why is niconico so shitty? I can't find shit on here. Does anyone use it? How do I use it?
Why is niconico so shitty? I can't find shit on here. Does anyone use it? How do I use it?
no problems here
but porn isn't allowed on nicodou so I'm not sure it makes much sense searching for porn stars
wtf how?
>Search using English on a Jp website
>Get no to 0 results
>Search using Nip on a Jp website
>Get results
and how do you propose I type in japanese on a english keyboard?
Do you know how to copy and paste?
Are you fucking serious?
How did you solve the captcha?
don't use windows
Google japanese input
by clicking on shit
Linux and macOS both have Japanese IMEs
>Being this much of a fucking dip
Figure it out you ungrateful cunt.
not mine
god you are a useless cunt aren't you, i'd wonder how you haven't killed yourself yet but you probably couldn't figure that one out either could you
wow rude
Mine does. It's a setting away.
>install wine
>install virtualbox in wine and pirate windows 7 iso
>create windows 7 virtual machine
>buy a japanese keyboard
>delete the system32 folder in your virtual windows 7 installation
now your computer can type in japanese
>Current state of Sup Forums posters
ok now I just have to learn japanese
VirtualBox runs on Linux without wine tho