This is Rajeesh

This is Rajeesh

Say something nice to him Sup Forums

i like your smile rajeesh

Nice hair, Rajeesh. It almost matches the lure of your eyes as they're enlightened by your specs

good persanality I like you ranjeet

why does everyone hate Indians ? because they can't compete with Indians ?

sirs pls do not making INDIA jokes....... thank u good morning.........

tfw no Rajeesh bro to eat curry and drink kingfisher with

Hi Rajeesh, sorry so much, I have something important to ask you but I am required to ask nicely, so if it pleases you... I just wish to inquire, why it is Rajeesh, that you do not defecate in a purpose-designed receptacle for defecating? Thank you so much, have a nice day.

Are you reading this thread? We love Rajeesh.

I think Rejeesh is a cool guy, eh does the needful and doesn't afraid of toilets

Why are you browsing Sup Forums instead of shitting in the middle of the street?

Windows 10 finally convinced me to delete my windows partition and go full linux. Thanks Rajeesh!

Defecate in the lavatory.

>tfw consultant that gets makes $300k a year to fix the spaghetti code created by pajeets like Rajeesh
Thanks for the business Rajeesh

Rajeesh, I fear for your hygienic practises. Poo in the loo for your own sake.

Hi , why all hindi people are smart...i really admire them.

Fuck you rajeesh. Have a nice day nonetheless.

I've never met a more hard working individual than my man 'Jeet, he never stops doing the needful.

Indians are uneducated rapists :( I'm a femanon, btw

Indians only study IT because it's a sure way to get permanent residency and then the path to citizenship. Any retard who thinks they were keen on staying in IT doesn't know shit about indians. They just want to become citizens to bring their family over so they can claim welfare.


i want to fuck illya

get ready to get raped m'lady

I don't live anywhere near those animals.

i live near u tho
prepare ur pucci


>decide to live with 500$ a month instead of a good paying IT job you already have

India will be the greatest pooperpower by 2020

ok trap

rajeesh, your tickets are accurate but you need to work on your speed.