WTF is wrong with you?!
WTF is wrong with you?!
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They're not accurate yet. Anyones finger will unlock it. Not secure at all.
I don't want to give my fingerprint to monstrously large corporations.
I got an idea how about you grow up and don't lose your fucking phone like a toddler.
There. No more lockscreen needed ever again.
Pic related is the shittiest phone ever. Terrible, terrible battery life and has screen retention.
Source : using one rn
If that's what you need to tell yourself to feel normal, OK.
by that logic, why lock your phone at all? fingerprint reader is literal physical bloat
They really sketch me out. I've already been fingerprinted from a trip to a jailer but I'd rather not have one digitally recorded at the touch of the likes of Google or Apple, or any middle man. Especially given the phone has all vital information and a physical location tracking system easily accessible through a built-in back door.
had it since 2013
>not having an iphone
enjoy being stuck in 2007
I'm using one right now's fine. Replaceable battery and sd card make up for most shortcomings.
Its a bit big for my taste I'll admit. And nowhere near as comfy as the moto x I used to have...but those non removable batteries are a fucking no buy for me.
>by that logic, why lock your phone at all?
That's literally what I said you idiot.
Don't need one. Bullshit tech just like a 3.5 headphone jack.
>lockscreen is only of any use if you lose your phone
I have one I just don't use it OP user. Don't judge me, I don't like giving my biometrics.
It's ok but I could live without it no problem.
Less secure than passwords.
I don't. Why would I waste my own time on that.
> 2017
> Still not realizing the consequences of finger print scanning.
I want a phone without fingerprint scanner. One with a physically disconnected one suffices as well.
A fingerprint is not a password.
It is a username.
that's a male btw
fingerprint scanners will only lead to thugs cutting off fingers.
that won't happen
rather in the future you can buy that stuff at the black market
But I do.
posted from Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro
Guess where dem fingerprints are sent. Be a good go- I mean guy, and scan your every finger.
A piece of copper tape will help me out then.
Don't believe the 'scans cannot leave the device' meme. That IC got to have debugging modes. Fat chance biometric info can be uploaded from those sensors on production models.
Image you have a password to unlock your phone.
Now, everywhere you go you write down that password on a sticky note stick it to anything you touch. All the time. Everywhere. Oh, and you're not allowed (or even able) to change your password ever again.
Still think this is a good idea? : ^ )
Inb4 comparison is retarded. It isn't. Fingerprints as password is retarded.
iphones have fingerprint readers, though
And you don't even have to search for them, they are right there on your phone.
thats one of my bigger fears.
I'm too poor to buy a keyone user
Reminder that biometrics are a replacement for usernames, not passwords.
It's about threat profiling. If you need to secure your phone from a government, corporation, or organized crime; use a strong passcode. If you're securing your phone from Jamal and Tyrone, a fingerprint sensor is fine.
This. Cannot be stressed enough.
For now.
(start at 1:55 if it doesn't link properly)
pic related
i just realized my phone has one, not going 2 use it tho
Literally every statement one can make regarding technology is included with an implied "for now," you fucking tard. Because tech could change completely tomorrow.
I don't use it to get past the lock screen, but I'll use it in place of wicked long passwords for shit like my banking app.
You completely fucked up.
You can only use a finger print for non-sensitive applications. You cannot replace a strong password with a publicly available exterior property of your body and still expect to be save.
with a fingerprint scanner you have at most 10 different keys. you also don't know where that fingerprint might end up. and you go to bars and cafes where you touch stuff. and there is the relevant xkcd, in the case of fingerprints it'll be even worse.
too much problems
it's only 1 fingerprint, not 5 or iris scan, and it's not used anywhere else.
Ok. But they still have to get past the 20 character alpha-numeric password in order to access the apps that allow me to use the fingerprint scanner.
Then what is the use of the fingerprint?
Citation required. Prove to me any large government surveillance group doesn't have my finger print.
>Protip you can't
To prevent myself from using it if I get into a bad accident
To keep me from having to enter 128 character KeePass XC passwords once I'm past the lock screen, while still keeping my shit secured from all other phones and computer access.
i hate all kinds of lock systems. i don't have a pin or a fingerprint scanner configured or anything like that
I can still use the regular password if I need to. Fingerprint as a password is always an option on apps (at least, all the apps that I use).
