Why isnt Sup Forums and /biz/ combining their powers to be ultra rich tech disruptors?
Why isnt Sup Forums and /biz/ combining their powers to be ultra rich tech disruptors?
fuck off
holy shit this could become a reality
Because Sup Forums doesn't know anything about tech and /biz/ doesn't know anything about money.
is there any board that knows their shit?
/k/ 2bh
kek desu
>with Sup Forumss expertese in fizz buzz programming and ricing linux distros and /biz/s expertese in turning minimum wage profits from memecoins we'll all become rich!
>ultra rich tech disruptors
back to "hacker" "news" with you
Meanwhile the /sci/bulls are mostly acknowledged professors and brilliant researchers.
How can we compete Sup Forums?
absolutely no
/Out/ and /diy/ are pretty good
Tulpalet detected. I bet yours can't even S your D.
Sup Forums
Being wrong and autism?
No user, he said 'their' not 'they're'.
Cause /biz/ are mongoloids who think they know how everything works while Sup Forums doesn't care about how everything works but they're also useless mongoloids obsessed with being smarter than the rest.
There'd be maybe 4-6 real developers. One makes a commit to the code, and then there would be 300+ comments from Sup Forums users explaining how crap the code is and how they'd do it better. Keep in mind one of these people making comments would EVER actually commit anything or contribute to the project at all.
So after years of agonizing and painful development, we'd have to actually make a production environment. It would take 6 months alone just to come to a decision as to what Distro they want the servers to run.
/lit/, /his/ and /sci/ before the pol invasion. Sup Forums and /o/ if you filter all the autistic vidya and benchracing teenagers which are 90% of users.
But to what end
/lit/ is slow as molasses, anyone can invade it with a few mongs from discord sadly
>Telling anyone to fuck off
Kys you fat worthless hole
Sup Forums really fucking ruined this site huh
Makes you wonder if moot should have just nuked it and let them carry out their moronic threats. The thing about Sup Forums is they're not smart enough to actually create a replacement to Sup Forums so they would just go cry and fap to Anne Frank pics again.
If moot nuked it, hiroshima wouldn't have bought it cause those redditors bring in a lot of ad money. Or he would have and and he would've just brought back Sup Forums after moot was long gone.
>ruined this site
Before that it was frogposting autismos. Before that it was furfags. Before that it were literal 13 year olds from Sup Forums. Sup Forums was never good, just a different flavor of bad.
uh no thanks sweetie
user yes
is he /our guy/
/diy/ is like the more productive, intelligent, and well-versed version of Sup Forums... without all the animefags, edgy youths, and retarded brainlets that can't into any form of command line or systems management/architecture
>tfw this also includes me
Why couldn't my whore of a mother fucked a more intelligent and creative man? My father's side of the family is dumb as fuck, and I have a feeling the genes I inherited from him are the main reason why I ended up with some less than superb IQ. My mom being female still has no prob outperforming me in any area of math. And just about everyone on the whole side of her family are objectively brilliant. It's fucking ridiculous.
I could have been GREAT. if only....
>fuck, I took too much adderall and wrote a blogpost
>/diy/ is like the more productive, intelligent
He's a disgusting attention whoring cryptokike sociopath but i'd be his friend, he looks like he desperately needs one even though he'd probably fuck me over at the slightest chance.
Well you can thank the Reddit invasion for turning it into shit. I was reading a few posters that use to visit a lot and post but eventually did a ton of generals and did not allow anyone to do anything fun on there.
>gentoo-arch switch
>not gentoo-windows 7 switch
Sorry, I'm just not getting any dick and it's putting me on edge.
he's the guy all the lowlife spergs on the scum boards want to be. I doubt anyone on Sup Forums (who isn't a wintoddler or a cuck) wants to be like him
i'd cum inside you happily yuliya
Pol is a nice place, but they have no idea how 3D chess works.
where's the tamagotchi
>not in the kitchen with 10 children
Don't forget the Gaiafags, SA Goons, etc.
Because Sup Forums is mega autismos and /biz/ is a bunch of roleplaying neets meming crypto currency.
If you mean, why doesn't business and technology intersect and create a hybrid. You're already looking at it.
Believe it or not kid but Sup Forums and /biz/ actually were once as one. But then (((TPTB))) saw this and had to put a stop to it, so they had business related things split off into /biz/ and as usual the new Sup Forums board quickly turned into cancer.
I'm just glad I was here before that happened and managed to walk away with a nice few K, with absolutely no effort at all. Those were great days we were living bros.
Because /biz/ is only interested in get rich schemes for minimum effort.
Trying to run an actual business scares the bejesus out of them and dismiss its feasibility as a failure/not worth the risk.
This joke doesn't work; Sup Forums has absolutely zero self-awareness.
It'll be like Woz and Jobs, where the smart one does all the work and the fruit eating hipster takes all the credit and money. Fuck off.
>steve jobs wasn't smart
Then how did he bullshit his way to millions of dollars?