>the new captcha forces you to solve 9 times to create a thread you say? well, it is better than spam
You work for free I work for google
>he's too poor to buy a pass
Criplle chan does not exist (8)
poole has personal banned it from google
>not using Sup Forums x
Enjoy training the botnet, goy.
>not wanting to help bring about an automated cyber future
You know what board this is, right?
Though it's not a big stretch to think google now has a dedicated team for Sup Forums data mining.
Just curious. Does hiro give money to google to use captcha or google pays hiro?
>dedicated team
Why would they need someone actively working on it? Once they get the system running, they can fuck off to something else. I'm sure there's more than a few dedicated LEOs on here though.
It's being phased out, won't work soon.
>not writing on your resume that you worked for google as a "machine learning data training associate"
No my fends its you teaching google AI to think to drive and differentiate.
Are you happy you make skynet possible Sup Forums?
they already got hiroyuki to give them the info on a platter.
as long as I can reprogram a terminator to be my loyal sexslave, then all I need is the skin for a hot female to put around the frame and Im set.
You can't even comprehend spam.
Imagine every single thread, every single post, being a hue-shifted picture of some anime character. That's spam.
No you cant you will die in thermonuclearfire
with all of us. only some normys will survive because they hide in woods fucking grizzly's and goats.
its telling you to stop posting op
I wanna work for google solely to meet with ##faggot and thank him.
Listen here you little shit. You can't use legacy captchas on the index which means no starting threads and no replying from the front page. Every thread you see on Sup Forums right now exists because someone had to flip through 5 pages of cars that the botnet didn't recognize
>working for Google FOR FREE instead of getting a pass
>he doesn't know
>I wanna work for google
Good luck trying.
Would it help if I'm an Indian? All I want to do is meet mot, I couldn't care less about what I actually do there. Plus I like east coast culture much more.