Oh look is the " I want the installation of the OS to be as painful as possible" distro!
Oh look is the " I want the installation of the OS to be as painful as possible" distro!
That's not gentoo
...and then pacman -Syu to totally fuck up everything
>blaming others for your failures
wtf that's not Linux from Scratch
>He said he thinks Gnu/Arch Gnu/Linux is difficult to install
who the FUCK even attempted to use that monster?
Just follow the fucking install guide you mongoloid.
>Arch too painful to install
>Not using Antergos Linux
actually that's gentoo
t. installing Gentoo right fucking now and the power blinked and i can't chroot into my system again and i might cry
i just want all this meme around my distro to be gone before it is ruined and nobody supports it because it was ruined by memes
i like arch ;_;
>i like arch
y tho
Is gentoo really harder to install or just way longer?
does it takes just way longer*
it's a rolling release minimal distro with a huge user repository (there is rarely something I can't find there) and it's easy as shit to use actually and arch users themselves play up the "hard to use" meme to make themselves seem cooler
This is a very funny, enjoyable, interesting, high-quality post.
i really don't understand why people think a bloated "distro" bundled with deprecated packages that keeps the original rolling release system instead of having a repo just to ensure more imposing system management is a good thing?
arch is easier without it
the thing about minimal is you manage the packages you install and don't have to worry about what someone else did
antergos has no place anywhere
up to date
AUR is a retarded meme
reminder that the arch devs don't give a flying fuck about how retarded their own distro is
I did!
It was a great learning experience.
It opens your eyes on how retarded most of distros are.
>he's illiterate
It just takes longer. If you can read you're fine, short of hardware problems.
I did when it was still new, a long time ago. I was curious how the whole process of building a distro went, it was a valuable learning experience.
However I would never recommend anyone do it.
there are no arch devs in that discussion
how the fuck do you come to that conclusion
tell me more
would you do it again?
>thinks arch is hard to install
Harder as well.
You're expected to configure your kernel and to choose the proper use flags for some of the software you use (Portage will take care of choosing the use flags for the dependecies though).
Oh wow. So hard.
pacstrap + Wiki
WTF Ihaf type command n sheit? lololololoololol who use dis?
strangely, arch is the distro that over the years has given me the absolute smallest amount of fuckery, breakages, and tantrums of all
>not using Revenge Installer to get Arch
this exists, user. it's not hard.
Harder? Not really. The deal breaker for me though is the shitty BSD wannabe package manager that is slow as hell.Gentoo isn't all that great,desu.
*dabs into thread*
But the thing almost holds your hand during installation now.
come on OP they even generate your fucking fstab for you like you are a little babby