope left for him?

How do we save him Sup Forums? Is there any hope left for him?

his waifu is gone it's too late

what happened to her

go away fake dianna.

also to answer your question.
NOTHING. you rotten pieces of shit just sat around while some SUPREME faggot/s ruined everything. I pray everyday Terry gets committed so he, his family, and the people that care about him can finally have peace. If i ever see a single one of you cianiggers pretending you care again im going to remind you.

Keep praying buddy. That'll help.

>save him
from what? fucker is having the time of his life, drinking beers and partying with Mr. God every day

Got a black boyfriend I think. Or at least got a boyfriend. Or maybe it was Terry who sent nudes to her, so she blocked him. Not sure though.

>you rotten pieces of shit just sat around
Oh yeah? and what the fuck did YOU do, huh? Fucking smug bastard.

Committed for what?


Found the autist

honestly. if you guys put some money in for a drum set hed be fine. knowing youre all neets thatll be impossible

i feel very bad for him

*tips fedora*

contacted his local authorities on a few occasions.

he cannot care for himself and his mom looks like the reaper is stopping by for bridge next week. That way he will be free of the reddit brigade.

found the cianigger

Why is it so hard for you faggots to realize the problem?


He's completely aimlessly going through the day. If you want to help him, give him a purpose. Find a way, if you're a fan of him. He obviously isn't able to and this will end badly, there's no doubt.

Maybe tell him to churn out some applications for his OS that streamline the connection to the heavens more or I don't know.

he began to really shit the bed when he "finished" his os. he needs a new project.

Tell him to build a heaven communicator using a raspberry pi which he will program and put together too and also making use of his CNC skills for making the case of the whole gadget

>contacted his local authorities on a few occasions
you're a fucking idiot
>he cannot care for himself
he cares for himself just fine, go wipe your own ass and stop worrying about terry's

I don't understand. Sup Forums as a whole pisses on people with mental illness, but you would eat this fucking lunatics shit with a knife and fork if he asked. What gives?

I wondered the same but I guess it's because in a lot of ways this whole thing hits too close to home for many on Sup Forums. the icing on it is morbid curiosity of course like with Chris Chan

>he began to really shit the bed when he "finished" his os. he needs a new project.
TempleOS 2.0 needs to be built now. 1280x800, 32-bit color, networking, and a 200k LoC limit.

o and 60fps

how do you nerds expect to help him when you can't even help yourselves?

>TempleOS 2.0
It's at 5.03...

user already sent him a drum set, nigger.

God wants 16 bit color 640x480 summerfag

chill with the fucking celery jesus fuck



his purpose is to entertain God you pompous fuck and he's doing a damn good job of that
>Maybe tell him
maybe go fuck yourself, he's not your puppet to do programming projects for you