Let me share my insight to you

let me share my insight to you.

android users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by bashing on apple all the time

windows users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by playing video games

linux/ubuntu users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by showing off their cool looking desktop

apple users don't need to do all that stuffs. they're comfortable already with just using it and not bashing on others, playing games, or showing off their browsers. that's the prize of using apple products : fulfillment. you need to get into hobby to find meaning in using linux, android, or windows. using macbook, you only need to worry about non computerial stuffs like whatever your job is. it all makes sense now. apple users don't need to justify their existence and enjoyment anymore.

i'm glad i'm an apple user and i don't feel bitter towards others

If you are fat you can't complain about how fit you are. it's the same with apple users.
Most Android/PC users who keep saying Android/pc is much better and apple sux are people who couldn't afford an apple product.

Sounds like daddy's wallet is funding your ego.

what if I have the money but still decide to use a GNU/Linux distro on a ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 5 and Android on an Samsung Galaxy S8+?

>he needs his parents to help fund the purchase of a macbook
kek, wintoddlers in a nutshell

first, it mainly apple users looking down on everyone, express any time how bad and poor everyone else is and showing of the apple logo by every chance.

while everyone knows you've got less professional software than windows, at this point even less games than linux and while you use an just an PC or Smartphone like everyone else, you're clearly getting ripped off by it's price but instead of admiting how cucked you are, you again put others down for being "poor and jelly". Did I forget something?

There's I want to do in a phone besides the company apropiate.


I'm actually a loonix user.

>apple users don't need to do all that stuff
Because apple users can't really do anything


Fucking kek

>apple users dont need to do all that stuffs
yet here you are

let me share my insight to you.

apple users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by shilling and post purchase rationalizing their fruity toddler toys all the time

PC users don't need to do all that stuffs. they're comfortable already with just using it and not bashing on others, shilling their garbage, or showing off their fruit collection. that's the prize of using PCs : fulfillment. you need to get into hobby to find meaning in usingfruity toys. using PC, you only need to worry about non computerial stuffs like whatever your job is. it all makes sense now. PC users don't need to justify their existence and enjoyment anymore.

i'm glad i'm a PC user and i don't feel bitter towards others

Then you probably won't complain about how "iPhone sux macs sux ndroid linux 4 lif"

It's because they don't have a thing they're better at except simplicity that has the disadvantage of lack of functions. Apple products are for the type of normies that throw away their laptop because it asked for drivers update

this. if only apple was cheaper, EVERYONE in this board will be buying Apple and have their lives be fulfilled

lmao we call you poor because you can't shut up about how ours is shit.

> showing of the apple logo by every chance

yeah and how is that not okay compared to showing off desktop or stickers ? what, should i cover the logo on my laptop so that i can be a good person again ?

If you are technology illiterate you can't complain about how tech savvy you are. it's the same with apple users.
Most Apple users who keep saying Apple is much better and can't figure out PCs are people who couldn't figure out right click.


i play games in PS4 because computers are not for playing games. even if i want a gaming computer i could just buy one. that's all, i don't do anything else, i'm not into other stuffs.

if i was into coding and scripting, it must be because i'm poor and socially anxious and it makes me hate anything that normies own. damn, i don't want my life to be that bitter

and regular people don't give a shit what device you use.

no. they are simply people who can't code or script. because in order to have a good time in using windows or linux you'd have to be tech savvy, and tech savviness is a special hobby. it's not something common and usual that everyone should be able to do

by that logic, Sup Forums isn't regular people

I am not saying apple is better. I don't use any apple product because they are unusable for me. I'm just saying that people wouldn't have been talking about apple vs google/Microsoft this much if apple products weren't overpriced

You could tell that much just by glancing at the catalog


this. if it's so bad that no one wants it, it would be talked about if it was overpriced. it's overpriced and everyone talks about it, because they like it and want it

>it would be talked about if it was overpriced
i mean it wouldn't

Apple products are the type of stuff you buy to your parents so they wouldn't tell you to come and fix the laptop to see that it's only asking for update.

no it's for everyone who are not tech enthusiast. like i'm not a hacker or a coder, okay, so there's no reason to buy windows or linux, cus you always have to need someone's help if something goes wrong. computer/programming is NOT my hobby. i have no time for it. i shouldn't have. i'm not a selfish neet. i shouldn't be.

>i'm glad i'm an apple user and i don't feel the need to brag about it

lmao why do you assume i'm a teenager ? i'm not bragging and i'm not even pursuing women.

I have an iPhone, an Android tablet and a Windows gaming (gtx 1070) PC.

I feel life is without meaning and I'm just entertaining and wasting time until I die.

Apple users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by owning the most expensive (or overpriced) technology, regardless of its actual capability, and then attempt to feel superior to others who didn't do the same by assuming they simply couldn't afford to do so, when the reality is simply that others are better informed.

