Who wins, Sup Forums ?

who wins, Sup Forums ?




>buying anything but x86

So, left?

Neither. Buy a thinkpad and install xubuntu

it says "elegant and easy operating system" but we all know that in order to have fun with linux you'd have to be a programmer. linux is neither gamer nor creative people friendly

Obviously I'd pick the Surface because it's a real computer. The iPad is just a shitty mobile cuck device running cuck OS

neither. ipad is a great tablet, but not a laptop replacement. surface tries to be both, but does neither well

i think all tablets should be semi-computer. because the whole point is to be artist/designer friendly but ipad has always been like the bigger version of iphone. windows is, well, windows, fucking cheap ass laggy bullshit.


>bigger iphone
that's all what i need from a tablet. I am mostly using it for web browsing, watching videos on a train, reading mangas, pdf books, presentation slides. I am not using it for programming or similar stuff, for that i have a laptop

>linux is neither gamer nor creative people friendly
Hence the 2% market share.

did you mean gentoo?

iPad because:
> A10X is faster
> 120hz display
> double the battery life
> iOS 11 is fucking great for tablet
> TouchID, iPhone 7 camera
> quad speakers
> ARM is the future
> this thing will last more than 5 years while Surfaces will shit the bed whithin 2 years
> literally half the price, you can get a better laptop with the remaining money if you really need fucking Windows

>Surface """Pro"""
More like Poo

>Obviously I'd pick the Surface because it's a real computer.
Then you have no reason to choose the underpowered Surface instead of a real laptop. It offers nothing that's not available on dozens of other Windows devices, cheaper and better supported.
The iPad is an alternative to "real" computers.

>> this thing will last more than 5 years while Surfaces will shit the bed whithin 2 years
Meanwhile Rossmannn is going to retire off macfaggots because of how often Apple's shit breaks for no reason.


The Jews

Even Rossmann says the retina Macbooks are pretty reliable, the shitty ones are mostly from 2010 because of the shitty GPU. Also, he fixes a lot of water damaged motherboards, so not related.

The Surface is a lot shittier than a Macbook for him as well.

Whoever supplies em with all the glue used to keep those things in one piece.

Yeah. And if there's someone here who identify itself with a gamer or a creative person that can't install fucking linux they should go fuck themselves.

>The Surface is a lot shittier than a Macbook for him as well.
The Surface doesn't exist in his universe.

Not the consumer, in my opinon. It's just the new age Slimline PCs. Overpriced and underpowered in the name of saving space.

xps 15" and gen 1 12.9 pro here for school.

The ipad doesnt replace a laptop. It replaces textbooks and carrying around a bunch of shitty binders full of notes.

The one that's an actual computer rather than a fischer price toy

The iPad. It's more of a computer than the surface unfortunately.
I don't know surface models by heart but if the one in the pic doesn't have Windows s the next iteration will which makes the software choices more limited actually. iOS now has a file explorer, go figure. MS is really messing it up again. They usually do when it comes to hardware.

>more of a computer than the surface
please tell me this is bait

Again dunno which surface is that but you can do more with iOS than Windows S because the Windows appstore is a fucking wasteland.
If the surface model in the pic doesn't run Windows S it will soon enough.

why would I install the actual worst os

iOS is lacking in several fields. General user's can get away with using an ipad as a laptop, but some can't.

>not inviting android to the competition

The only surface product that runs windows 10 S by default is the Surface laptop, and even then you're not locked into it if you wish to switch to windows 10 pro for the full desktop experience.

>> A10X is faster
Hehehe, you're one of those idiots. Protip, this is simply not true. Also, inb4 geekbench. That's not a benchmark.

I don't get it. Why do people think Linux is hard?
I started when i was 12 and knew nothing about shell scripting.
(i saw screenshots and was hyped)
I started with Ubunto and it was easy as shit to get everything working.
Nowadays i still use Linux without any knowledge in coding.
I have learned a bit CLI over the Years, but thats because it's faster to type in a command than to navigate menuss for minutes.
I tried Windows 10 a few Weeks ago, and it was buggy as hell. It crashed during install and i couldn't get sound to work.
When i started using it, it was slow and clunky and installed random software i didn't even want.I also had to google the Software i wanted to install and then i had to trust some .exe file to do what the dev says it do to. The CLI is a joke and this whole exlerience took 1GB ram.

tl;dr Linux is more user friendly than Windows

>will get updates for 30 years an continue to function fine
>will keep getting linux support beyond that too

>gets updates for 1 year before fucking everything lags so bad that it's completely unusable
>keyboard input lags for 20+ seconds each press, something no real computer has or ever will suffer from


> A10X is faster
> iOS 11 is fucking great for tablet
> TouchID, iPhone 7 camera
android had those before
> quad speakers
unless you need to blast your shitty 96kbps hip hop music into the night, why do you promote this loudspeaker bullshit?
> ARM is the future
> this thing will last more than 5 years while Surfaces will shit the bed whithin 2 years
> literally half the price, you can get a better laptop with the remaining money if you really need fucking Windows
laptops are meant for productivity, not tablets

Have you never tried to install Adobe Flash in Linux?

