
Is it any good?

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What is it

It's notepad++ with JavaScript front end.

text editor

vscode is better


It's really bloated from my experience, but werks alright.

the way i see it, if you want to learn a text editor become uber efficient, vim is the way to go

just because there are so many other tools that use vims keybindings and getting super comfortable in one ecosystem is ideal

Looks and works well but very heavy

Don't be a faggot, just use emacs

Sublime has way better JavaScript linters.

Good enough for me, my PC can handle it

If you don't use Vim, you're not a real programmer.
Try vimturor to get started on becoming a real programmer.

Fuck emacs

you have to ask the japanese.

nu-male created node.js horseshit, avoid at all costs

> vimturor
>> real programmer

Well, it's a thread of people who use Atom. Can't expect much.

It's literally an offline webpage.

You know how sometimes you get a text box on a webpage that lets you type code? You know how sometimes it's even got syntax highlighting and parentheses matching javaScript? How cool is that?

Imagine if you took that web page, put it into a application along with a built in web browser to display that one web page, added 20MB of more cool JavaScript like automatic indentation and syntax checking and called it a text editor?

That's Atom.

>only so high on macs
>actually a bug in webkit
>fixed ages ago


actually i have no idea and have never used it
but it's not vim so i assume it's horseshit

Slow as heck. Use sublime.

If you must use a browser as text editor use VS Code. Otherwise use a real text editor.

VSCode: This is the best text editor, its faster than Atom, still open source and has a great UI with all the features of Atom.

Atom: Slower then VSCode but still decent.

Sublime: Fucking dead end. Hasent seen any real development in a long time, Sublimes one advantage is its not built on the Electron framework like Atom/VSCode. If you need to open a really large file or do development with some arse hole technology that isnt well supported in either of the other two options (i.e adobe coldfusion, fuck you adobe) then Sublime is a better option.

Source: Im an actual software dev

Atom is the new hotness, it doesn't matter if it is objectively good.

I like that you can edit the css for the whole thing, but I dislike that you can't use animations. I mean, how will I get my rainbow color changing background?

Just use Vim, there is no reason to use any other text editor

Yeah, retards always say "omg it's a webbrowser pls gib upvotes leddit" but Sublime shows how slow development gets when you basically develop the whole UI yourself.

Atom/VSCode are resource hogs, but adding a useful feature takes them a week, whereas the annual Sublime *.*.*.1 version bump changes almost nothing.

Excuse me, but REAL programmers use butterflies.

So Sublime is superior? Darn, I wanted to switch from it.

Man, fuck you

They plan to rewrite their text buffer and possibly other parts in C++. Until that has happened, VSCode is better.

>vim is the way to go
>has no documentation whatsoever
>keyboard configs are cryptic as fuck and vary with every distro so the only way to do anything is to mash your keyboard and remember what each button does

Yes, Atom is very good. But sublime is equally as good (looks a little older) and doesn't stutter when you throw a few thousand lines at it unlike atom.

>inb4 shit pc
Fuck off, my 7700k can't run atom smoothly

I'm doing cs @ atm and my uni recommends sublime over atom because it's a bloated shit fest that falls apart with a few plugins. What, in terms of real world application, does sublime lack that atom has.

>building a text editor on top of chromium
That's fucking retarded.

>7700k can't run an offline website
I run atom just fine with my Pentium

Tried to use it, reverted back to vscode and np++

ed(1) is the standard text editor.

>Fuck off, my 7700k can't run atom smoothly
May be you should get a better CPU

>programming with a web browser
That is fucking retarded

Welcome to the Twitter generation, where everyone only listens to outdated soundbites instead of actual arguments.

>one of the world's two most popular text editors has no documentation
Go on, ask me how I know you're retarded.

pls go back

Unless you're both a poorfag and a moralfag, I really don't see why you'd ever want to switch away from Sublime.

>project A is closed-source and has one guy working on it, probably part-time
>project B is open-source, run by a big corporation and gets contributions all the time from thousands of developers
>obviously B is being developed faster because it's written in javascript lol

There is no CPU that can run Atom smoothly. You can run it on the fucking Tianhe-2 and it would still stutter.

They use the exact same linters.

Is there any reason to use Sublime over Vim if I don't do web shit?
I haven't really mastered vim although I'm much quicker with it than a few weeks ago.

Plugins and updates that make it easier to use.

Sublime development is glacial by comparison.

In the real world if sublime does anything you want it to then fine but the future for it is bleak given how fast Atom and VSCode have caught up to it. It was good in its day, it remains pretty decent but its time is fading.