All of my this

I am an Android user and I own a MacBook Pro

>Thom Yorke is an Applefag

but that's wrong. we use apple for ourselves, not for other people. we don't need to show it to other people. just owning it makes us feel good because we know that we're using a premium thing

Every Windows laptop I've ever owned has become utter shit in under a year. Always. Plastic, overheating, fingerprinty mess. I finally picked up a Macbook Pro in 2012 and haven't looked back since. Not even once. I finally just retired it for a new 2017 15". The things are fucking dreams. And guess what, I can run Windows on them if I want to. The only people I ever see bitching about the Mac/PC "war" are butthurt PC fags who can't comprehend that something can have value greater than the sum cost of it's components.

Because Apple users never show off.

ppl fell for the bait?!

Like not most people buy iPhones and MacBooks to show off how rich they're

Can you try that again in English?


Most apple users are "creative types" that think they have money to buy a $1500 laptop but really don't. Having expensive things isn't a sign of having money in this case, it's not knowing how to use what little money they have.

And yeah I know I took the bait

Selbstmord begehen

This is meaningless crazy talk, none of it matters, normal computers have top of the line specs, apple does not, literally no point in using them if it throttles to death before doing any extensive tasks.

lmao omg you guys are so delusional. you literally believe in stuffs that doesn't happen. no apple users actually think that way. you people are like liberals trying to make sense that trump is a russian agent. like, it's not logical. it's not logical to think that we buy apple only to show off how rich we are.

but a low spec apple is still faster than a high spec windows. that's the direction of windows updates, to be what apple is.

>compares 200$ laptop to 2500$ mac
Kill yourself

In Psychology it's called projection. They see an Apple user and their own insecurities (namely financial) cause them to create a caricature to lash out at and validate themselves as superior. This all happens in their head, like a crazy person.


Gaming, vr and multitasking

That's English

apple aren't made to compete with anyone. they're made to just serve people who are just accustomed to the way apple works. do you think apple made the finger scan thing to compete with android ? no, they made it to ease the apple users. not to compete. apple never answered to anyone's competition. but somehow everyone is competing against apple and doing whatever apple is doing.

There are kids on here that havent grown up yet and bought themselves a macbook?

>Gaming, vr
apple was never targetting to gamers. they believe that computers aren't supposed to be used to game. they're just in the computing and productivity zone.


if you force yourself to get into coding and scripting and gaming only because you can't afford a macbook, then you're the kiddo one.

I live in a 3rd world country and here people with iPhones just open their phones swipe between apps and close it again when people pass by just to show that they have an expensive iPhone

lmao you fucking stupid. people do that because they want to escape awkwardness or boredom.

Here are my two cents on this issue. I have a very nice custom PC I built myself (GTX 1080 i7 6700K etc. It's a beast) I also have a Thinkpad and an Android phone. I noticed I was spending way too much time playing Vidya games and browsing 4chins and that I had been sucked into the "lifestyle" of the Otaku/NEET person. This is the complete opposite of what I want in life. I should be using my time working out, being social, finishing college and getting my career started. So what have I done? I've put everything up for sale and I'll be switching to a MacBook and an iPhone....that's it, that's literally all I need, minimalism just the bare essentials I don't need this fucking $3200 NEET shrine to sitting on my ass getting fatter and wasting my life machine which is literally ruining my life. I've started working out again and I'm getting my life back on track. I've found that Apple products are focused more towards being a healthy productive human and being just a tool for getting shit done instead of spending hours obsessing over every little detail of processor speed and framerate and whether your system is more powerful than the other guys machine and ricing Linux etc. Normal people don't spend all their lives trapped in their bedrooms playing videogames and arguing with strangers about technology. I'm fucking done with this bullshit. I'm gonna go play a really awesome game called REAL LIFE 2017 EDITION. Wish me luck.

PS. Come join us on /fit/......we might just save your life.

4 cores vs 18 cores
16gb ram vs 256 gb ram


For fucks sake this. Normal people use whatever tech they want and give literally two shots whether someone use Mac/iPhone or PC/Android but these crazy fucks lash out at Apple people because they feel threatened or some sad shit

I do that on my Nexus Android phone. It's literally a new form of autism and occurs when someone doesn't want to interact or make eye contact with another person. I did the same thing when I had an iPhone and no, I wasn't trying to show off

>Apple can't compete with other and they aren't the best but we still buy from them because fuck you

still faster and no 'not responding -> end task' ever

it's okay to like apple. stop with the normie hating thing, yes, i don't enjoy things that normies enjoy, but i don't have to hate them in order to justify my comfiness. macs are comfy, fa m

but that's wrong. they're not competing, doesn't mean they can't. they just choose not to.

also open source is communism. fuck that shit. there's nothing sincere about "i create this freely for people to enjoy because i care about people. fuck rich people ! abolish private property !"

Then why aren't they competing? There's no reason to not compete except being a greedy jew or not being able to compete

Not the guy you were talking to....but yes Apple does compete just look at how all these companies try to copy Apples shit all the time. Apple makes popular premium hardware for people willing to pay a price for an easy and reliable system, that goes for hardware and software. Apples hardware is the most reliable you can get, and you can turn around and get a ton of you money back when you sell for the newer model. Sounds pretty damn competitive to me senpai


Good joke.

hackintoshing is a thing, user.

wtf is that, autist ?

