Hey Gentoomen what's on you schedule?

Hey Gentoomen what's on you schedule?

Shitposting about Threadripper and watching chinese cartoons. It's shitty and raining out.

Why would anybody have a pig in their home?

watching anime all day

Sleep tight dinner

Pigs are actually great pets, and they're very hygienic. They're like bigger, smarter dogs.

>An animal that enjoys rolling around in mud and it's own shit is hygienic

Dogs literally eat shit.

PIGS literally eat shit.
Not to say having a dog is clean, either, but they aren't as bad as pigs.

Plus dog doesn't taste nice.

Depends how u cook it.
Some prefer dog.
Pigs are actually cleaner

only if they are malnutritioned or female dogs after their babies to keep the environment clean

I grew up at a farm and there was an indoor pig for a while.
It was basically just a fat dog that didn't do shit unless it was feeding time

all animals are disgusting
people are infinitely more likely to be the cause of illness rather than a pet, or even pests like rats

you still peeing in coke bottles?

So don't let it roll around in mud or its own shit?

>only if they are malnutritioned
Not true, they will eat it for fun.

Ok ok you got to make your Pulp Fiction reference, but a pig is pretty much a refined version of a dog for a pet.

thats a happy piggo, yessiree bob

That snout is fuckugly and the cloven hooves are disgusting

Why would you let that thing into your house

For the same reason why you would let a dog or cat into your house. It is a part of the family and you want to spend time with it.

>figuring out why deluge is limiting me to 5 things seeding at once even after changing the config multiple times
>adding thousands of snatched torrents to deluge to seed since I switched clients (seeding from server instead of pc now)
>whine to the irc lads about how I want to learn to program but still haven't done so

enjoy your meal pigger

A dog is loyal and useful, or cute and cuddly (unless you get one of those ugly AND useless dogs, like chihuahuas, in which case I ask again why would someone do that). A cat is cute and cuddly.

A pig is just ugly and useless

A pig is just as useful as a dog, and smarter. "Cuteness" is subjective. IMO pigs are pretty cute

Citation needed. Dogs were bred to be smart, at least in terms of interacting with and understanding humans.

And how are they useful? Can they guard a house and scare of, or warn you about, any intruders? Can they be trained to search for things, to hunt things, to herd things, to guide people, etc.?

My family's dogs aren't even properly trained but they know to bark whenever there's someone suspicious near the house. We haven't missed a postman in years, even when everyone was sitting at the far end of the garden and would have had no way ot hearing the doorbell, and we can sleep safe at night with wide open windows. Could a pig do that?

I suppose they aren't as useful as a dog can be. But they are still cute and I would like to have one as a pet :3.

You know, not all pets have to be utilitarian. Also, a pig sensed that its owner was in harm and traveled a long distance to alert someone so they could save her, pigs are definitely smart, if not smarter than dogs.

Mostly water bottles now, don't drink as much soda