Apollo 11 Anniversary

On this day in 1969 Apollo 11, the mission to took America to the moon, was successfully launched.

It was done with the most powerful machine ever devised by man.


Who gives a shit. Space is the gayest fucking thing I can think of desu.

Maybe Reddit cares. We don't.

>took America to the moon
Oh boy, here we go!

no man has walked on the moon you brainwashed retards

>most powerful machine ever devised by man

I'm sorry ruskie, but I don't see your flag on the moon.

Don't see yours either, dipshit
Solar radiation has bleached it white

Implying that wasn't intentional to show that white men were responsible for putting other white men on the moon.

Yeah we went to the moon in 1969. Fast forward to now (2017) which is 48 years and we ain't been back since. Hell we ain't even tried for Mars yet. President Kennedy would be rolling in his grave at how fucked up our space program is now.

The reason is that going to the moon was a crazy expensive propaganda fest. Of course, it yielded some advancements in technology (for example digital video), but the economy didn't reap those benefits until several decades later.

Going to Mars is also an expensive propaganda fest. We can send robots that can do all the science necessary, why send people at all except for showing off?

I intend to be the first man to die on mars

>Saturn V is 2.73 gigagrams (6540000 pounds)
>Titan IV is 0.94 gigagrams (2079060 pounds)
>the first sent three humans to the moon
>the other sent two probes to Saturn, one of which landed on Saturn's moon Titan

>sending three people to the moon and back again including a lunar landing module
>sending a one-way probe the size of a large dog
I don't understand why you are surprised?

>We can send robots that can do all the science necessary,

A meme.

It's pretty much agreed that robots can't do as much for long term research.

If they could we'd be exclusively sending them to the Antarctic or whatever other inhospitable places we have on earth.

>I intend to be the first man to die on mars
How about the first dead man to be sent to Mars?




The moon landing was faked you dumbfuck

24.8GB of Apollo moon pictures says otherwise.

24.8GB of photos shot on a Kubrick set is not impressive

>implying the moon landing wasn't shot on a soundstage on mars


>why send people at all except for showing off?
That's the whole fucking reason. To prove that humans can do that.

Kubrick's set was on the Moon for realism, so it's OK

>To prove that AMERICANS can do that.

Wtf the french got to the moon first?

The moon landing was filmed on a set in Los Angeles, everybody knows that.

Don't act dumb, OP.

>that image
Fuck. It's been a long assed time since I've seen that one.

FAKE landing
FAKE news
Trump won, cry harder libtards

new evidence the moon landing happened?

Watch out, We got a bad-mouth over here

How'd you get so cool user?

Do murifats know a single shit about politic? Trump is full libtard

Uh, we are already sending robots to inhospitable places on earth. Wtf are you on about?

gib folder

You got me you fuck.