I'm not showing off my desktop, I just do the tech work using my tools.

I'm not bashing on Apple. Apple is just making money on technically illiterate people.

I'm bashing on those people who are too stupid to use Linux / Android and don't understand what are value for money, freedom of choice and flexibility.

not all creative type are gay mac fags. 3D artist for an example, they need a powerful machine and easy customizable machine. most likely pc user.

graphic artist, music, web designer. mac may be.

I want the best product for the cheapest price.

I use an iPhone because I want my phone to just work, and to provide privacy. There isn't a cheap option that offers that, so I'm willing to pay more.

I use Linux Mint because it just works and provides privacy, and is much cheaper than MacOS.

It's not about pushing anyone to anything, in my opinion. It's just about serving my needs.

>brand tribalism

Neck yourself. Macs and more importantly, macOS is fucking brilliant. I obviously can't rely on Loonex for anything critical or even normal, it remains a tinkering OS. Windows is a joke in comparison to even Snow Leopard from fucking 2009. Its a premium experience hence the premium price. Developing and maintaining your own OS isn't free, for all you mouth breathers who think its the hardware that's expensive.

I'm glad you're happy with it. I, myself, am not pleased with MacOS, although I'm pleased with iOS.

>let me share my insight to you.
>android users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by bashing on apple all the time
>windows users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by playing video games
>linux/ubuntu users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by showing off their cool looking desktop
>apple users don't need to do all that stuffs. they're comfortable already with just using it and not bashing on others, playing games, or showing off their browsers. that's the prize of using apple products : fulfillment. you need to get into hobby to find meaning in using linux, android, or windows. using macbook, you only need to worry about non computerial stuffs like whatever your job is. it all makes sense now. apple users don't need to justify their existence and enjoyment anymore.
>i'm glad i'm an apple user and i don't feel bitter towards others

Bashing on the users and being bitter, nice one paid Apple shill you're really gonna get some people to change their minds on this Mongolian carpet weaving website

>nice one paid Apple shill
omg are linux users always this paranoid ? if apple care about gaining market share, they would do it classier

Bet you're an Americuck

>android users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by bashing on apple all the time
>windows users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by playing video games
>linux users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by showing off their cool looking desktop
>apple users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by telling everyone how """"comfortable""" their OS is, but neglect that the OS doesn't compensate the fact that the inferior hardware is 4 years behind and 4 times more expensive


i use apple products because they just fucking work and they are really easy to use. they hardly ever crash. i work at an electronics shop so obviously i know how android and windows phone work (and i've owned phones with both OS;es) but when i bit the bullet and bought a 5S i'm never going back to anything else.

all my friends complain how their apps and shit crash so much on their windows and android phones, the all have some fuckweird bugs on apps and the OS as well.

after i switched to 5s i also bought a macbook and i use it every day, much more than my gaming pc.

let me share my insight with you.

Linux users dont need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existance they all told you the matirx was real and to follow the white rabbit.

PC users build stuff with propreitary blobs and proprietary firmware, shilling their garbage, whilst linux users happily show off their fruit collection. Their prize of unlocked gadgets to justify their existence and enjoyment of watching PC and Apple user's sqwirm whilst linux users rally against their own simulated reality in disgust.

>inferior hardware
still faster and smoother

i'll whote myself here. Nothing to add.
>apple users need to find meaning (or compensate) in their existence by telling everyone how """"comfortable""" their OS is
>by telling everyone how """"comfortable""" their OS is
>how """"comfortable""" their OS is

Used mbp is starts around 100 usd here, with shiny gma945.

My sides on suicide watch

how does that answer anything

if (You) are too retartded to grasp that, i'm at loss for words. Take pic related.

I use Fedora 25 on a XPS 13 and love it. Yes, I have used macOS extensively on a MBP. Yes, I think it's inferior.

Stay mad.

probably because you despise normie culture

But the best games need computers. Anyone remember the console versions of CnC. Yeh they were really shit. What about the console version of Supreme Commander? oh yeh that shit doesn't even exist because it isn't even possible.

>Apple users are fulfilled
>Im an apple user
>Let me make a blogpost about how fulfilled I am
What sort of mental gymastics is this?

The daily life of someone who buys a $2500 facebook machine

Not at all. It's just better for the work I do. Sorry that upsets you so hard.

Sounds like you're the joke seeing as you can't even Google the fucking statistics on the reliability of Apple products, dipshit. Stay mad and poor

>people who disagree with me are poor!

I love how your comeback completely avoids the fact you're so retarded you can't even do a simple Google search to see just how reliable Apple hardware is.

>Waaaaaa he called me poor waaaaaa!!!

>waaaah you're supposed to google sources for my own dumb claims waaah

>Wahhhh I'm gonna keep shoving my head in the sand because I don't want to believe Apple hardware is reliable!!!

It's well known, user. But I guess you don't know anything about tech do you?

>still zero sources for his dumb claims