Start studying CCNA training on youtube

>start studying CCNA training on youtube
>poo in loo "instructor"
>start studying A+ tuts with an american instructor

Am I going to make it or am I too stupid for this?

never watch anything by an Indian. They are the literally the world's most incompetent people.

Eh, you know there are people who are still virgins at 30?


Yeah nah you're just too stupid for that shit.

What does that have to do with anything?
t. wizard

what did you mean by this? I heard CCNA is in demand

You have to be pretty incompetent to fail at something that literally every single one of your ancestors managed to accomplish.

in my eyes they're the ones who failed

Making you wasn't their only accomplishment.

A+ is retard tier and a total waste of time

if you're applying for babbys first job and they ask if you have A+ just say yes. nobody checks if you have some cert worth less than your mustard-stained shirt

>implying 1/2 of anyone in tech knows what cmos means
You are like little baby

lmao destroyed.

From memory:
Chromium metal oxide substrate

Am I correct?

Come on, tell me. I dont wanna have to look it up!

This. Their accent is unbearable.

T. Pajeet

Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

Thats not what I was told when I did my apprenticeship many years ago, but anyway thanks for the reply. I wonder if the acronym has been updated since 1983? I am sure my definition was what I was told all those years ago.
I have just looked up MOSFET - again the word Semiconductor is used but I am very sure that back in my time the word substrate was used. But hey, I am old, what do I know

computer machine operating system

Quit watching videos. Half of them are made by Pajeets and 99% of the content would be learned more quickly and thoroughly from a book.

If you're afraid of doing technical reading every fucking day like it's your job, you're not going to make it, because it will be your job.

Books (as a format, not necessarily physical) are infinitely more coherent, complete, and directed than a loose collection of video content that introduces an artificial time investment (the speed of the video).

underage Sup Forumsfag fuck off

Why do you even need CCNA?

I've recently developed a little thing for a quick laugh here and there.

Take a post blaming something on Sup Forums, and replace Sup Forums with "Jew". The post should now be indistinguishable from a Sup Forums post.

>underage jewfag fuck off

Because Cisco makes up a huge portion of the market. Good luck trying to explain how you're qualified with no certification OR experience.


This. I never watch videos with those shitskins.

you kids are going to have a rough time at uni, so many pajeet instructors in CS. but, judging by the fact you're watching youtube videos trying to get certs, you've probably already ruined your chances at university

This board respects the white privileges if you still didn't notice that. Go to Fagbook if you want the protection for shitskins.

Im not even white or from an english speaking nation and I agree too. Fucking pajeets ruin every tech site and learning from one is most of the time a bad idea.

So American born are better?

pajeet get out

No it is true, Pajeets are the worse lying, incompetent IT professionals on earth. Yet somehow they manage to deceive the dumb ass management.

The videos won't prepare you for the cert. You need hands on experience with the equipment, or at least in packet tracer. You need to know much more than you'll learn from the videos to answer bullshit cert questions.

there are top tier pajeets.
and the perception is all pajeets are wizards.
in reality the rest are just bottom tier.

This. I'm part Indian and have lived in India for 5 years and I can't stand my own accent.

They didn't do it because it was necessary or a good strategy. They did it because of primal urges.
If I wanted to blow away my money, I'd rather use intel Xeon and quad-SLI Titan X for 1080p gaming.