Screenfetch/Neofetch Bread

Post your Screenfetches my children

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playing around with this bitch, it feels comfy sometimes

i need to figure out arch more.



kinda outdated, both my servers run debian now.

Shut the fuck up, goy.

Ubuntu is the most supported distro and get some pubs with Steam, and was the first distro in the Windows Store, so even a normie can know it's name.

And even if we consider the good progression of RedHat/SUSE/Arch, for like 10 years Ubuntu was the first choice and the first recommended distro on forums, and many of us start with it. (I'm very nostalgic of this aera.)

So please, stop trying to fracture more the Linux community, and choose an Ubuntu-based distro.
If you want something less noob-friendly, or if you didn't like Canonical, you can go Debian. Both Debian and Ubuntu takes benefits of their shared users.

>cs 1.6
lol wtf?

Yeah, took this right before the lan party



I fell for the arch meme and I just came back to ubuntu, it's so comfy.


how are you fending off MITM? When I was employed a few years back, they really stayed on our ass about using anything wireless.

do you have an external adapter?




you severely lack some anime.


no matter how hard I try to get into anime, I simply get bored and go do something else

I really want to fit in tho

My relationship with opensuse is complicated

I'm not CIA. I work for a company contracted by another company contracted by the US government. MITM attacks aren't a problem for me because I'm at a secure site. I just shitpost here in my free time because the library has shit books and I can only leave once a month. Can't say much else though.

same. I've watched maybe 10 30-minute episodes total and ive torrented many entire series to give myself a chance to get into it but just lose interest

the only anime I unironically enjoyed was Dragon Ball Z, true shit

Rate me.

Anime is baby tier trash is understandable if you don't like it.
>i really want to fit in
start by not giving a shit about the opinions of faceless mouth breathers on the internet

It's a very nostalgic kind of feel.

you can make it look way better than this. is that one of your dumby defaults? :P





how many fucking trips do you have lol


tfw no cs 1.6 lan party in over 10 years

there are some step by step guides on a few very old forum boards if you're willing to test your googlefu. it's been a while since I've done it myself, or riced ANY distro for that matter.

I'm OP, btw. I fell hard for the "just werkz" MacBook Pro meme.

macOS X is legitimately comfy to me

A few
I only really use two, though.


oh god, so much cancer in one post lol

Ivans are superior



>she has no feminine penis
In the trash she goes


/Fedora 26/ anyone?

Do I get a good rating for this?

screenfetch is too bloated
you can write one that'ss basically the same with only one echo command

BEN is actually really cute (and i know that the best) so please shoo

maybe buy yourself some glasses, m9

I was just meming, my friend.

no bully here

rly sry



Nice to see someone else using Gnome


you like tip-toeing along the line, don't you lol

this is the lewdest one I've seen you post yet

gnome unity-alike

Anything I can do to make my shit look crispier?

its hard to read the top of the conky output because of the light sky behing the clouds. You could shoop in a slight fade/shadow in that corner to help.

those folder icons are hideous, imo

post an updated screenshot if you took our critiques into consideration, nig
I'm fucking bored.

Been using Arch for about a week now. Quite like it so far.

protip: immediately ditch the transparency meme altogether



go to archwiki and figure out how to make fonts look good (like Ubuntu) you'll like it even better

new setup so it's still a bit rocky

fake and gay

>that font rendering
it physically hurts

nice terminal font

I've been using transparent windows for a while. I like how it looks, doesn't affect readability for me.

I did go through it. Installed all the fonts, fc-match shows them as default (pic related). Same font is set in i3 config, and gtk2/3. Also have dpi of my monitor set correctly.

Did the same on a 1080p 14.1" laptop, and it looks great. In the first pic I posted, the text in the terminal looks okay, no? It seems like the i3 stuff is what's ugly there.

it looks much better here, i'm on 1366 x 768 screen rn so couldn't tell in your first pic. i just remember when i first installed arch that's the first thing i had to sort out

I don't know what the other user is talking about, your font looks fine in both screenshots to me.

If it's not broke, don't fix it. You'll dig yourself into a shitty font rendering of a hole, kek

Cool, thanks.

>If it's not broke, don't fix it.

I learned that on my first install where I accidentally installed gdm without realizing it installed gnome shell as well. Then I got rid of it and installed i3. After that, most applications started segfaulting.


im so proud of my desktop and it doesnt even look that good

I'm proud of you too, user! keep up the good work and never stop learning systems and cli.





Does anyone actually use Linux on a desktop PC?
Pretty much all of these are taken from a laptop.

What system recourse viewer is that?

>Swp[ 0k/0k]

bro get rid of the swap on your conky thing you don't have a swap g

Teach me your ways senpai.
What WM or DE are you using?

Yes, I don't have Windows on any of my devices.

Yes I do,

What would you say if i told you i have Windows on every device i have.
Even on my PHONE.



the rule of thumb is if it's on a desktop with big resolution and graphics card, that dude is dual booting and you know he's using windows 10. the only valid reason to have a desktop is to play games

Is wrong.

I gotta say, that is probably one of the most comfiest desktops i have ever seen.

Good job user.

holy fuck
is this default behaviour or did you need to configure it?

Is it possible to install macOS on a non-mac computer?


thats illegal

Actually, I don't have a dual boot and Arch is only operating system. I've got steam on here for gaming.


It's a script I'm making to learn basic Javascript and programming. Fun.

>Who said you can only game on windows..
DirectX did

If only Rocket League worked well on my system in Linux, I wouldn't need windows.