China blocking VPNs

You ni/g/g/as heard about this?

BACKGROUND: If you don't know, China still blocks all Western social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, etc) and PORN -- the "Great Chinese Firewall" as it's known... before this point, those of us who believe in free speech, open internet, and love watching Japanese girls get soaked in cum have been using VPNs to get around this...

NEWS: BUT! China is going to start blocking all VPNs next year, though. The government is becoming increasingly isolationist over there. It's a wee bit scary... Now, state-run news agencies have made it clear that the government will shut down the I.P. ranges of all VPNs.

So us poor expat bastards who live there will be shut out from the interwebs... and worst of all... from our beloved Sup Forums!!!! (ok, worst of all from Pornhub)...

What chu think?

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Buy a vps while you can

Time to start selling flash drives with porn on it for these chinks to get their fix

So you are saying that we should start making private/secret VPN services to sell to the Chinese?

Just wait around if one of the bitches in that shithole ever logged on, they'll be glad to take your money and cuck the Chinese government.

Will this ever happen in America? Were will I go for the last bastion of freedom if it does?

I think it's time for you to leave china desu

You betrayed our nation and conspired with the Chinks.
You get no sympathy from me

Unless they're doing country-wide packet inspection, just setup your own TCP 443 OpenVPN. Rent out a VPS. You can get a super fucking cheap VPS from America, Russia, Finland, etc. OpenVPN uses no resources.

good, western social media is pure cancer
smuggle your porn in on a USB or fuck a local girl

>Were will I go for the last bastion of freedom if it does?
Africa. Run some Nigerian prince scams and you'll be set for life.

If XKeyScore can do it, so can they. It's just a question of hardware.

This ni/g/g/er gets it.

Don't give Theresa May any more ideas, god she is a loathsome woman.


BUT I don't think you understand my NEED for porn...

I mean, that's freedom, man. Being able to search for new porn every single day. Multiple times a day...

Yeah, this sounds like a good option for me, this year. Rent a server and run some sort of VPN through it.... but that might be expensive.

OpenVPN + obfsproxy. It might be fun to set up.

I'm using this method with my OrangePi Zero to make a VPN to my home from external APs such as my uni (which is also somewhat restricted). Got the idea from a random blog post that mentioned using this method to bypass the chingchong firewall as OP is trying to do so maybe it works there.

Does Theresa May browse Sup Forums?

Dude a VPS with Ramnode is like $18 a year. The most destitute VPS is fine.

You don't really need a country-wide DPI for that, only analyze traffic that goes over the border

Also do not ever buy anything from Russia, they have same laws as China in that regard, if not worse

good for them.
china thrives while the rest of the world burns
having a wall for fire seems like a bretty gud idea

Use cjdns.

We get it. You value your freedom a little bit. Get the fuck out of China dude. Fuck China.

Can anyone who lived/grew up in china answer my question?
I dont think i'll ever understand how people can be supportive, and even fanatically so, of a government that clearly goes out of its way to dimish its peoples freedoms and rights
Even discussing portions of your own history can land you in shit over there
How can people be proud of this? The international students who come over here (Australia) to study seem very nationalistic and happy with CCP and will tell you its the best on earth, but at the same time, desperately want to stay here to live and work after they finish their degree.
Isnt there some kind of cognitive error here?

I guess it's cause they know they're the next global superpower. They can be proud of their countries' achievements while still being aware that it sucks to live there.

You don't need a vpn to browse Sup Forums, it works fine in China. Tbqh more countries should do to the internet what china does.

Good degenerates should fuck off.

>im not from china
>but let me tell you how it is for you

reddit needs to fucking leave

>from our beloved Sup Forums
4chan isn't blocked in china, you just need to give moot shekels for a pass since captcha doesn't work.

>Isnt there some kind of cognitive error here

I can tell you from living in China for these past years that it is sometimes a cognitive error (doublethink; a la "1984")... but more often it's because that's the Chinese person:

Chinese people are closed off, and do not share what they really think. They are brutally honest about many things, but not deep or important things. For those things, they will lie and lie and lie. For example, the party/government. They have learned through countless experience that there is never an OK time to badmouth the gov't. So, even if they don't really like the gov't, they will never say so. They will just move to another country.

Many others actually like the gov't, and there surprisingly are some things to like. The fiat authority allows the government to do anything they want, and immediately. Cities pop up overnight, and new laws are passed in a day. Change is rapid and powerful.

