Linux still sucks

>install uTorrent
>click torrent
>it just werks

>Transmission works for a year
>randomly breaks
>"access denied"
>change permissions
>doesn't work
>sudo apt purge transmission
>"access denied"
>"Here's a bunch of gay commands to fix it."
>lol no
>try Deluge
>"not connected"
>not interested

I'm going to reinstall Ubuntu because of this, and It's going to take 4 hours to download the ISO because I don't have a fucking torrent client.

Try JSTorrent for chrome

>Chrome """app"""

Kys. 2010s will be remembered as the age of cancerous JS faggotry.

>System upgrade/update
>Something breaks
>Have to look up forums to see what went wrong
>Nothing works
>Only option is to reformat and never upgrade again in fear of something breaking

>Automatic updates on/off
>Just works

> Windows
> >install uTorrent
> >click torrent
> >it just werks
> for a year
> then it loses all your torrents and stats
> restoring a data folder may or may not fix it
Nah, I'd stick to Linux software, at least I understand how it works.

literally everyone with a sane mind including windows users use qbittorrent idiot.

You don't understand any software, you dimwitted basement dweller.

I'm on Unity. I'm not downloading a ton of Qt bullshit on a tiny SSD to run a torrent client.

Have fun waiting out the next 3 hours 45 minutes then, buddy.

I'm going to swim at the pool and beach for a few hours. Some of us have real lives in the real world. Enjoy your house arrest in your mom's basement, you fucking faggot cuck.

>I'm on Unity. I'm not downloading a ton of Qt bullshit on a tiny SSD to run a torrent client.

>i want to download torrents!!!!
>i don't have space!!!!

ok then.

I have an external HDD for torrents, faggot. That's how the "access denied" problem started. Now it won't even save to the SSD.

Then why are you even bitching about your 4 hour download? Are you just stupid?

Mainly because I want to trigger Loonix tards.

>installs uTorrent
>works for a year
>PC is hotter than usual
Enjoy your bitcoin miner faggot

So this whole thread is just you complaining about nothing? Got it.

>here's a bunch of gay commands to fix it
>lol no
I think that's where your problem is. you don't want to fix it, you want to complain
You're not ready for Linux yet, brainlet.

Linux is not ready

uTorrent literally makes backups of resume.dat and settings.dat.

Should have used qBittorrent
never had a problem with it

>"lol no"
Do you expect me to believe that you're over 12 years old?
Protip: When there are solutions to problems you follow the written instructions to solve them if they're available.

>Faggots install optional ad with buttcoin miner for clicking like retards
Fuck off faggot


"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false,

>"Here's a bunch of gay commands to fix it."
You're right, Linux is too pointlessly hrad. Enjoy Windows, sweetie.

Use Windows, what's wrong with you? Linux is already full of retards in Ubuntu and Arch communities, there's no need to yet another one.

>be an idiot
>install linux with zero understanding of how to make it work.

You should probably kill yourself.

Thank you for your thread. You have gained 10 Windows XP

OP here. You know what? Ubuntu sucks. I'm just going to buy a RHEL subscription.

How do I filter you?

>install utorrent
>download torrent
>get your GPU fried in 3 days because some Chinese company mined dogecoins with it

> Download utorrent exe
>close ad
>"are you sure you want to install utorrent.exe?"
>close ad
>"utorrent.exe is from an unknown source. Still install?"
>"you are not allowed to install utorrent.exe"
>close ad
>execute exe in Admin mode
>"Would you like to install 'DiskSpace Protector?'"
>"Would you like to install 'Panda Spywear?'"
>"Gormans Ear-Guards. GUARD YOUR EARS! with Gormans ;)"
>"Utorrent is installing, please do not turn off your computer"
>close ad
>80% installed
>"Your computer is now rebooting to install necessary updates"

>apt-get install utorrent
>Y for yes
>literally just type utorrent

qbit is buggy as fuck and their "development" team is incompetent. Easily the worst of the popular torrent clients. Just stick to uTorrent faggot.

Okay then, instead
>install qBittorrent
>it just werks

>you should spend your whole day writing commands to make Linux software work when the better software at Windows works instantly without having to fiddle with it
Yeah, great!

>instead of using a torrent client that has a couple small, unnoticeable bugs you should just use a literal piece of bloatware that gives you "ENLARGE YOUR E-PEEN WITH A VPN" ads every 5 seconds

1) qBit is well known for having slow speeds and "stalling"
2) Just use uTorrent 2.2.1. It's the perfect torrent client, no ads, no bugs, no miner, flawless.

1) Stop using third-world internet
2) Every utorrent is bloatware

> Automatic updates on
> Programs open on startup because they want to (t. Spotify)
> Programs that don't have automatic updates need me to manually search the web for each one
>Want to install a program - Go to online page, get 5 ads, try to download it, it has an installer which tries to add shit to desktop, start menu, add shit on browser and install other crap in secret
sudo pacman -Syu (program name) && yaourt -Syua (program name)

OP you just suck I think Linux is a little too advanced for you OP

1) qBit is slower than uT, regardless of which provider you have
2) uT 2.2.1 uses less memory than qBit and works better, so it can't be bloatware

Sorry, but I get 100mb/s download speeds on both clients, except one is filled with adware and the other one isn't
Again, stop using shitty third-world internet

it's not, it's botnetware


>Implying windows software is better and using a command line takes longer than navigating a GUI