What are the best microwaves with mechanical switches? I went to Lowes, and all their buttons were unresponsive and icky feeling, most had little or no travel at all.
I'd prefer a microwave with Cherry MX greens, but I'd settle for blue, or even Kalih red or water, as long as I can get away from these awful uneven unresponsive microwaves.
What are the best microwaves with mechanical switches? I went to Lowes...
>mechanical switches on home appliances
This wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world to do yourself.
not even kidding, using mx blues might actually be a good idea for old people or just people with bad sight. That way they know if the press registered.
The problem is how you make them resistant to spills, splashes, dirt, food particles, etc. I'm pretty sure that's why appliances, especially kitchen ones, love those shitty membrane keys - they're waterproof and trivial to clean.
no, the future of retard computing isn't clear feedback and streamlining, it's shouting instructions into a can, prefaced with the female name of your robot assistant. in a few years keyboards will be banned for facilitating copyright infringement.
what dpi does that screen have?
yeah, it might be the future, but right now it'd be a decent budget alternative.
Kailh has some water resistant switches, called box switches. These might work
i wasnt even aware of this OP
thats pretty cool!
now i just need to find a mechanical DC powered microwave :}
> That way they know if the press registered.
Pretty sure most contemporary microwave ovens emit loud beeps after every button press. Unless you're deaf it doesn't get anymore conspicuous than that.
Mine only does when actually starting the program, but you're right that's a much cheaper and easier way to realise such a device.
TFW no Wifi enabled RGB microwave that only heats DRM approved prepackaged food packets.
In my mind this was the star wars theme.
your mind is shit
That'd be a cool microwave
>tfw no microwave that has no controls on it at all, and you set time, settings, and open the door with a phone app that lets you remotely control and schedule microwave jobs.
what is a housewive?
yeah yeah mechanical buttons that's great sure
but seriously what microwave can i buy that i press the popcorn button and it doesn't burn my popcorn/only pop 10 kernels
This thing fucking here. You can scoop the popped ones out and reuse the unpopped. Haven't eaten so much popcorn in years as I did after getting this.
okay that's a good point but what about microwaves that don't leave the middle of my chimichangas frozen?