Overall, the main thing to keep in mind is that chinese people wont bad-mouth their country. They don't have critical thinking like we do, in the west. And they certainly have no experience with freedom of speech or thought....

Do not believe. Source?

Less squinty eyed yellow fucks on the internet. Good.

I think you can post to Sup Forums from China without a proxy if you have a Sup Forums pass.

Based china blocking out degeneracy, trump should do something like that. It'll make america great again.

>blocking google, twitter, youtube, facebook
This honestly and unironically seems like a smart move. Those websites are alomst monopolies and are set out to spread their jewish propaganda everywhere.


I'm tired of those fucks clogging up private servers.

tor + bridge?

shadowsocks m8

I don't think China "blocking" VPNs is the end of unrestricted access for the technologically skilled.

They are simply raising the bar or more precisely, raising minimum amount of knowledge you need.

>Buy a vps
Good luck to China if they try to block all SSH and/or SSL connections in and out of their country.

>start making private/secret VPN services to sell to the Chinese?
Please do. Make sure you consider the amount of traffic analysis and packet analysis that they are doing with their firewall. They are, for example, fully capable of detecting a normal Tor connection.

There is a reason Tor supports pluggable transports,

>Unless they're doing country-wide packet inspection
They are.

>Do not believe
Several western "news outlets" have reported on it. There's very likely some truth to it.

>start blocking all VPNs
>government will shut down the I.P. ranges of all VPNs
I think those people are complete retards. Next step is white list and it's not happening.
Pretty sure that the whole point is not to block capitalistic propaganda or some shit, it's just to cut off western market in the internet and boost economy for the price of fucking over your own people. It's like whole point of the China, fuck everyone over for the economy. It's funny because growing economy supposed to benefit your citizens and increase their well being, but instead it's economy for the sake of economy. China is stupid.

They're just blocking the IPs of VPN services.
Get a VPS from a server hosting service and run your own VPN/tunnel. China can't ban that without banning the entire server hosting service, which is when you move to another one.

However, in about a year there will be services with IPv6 or variable IPs to get around chinese blacklists. Eventually it'll get to the point where china is blacklisting every single IP if they don't want to let shit through.

>but instead it's economy for the sake of economy

Mercantilism is stupid, but it does benefit the party elite which is why they do it.

Wouldn't Tor solve this problem?

China has never been a bastion of free speech. No surprise that they are taking steps to stomp workarounds to that.

Legacy captcha works, but moot just rangebanned chinese ip to earn shekels.

I lived in china for 5 years and I think the answer to your question lies in the way in which educated, city dwelling Chinese people view the "rurals" and "workers".
There's a lot of people in china. The reason why even the educated people accept the status quo of the governance is because they understand that in order to manage tens of millions of workers, the government needs to be authoritarian and promote "harmony" to quell ethnic and civil unrest that would otherwise harm the unity of the nation. All of the money is in the coastal cities and they are already reaching the end of their capacities as it is. In order to keep growing, the situation in the entire country needs to be stable and free of conflict because otherwise they would see even the last bits of new investment whittle away.
The authoritarian government keeps the rural people in check while declaring itself to be a "people's party" that promotes unity and therefore more investment into the developing areas which in turn have raised the standard of living considerably for most people. Since the vast majority of people are content with the rate of improvement and the educated ones that understand that more liberal policies would cause an influx of people into the cities in pursuit of a better life, there is overall little incentive to change.

You're all welcomed in Canada :)

>Fuck China
Fuck YOU, burger.

shocked they haven't just setup a whitelist desu, seems like it'd be easier

I've been to China several times and always had my own VPN server running at home. I forwarded several ports to it, since I noticed that every connection would come to a crawl after a while. Using the standard vpn ports made my connection terribly slow, but by using other more or less common ports (some game ports etc.) I could surf comfortably.

I hope that this stays that way, since I want to go on a shopping trip to Shenzhen and hike in Huahin mountains.

>search engine spreads jewish propaganda
Why? Because they don't put "holocaust is a lie11011!0" at the top of the page when you search for it?

Someone mentioning Mercantilism might be the most surprising thing I read all day considering most people only think of term of black and white, communism and capitalism.
Maybe in time, once 3D printers and robot manufacturing become the norm, China's cheap labor will be offset and the Western will finally have the balls to judge them for what they really are.


What's the point when western companies already aren't competitive with the local ones?

>reddit space
>... / !!!!
Bye bye

Why you think the USA is shit? Us has infiltrate d our culture,and the internet has maximized that effect. China block all site because not only is it easier to control third masses,but also means the world outside will not effect them culturally.

