Is Murica fucked? Tell me, Sup Forums?
Is Murica fucked? Tell me, Sup Forums?
Not as fucked as UK.
1. Oh boy, this bullshit again. Every 2 months when some bill is going to be passed, it's "the internet is going to die forever". Also "net neutrality" at this point is a meaningless, undefinable hippie buzzword. Remember sopa, pipa etc, and how the internet was dead then.
2. "Protesting" by jacking off and signing some gay little online form isn't going to do anything. It never does.
3. "muh privacy" is a clickbait meme started by journalists to trick you into thinking your worthless searches and "information" which have always been worthless and still are suddenly are worth fighting a faux internet war over.
Probably. Hope not, but I'm not optimistic.
May is good though!
>Pai Ajit running the FCC
>not fucked
Reminder that nobody cared about illegal NSA surveillance and that the only reason people are talking about net neutrality is because losing it would hurt the profit margins of major US corporations.
>net neutrality is lost
>thanks in no small part to donald trump supporting retards shilling against it because "duh librulz like SO I HATE IT!!!!!"
>american media now controls the entire internet for their citizens
>alt-right bastions like Sup Forums and /r/the_donald get throttled to the point where they aren't even usable
>the idiot alt-right internet celebrities and twitter barbies suddenly can't reach their fans anymore
>the entire movement cucks itself out of existence forever
>pepe is finally free
feels good man
Not really. We've gone years without net neutrality, and we've had no problems. What we should really be focusing on is the BROWSER act getting passed so that ISPs and companies like Google are forced to make their spying be opt-in.
America got fucked in 2008.
Who cares. Internet is shit anyway
>We've gone years without official net neutrality rules but net neutrality in practice because the companies havent had the guts to set the precedent of removing neutrality from their service yet
>I'm an idiot who doesn't understand the concept of installing a law to make something bad someone could do illegal as a deterrent from doing this in the first place
>I also think fire detectors and such are useless because mine has never gone off yet so why do I have one if I never use it?
>We've gone years without net neutrality
You want to know how I know you are a toddler using the internet and know nothing about what you are saying?
It wasn't slated to become official until December 2017 you retard
I don't think it will pass with the current wording. The bullet points
>content of communications,
>web browsing history, or
>history of usage of a software program or mobile application.
will be far too broad as stated. While the important part is what the default state is, I don't know if it will really change much.
"Opt-in" can be defined in the terms of service (like it probably already is) or some other semi-legally-binding document somewhere that you probably agreed to.
Millions of people are unknowingly getting their information sold, without knowing there's an opt-out option. By flipping the default state, I imagine things will be somewhat better, especially with media coverage on the topic - making it a marketing angle for many companies.
In the end, even if this passes, I think all that will really come of it is an email/letter in the mail informing you that the Terms of Use/Some other agreement has been updated and some contrived instructions on how to opt-in/out and business will continue as usual.
>Falling for the Pepe = Nazi meme
Just move to Canada and get done with it
>but, low data caps
>live on east coast, kind of out in the sticks
>300/100, no cap, no shits given about 200TB used in a year
dunno man, title II protections have been working out so far. not the greatest, but a good start!
yes it is
>low data caps
LOL if you live in the middle of nowhere or are literally too retarded to call a bitch up and ask for unlim for no extra cost
Great, less ameriturds polluting the internet the better.
Idiots who think "net neutrality" is a good thing don't understand that it gives control of the entire Internet to our government. Next time we need to rage against the machine I would rather be fighting comcast's PR team than the US military.
Government can always put regulations on ISPs to ensure they don't abuse customers, no need to give our govt full control.
fuck off with this shit. back to plebbit if you wanna go full on SJW retard on net neutrality.
You don't quite get how politics works.
1. Create a bill that fucks over people.
2. People get upset.
3. You water down that bill to keep them happy.
4. People move on to the next outrage.
You repeat this process over and over, and eventually you have implemented your original bill by the process of implementing 100's of weaker bills.
>hurt the profit margins of major data giant corporations
Is that really a bad thing, though? It will help alleviate the inevitable bubble burst, after all.
Who do you think buys all of that data anyway?
>marketing firms
>the NSA
An industry driven by such few customers is bound to crumble eventually.
The day you elected Trump. Era of America as a beacon of light and hope for the world is drawing to a close.
Why would we want to the government to regulate the internet? It never did so why is it a necessity now?