Both shit. Just buy a laptop, geez.

an ipad pro plus linux laptop is the master race of portable computing.

>not the 120Hz iPad Pro
Surface Pro, not even a contest.

anyone can install anything. but can they run linux with all that codes ? only CS students can do that

Surface: can do real work
Ipad: can play angry birds and use up scaled phone apps


nowadays everything is in the cloud my nigga

Why yes, many a time.
$ sudo apt install flashplayer-mozilla
>restart browser
>just works

To me the 12.9" iPad Pro has always seemed too big, maybe the 10.5 will present a better size.

deprecated and useless

which is the exact kind of people that should fuck off Sup Forums

>comparing an actual computer to a children's tablet primarily used to play angry birds

It's another apple shill thread with OP replying to himself.

The real question is why anyone would WANT flash? It actually was installed, along with a bunch of other shit, in Mint, and I turned around and uninstalled it.

I may firejail FF, but that doesn't mean I need to go around looking for trouble.

Hard to say. Surface is better, but it's not a laptop, it can only look like a laptop on a flat surface. Its tablet controls aren't as good as iPad controls, but iPad is worse in terms of supported software.
Surface: tough love
iPad: "pro" toy

tab s3 is only somewhat better than the ipad "pro".

I'd still chose the surface pro because of the x86 processor and an OS for adults with jobs. Besides, if I wanted to play angry birds that badly I'd just launch bluestacks.

>x86 processor
>being this cucked to a meme ISA
Good goy.

Doesn't matter, we lose either way.


He hasn't said much about the more recent Macbooks because most of them are still covered by warranty, so they don't turn up at his place unless the user has done something to void the warranty.

And he is missing some schematics still.

not everyone is interested in scripting.

I was thinking iPad Pro 12.9 256GB or DELL XPS 13 9365, went with the DELL after all. It's just more versatile.

>having apple device AND non apple device together

explain. iphone works wonderfully with macs so idk man. if you can't smoothly transfer songs from one to another device then it's not meant to be together

unless you're a criminal

> iphone works wonderfully with macs
And so it does without it. It's not about iPhones, though, he said "iPad Pro". Tablet is the thing you can live without, so it does not matter if it "integrates" or not.
I personally use Pro 9.7 for handheld games and web, everything important is non-Apple.

>an OS for adults with jobs
yes i know ""programmer"" is a job, and cafe owner or clothing shop owner isn't

>a tablet versus a laptop that is literally the match to MBP13

The 9365 is a 2in1. It's not the normal laptop model. But I guess you are right.

>marking up technical drawings or documents with a laptop

You're really activating my almonds senpai.

Is that a Surface?
You had to hack around or it works just fine?

ipad pro.
surface a shit. A SHIT!

You know people get work done on x86 processors, right? Also you can run angry birds on it. On ARM you can play angry birds, that's about it.

Oh you mean those gay cafes and clothing stores that you frequent often?

>ipad for very impressive hardware
>surface for actually doing work
It's pointless having the most powerful mobile processor available if you're locked into ios. at least give me macOs to take advantage of that shit.

>cucking yourself into falling for intels memes

spend $200 more on the laptop for an even better one and then completely nullify the surfacebook

Some of us have actual jobs billy. It's nice that mommy lets you stay in your room all day long playing cash of clams all day long but some of us have to work for a living.

At least try to make it less obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about

Microsoft and Apple

Thats not the Point, it is easier to use, loks beautiful and just werks.
Windows is the exact opposite of that yet People use it because of Muh Gayyyymes

I have a Pixel C and Android Tablets are fucking garbage because nobody makes SHIT for Android Tablets.

T430S can't act like a tablet

I would actually buy a X220T/X230T in heartbeat if those weren't so old, damaged and defective by design

both honestly fucking suck, but atleast the botnet tab is x86 and can run real programs

Are there applications not by Microsoft that are actually designed with touch in mind? My concern for the Surface is that most developers will assume the keyboard is present ... basically just go on developing desktop first applications. And it'll be a while before the Surface truly becomes the convertible device they promote it to be.

One of my friends likes to boast about how it's a tablet that can run "real" desktop applications. But so far it seems all he really bought is a laptop with a removable keyboard.

>i can't install linux because it requires you to actually know technolo/g/y
>on a technolo/g/y board
Fuck this, rename this entire board /apple/ or just delete it entirely, it's pointless.

Either this, or it's just summerfags and redditors discovering le "4chanz hacker website"

neither because neither of them are GNU/Linux, but I'd take the windows one before the applel

The ifad has no where near as much functionality as the surface

Either way, I'd still rather have an x230 with GNU.

t. regretful surface """pro""" owner

It has 27 hours of battery life? Bullshit.

MS is less supportive of their products than half the chinkshit companies. They can't keep a UI the same for more than a few years let alone support a new product.

Look at the pic related, I wouldn't be surprised if this never appears on any computer again.

>it'll be a while before the Surface truly becomes the convertible device they promote it to be.
Surface products aren't even new, although you wouldn't know.
>actually adding new apps and updating the tablet mode
>iterating and improving
No idea what can run in tablet mode because I don't have one, but expect to wait an eternity.

oops wrong pic I was gonna post this dial