My X220 with HSDPA modem serves my needs.
>sending your biometrics to the botnet
>a literally physical key, and thus infinitely inferior to a password in your head
Fucking normie summerfag... kill yourself onegai.
Touch ID checks whether if its a live tissue or not before unlocking the phone. A severed finger won't open an iPhone. Don't know about Android.
Said the iToddler stuck using the same phone since 2007.
I had one and never used because it's much more simplier to sweep to the side.
>inb4 what about peopl using ur phone!
Plenty of apps to hide things you don't want on the gallery.
>Don't know about Android.
Android is an operating system. It has no influence on the finger print validating process. The finger print scanner does this.
Why do I need that shit?
I have a flip fone
I'd murder for such hips
>have Nexus 6P
>don't use fingerprint scanner because i don't want google to have my fingerprint (too)
You managed to use that phone without ever laying your finger on that sensor? That's neat.
yup. it's not in a really "natural" position
2017 You still use privacy-stealing, anti-freedom facebook toys for no goddamn fucking reason.
This is fucking stupid. The worst technology ever invented and people will actually defend this garbage despite all its bullshit. Fuck people.
I have always wondered if you could use these fingerprint scanners with your dick tip. Everytime you want to unlock your phone or your laptop you'd have to pull out your dick, wouldnt that be great!?
>getting an erection will change your 'password'
You must be 18 or over to post on Sup Forums.
I can tell you're an underage little shit that can't even fucking read and don't even realize that my message isn't about a fucking opinion.
But of course, you're underage and afraid someone is going to take away your shitty little internet toy one day. I hope they do so I can drink your fucking delicious goddamn tears.
good goy, send all your fingerprints to general CIA/Google database. Good goy!
Here, have some advertisements and telemetry in return!
I'm 31. I also don't use smart phones. I just think that people should have the freedom to choose what they want.
You can but chances are they will be unlocked by any dick.
woman hate this trick
your mum is unlocked by any dick
You shouldn't have the freedom to choose something that actively harms you, particularly when it is something that is marketed by lies and bullshit and its very existence is only because governments and companies want to fucking track and own you.
Mobile devices should be outlawed and their use a crime against humanity.
Yyou should have been dictated what to use and how to use.
The California DMV already has mine and I somehow trust them less than apple
Nice bait. Here's your (You)
The lg v10 is one of the worst phone Ive ever owned, screen retention, bootloops, shitty battery life, shitty fingerprint scanner, dac makes a weird fucking noise while charging glad Im getting rid of this junk.
>itoddler saying androids are stuck in 2007
it's just precious
You can be compelled to give a fingerprint, you can't be compelled to give a pin.
If they really wanted it there's nothing you could do to stop them (have you ever thrown a cup into the trash?).
But that's fucking stupid. No government gives a shit about a single member of the country unless there's a very good reason to care..... And you are not important at all.
Idk about your country but I am pretty sure they scan your fingerprint when you get a passport or ID, so they should already have it.
You mean the same fingerprint that could get pulled off my doorknob? They still won't get into my phone with it.
not with the fingerprint.
but with the backdoor
Almost all governments of the countries I've visited have collected my prints at the border. I mean EU as a whole and US, for starters. And I trust those even less than my android.
>You wouldn't have the freedom to choose-
Yes, governments can compel you to use your fingerprint to unlock your phone. This is why when you power on your phone, it requires a password/passcode. Just say you forgot the code and you are fine.
For serious security, finger print to unlock devices are really fucking bad, they shouldn't be used the same as password but as identification
Why do you autists care so much about phones? We all know no one on Sup Forums has any social life.
I have a first gen moto g and almost never use it except for when i'm on the shitter or in the tub
i can't imagine a scenario where i'd want to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a device i'll barely ever use
My Mi4s has one on the back but I never use it because my dumbass hands always miss it.
Identification != Authentication
>>>niggers don't exist
>giving google and chinks your fingerprint.
I enjoy typing my 16 number pin..
>implying i have a lock screen.
>>>>niggers don't exist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>implying i live in country with niggers
Ameriturd btfo
Hoping the next note gets the scanner on the screen. If it does I'll upgrade from my s8