Also in the EU the government does control the internet and they jail people for "hate-speech" and also do massive censorship.
No thanks
>Also in the EU the government does control the internet and they jail people for "hate-speech" and also do massive censorship.
>source: my ass
Try again, Drumptard.
that explains the all time stock market highs
>le slippery slope fallacy
>implying it isn't already
>he thinks userdata is useless
>Also in the EU the government does control the internet
Telecommunications were privatised in my country 30 years ago
If anything people will watch less Netflix. The bandwidth Sup Forums uses is nothing compared to Netflix.
>i have a large online audience, or a friend or employer who does
>better explained this is part II
The American government is so corrupt that the two choices americans have is either letting corporations fuck them over or having the government make corporations fuck them over.
>better explained
>a comedy show
wow this is shit, he's overblowing everything.
this feels like propaganda desu ;)
> and we've had no problems.
Wew fucking lad. Remember that time comcast charged netflix for data someone had already paid for? they literally double dipped and got a fucking way with it.
Reddit: The thread
They dont need to control the internet to jail you for hate speech. They could arrest you for hate speech before the internet was even fucking invented. Fuck they could do it before the fucking printing press.
if you dont have anything to hide or fear then why be against this? goverment should be allowed to see and watch what you do on the internet to keep the country safe and arrest bad dudes. The internet is for friendly social media talk with friends and family. Nothing more, nothing less. IMO we should also monitor what people download on their computers and phones too. I hope ISP's write algorithms to detect any website or search someone does with certain keywords and if its detected, immediately shut down their internet and call police. Besides Instagram and twitter theres no reason someone should be on the internet.
Net Neutrality has nothing to do with giving government control of the Internet, u fucker. Its about not letting the companies treat traffic differently for what you're using.
>You start a music streaming company
>Comcast starts throttling your service to Comcast users, say you'll have to pay them $500k/month if you want their users
>your company dies, only big ones like Spotify would be able to pay for it
I'm not sure how can someone defend the situation above. Unless you're paid by ISPs.
t. /r/The_Donald shill
It's not a matter of if that pajeet Ajit Pai fucks up internet in America, it's how much he fucks up internet in America. Allowing ISPs to set data caps of course limits the end user potentially, but really who Trump is fucking over is tech startups, specifically in cloud stuff. Basically Ajit Pai wants the ISPs to be able to control the tech market with progressive pricing. Industry will leave USA and move somewhere else.
Aijit "pajeet" Pai is potentially fucking the growth of the fastest growing jobs sector in America because he's an ISP shill and Trump is literally as tech illiterate as your grandpa.
nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8
The FCC should not have the power to arbitrarily make such far reaching regulations. If this is such an important issue, let elected representatives that are held accountable make the laws, not unelected, unaccountable career bureaucrats.
She's shit and corbyn is shit, but a completely different kind of shit.
UK needs someone that can into Brexit but its not a retard or a communist retard.
>Ad hominem
>Ad hominem
>Ad hominem
Found the femanon
Not giving AT&T/Verizon etc powers to literally force cities into making laws banning any sort of competition as they can and do noew is kinda a good start.
what is the supreme court, the federal reserve, the CIA, the FBI, etc.
The FCC chairman is appointed by the President, and by extension the laws that are put in are voted on by people when they vote for a President, knowing what they have said on the campaign trail.
get out Sup Forums you're dumb
to:dr your a redditor and you need to go back
none of that was ad hominem except maybe the /r/The_Donald shill stuff
nice try pajeet
Wew careful with that edge, Pai.
You lefties fucked up not making NN a law when you had the chance. If it were that important to you, it would have been done. Now the next administration, duly elected and accountable, can erase any decision with the stroke of a pen, like 95% of Obama's legacy. Democrats failed miserably at NN, they care little about it except to pay lip service to the concept on the campaign trail.
Elite benefactors are getting richer when median income stagnates. What are you on about?
No longer will a person be able to stream free movies, download music/games/porn... anything, buy drugs, or anything else they rule unacceptable.
>Not ad hominem
Where did the reddit touch you, anons?
>implying I'm a leftie
I swear to god you Sup Forumstards are fucking stupid. Why the fuck associate with the left or right? They're both fucked. Just vote whoever shares your interests on issues important to you. Literally just taking the party stance on every issue because it's easy is the most cucked, brainlet thing you can do.
Except Netflix bandwidth will be prioritized, remember?