Chinese VPN services gonna die, But that's all.

>What chu think?

He think it wong.

Good, I'm fucking tired of all the chink shills everywhere.

get a really really long ethernet wire and plug it into hong kong

Well fuck you too, you fucking commie.

>reddit spacing
you might as well complain about printed books too because they, too, have reddit spacing


I don't really think China is becoming MORE isolationist. But it probably wants to retain power over the press and media including the internet, yes. Old farts scared of new things and of loosing full control.

I think you should wait and just leave if they go too far with the blocking.

Thats what you get when gov´s start using TV and newspapers and internet/ games as proganda tools to fuck shit up.

China saw what happen´d in the arab spring.

FB and G+ youtube are weapons not entertainment services.

Politics as always fucking up the day to day life of the normal citizen.

are you too stupid to jump to conclusions, you can look it up, 99.9% of media is runned by jews, and their goal is to benefit Israel no matter what.

You can search for newspapers from america in the 1920-1930.
They were already predicting the Holocaust to happen and they benifited A LOT from this.

Sorry to hear this. Atleast this way your nation won't fall to the degeneracy that is the West and Islam

You're not funny.

Fuck chinks and their draconian no-fun government!

in Paris they put a Cleon Peterson image (the one of niggers fuckin whites in a "circle") just under the Eiffel Tower.
There was a panel near it saying it was promoting multicultarism. How fucking stupid this is, i just want to kill myself at this point

Thank you pointing it out.
Have a (you).

Sounds like you're a fucking idiot to live in a communist country. I hear Venezuela is nice this time of year...

This is turning into Sup Forums really fast

Thanks for triggering my miscegenation fetish, user. I'm going to have to go breed with another illegal immigrant and make some more anchor babies.

China has always been an oppressive shithole.

What's worrying is Bongistan is gonna do the same.

don't worry user,
remember 2008 ? Well, when you look at the debt graph, it's waaay worse now.

I'm predicting another crash in 2018-2019, and the jews will blame it on trump
The great depression bis.
This is going to be good because (hopefully) Europe's citizens will get their countries on their feet, but this time stronger.

I predict that the crash won't happen until roughly 192-, I mean 2020. Then in the next ten years highly right wing nationalist leaders will emerge and set europe on fire again, and the US will make a killing selling weapons again.

>Good luck to China if they try to block all SSH and/or SSL connections in and out of their country.

That would block online payments, tanking their economy.

Nah, this thread has generated an intelligent discussion that is actually interesting to read. No one is acting like a full retard, Sup Forums is a circle jerk of "Da joos! Da niggers! Muh Aryan genes!"

Presumably registered companies would still be allowed to use encryption for legitimate business purposes provided they share their private keys with the government

>trusting random government employees with keys to billions of dollars of private financial details

save yourself. move to america.

Spin up a streisand server, literally designed for china

How would they block people rolling their own crypto inside of the 'registered' crypto?

>communism is good goyims, trust me

If the gov can't decrypt a companies encryption with the keys provided they warn/fine the company

Well this isn't going to be used to steal trade secrets from western companies transmitting their drawings for fabrication in China.

I'm sure our trustworthy friends in Beijing would never even consider such a thing.

All his art is like predictions of the future. i can't believe (((they))) allow him to get away with it

stop watching porn

too bad china is state capitalists then huh

stop varg posting

Not possible, How will they setup websites to sell their chinkshit to the rest of the world?

Tor works fine over there

Only one going to be affected are normie expats

its a good thing they ruin most online games. they ruin most everything actually.

>what chu chink?
I wanted to move to China because I had a really nice job offer from Xiaomi. After visiting for two weeks and almost getting killed by the air quality and tons of Chinese girls asking to touch my hair, I decided to stay home.

Defect to Taiwan you dumbo

Get a VPS and run OPENVPN instead of relying on mainstream VPNs

When I was in China literally no VPN configuration or service, not even tunneling to my university lab. Ironically, my carrier's cellular data was the only thing that went through completely fine, though the price for roaming made it pretty expensive.

Shit like this makea me think we're never going to have a true private internet. Sure, we have gnunet, etc. but nobody uses it. There's no anonymity in a herd of a couple dozen users.

Why aren't Chinese autists running circles around their government? Where's my fast, content-rich, provably anonymous darknet?

I've been to china multiple times. You can access 4chins just fine.