More ad hominem
>implying i'm a Sup Forumstard
>implying I associate with left or right
>"net neutrality" at this point is a meaningless, undefinable hippie buzzword.
Unfortunately this is true for the masses who dont understand the actual issue. Kind of like "free markets", its complicated in real life. Retards who want to believe they're not retarded will pretend these things don't really mean anything or make up new meanings for them, like you're doing.
In 2017 any issue that can't be fully explained in a single tweet is particularly vulnerable to confusion and misinformation. There is significant ISP money to be directly made by abolishing net neutrality and none to be made by protecting it (just indirectly via protecting the free market system and competition in general). ISPs have a strong financial incentive to lobby and sway public opinion right now, and since the issue is complicated the deepest wallets, not the truest arguments, will succeed. Sadly future competition will come from future startups who dont exist now or dont have money now. They can't counter-lobby in the interests of the free market and they will suffer and fail at a greater rate in the future when net neutrality is inevitably abolished.
It is sad and frustrating that conservatives, once bulwarks of the capitalist free market system, are now working against those interests. The world is a strange place now.
>tripfagging outside of /brit/pol
yes, the day you elected the neo cons you fuckt your self and the world.
The Federal Communications Commission voted to exempt more small internet service providers (ISPs) from an enhanced transparency rules that requires them to fully inform customers on any promotional rates, extra fees, and data cap and throttling policies they may apply. Seems you may be mis-informed about the FCCs desire to hurt small ISPs. Shocking.
The jew takeover happened in the 60s, well before neocons, sweet little millineal .
well when you have libtard authoritarians using their companies as gangster thugs threatening to disrupt service to force their customers to complain to FCC yea you have a problem.
If you dont understand the issue, just dont post. The free market effect is on online services being delivered by ISPs, not on ISPs competing with each other.
More personal insults don't support your point. Do you want a free market approach, or do you want regulations?
Losing it would hurt US citizens and the viability of smaller businesses more than it would hurt the profit margins of major US corporations that can afford to cough up the cash. Losing it would also further boost the profit margins of major US corporations that are ISPs.
We've gone quite a while with the law treating net neutrality as if it was a thing though before that was challenged and even if title II isn't in place yet ISPs aren't going to outright give people reasons to support it before they can lobby their stooges into removing it.
Title II may not necessarily be the best way to enforce Net Neutrality but there should already be a law in place to replace it if it gets removed rather than simply removing Net Neutrality altogether.
user you haven't noticed how horrible the internet is right now?
Do you think it was always like this?
The internet has been fucked up the ass for far longer than net neutrality defenders tried to draw a line in the sand.
Please attempt a cogent, segacious post that clearly defines your position, so we can actually determine what your position actually is.
Why is my position important if you can reply anyway?
>I don't know what logical fallacies are
>I don't know what an ironic shitpost looks like
>you lefties fucked up not making NN a law when you had the chance
Yes, this should've been made into law a long time ago. Probably would've saved a lot of issues we're having now.
Reality is that it isnt a law. And it isnt partially because there hasnt been an issue specifically regarding net neutrality until more recently.
What is this net neutrality you guys are talking about?
Yeah. Writing laws isn't trivial.
Datacaps are literal cancer and this is only an issue because of them.
Exactly what the end game is. Consumers won't get free shit, they have to pay more sheckels to the corporate overlords.
And healthcare should be free, amirite?
fyi, this was b8
>Is Murica fucked?
Very much so. But they became fucked when the choose the walled gardens of Facebook, Google and Twitter over then open web we had previously.
Thank God we didn't elect some corporate bootlicker.
No datacap is different from "free healthcare". You're already paying specifically for a data plan and the data cap is then an arbitrary measure to extract more money from you.
Both parties are corporate bootlickers.
i hate america
if we kill net neutrality we are
>Both parties are corporate bootlickers.
While technically true, one party has a history of fucking people in the ass, where the other avoid blatant ass fucking.
That's a scam. Most will still charge more when you reach a certain cap. Completely retarded.
>t. idiot
So you're okay with potential competition having an almost impossible to overcome disadvantage from the get go?
It really doesn't matter what happens at this point. Changes that need to happen are deregulation of internet. There should be no government involvement with the internet period. You see behemoths get bigger like Comcast or Verizon because of government. They're huge oligarchies because of government. Last thing you want in anything is government. Pretty simple.