Post yer comfy shitboxes.
/retro/ - Retro Computers
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I hope this guy posts here.
Nice! How comfy is that!
This has to be the best looking thing I've ever seen.
>Encarta 98
i wiped a tear
20 years from now, you faggots would be masturbate all over gaming laptops and 4k monitors.
Nah. We won't, but probably kids who are in diapers right now will.
That's usually how that shit works.
Even though I don't see the appeal myself. That old shit was different, now we have standards that everything use and are made in China in the same factory with just different brand names.
Is that yours?
Amiga a CUTE.
I wish, that looks comfy as fuck.
The Amiga 1000 seriously feels like a prototype though.
Yup, they rushed it too much.
Thank the stupid Amiga, Commodore, Atari business that was going on.
It's chipset is impressive though, the A500 that used the same chips was still impressive even though it came out two years latter.
Yeah, but you have to load the kickstart from floppy on the A1000. It's really a prototype, the design is really cool though.
I know, I was adding to
>that fat hand
>does not know who Clint is
Will the cheapo mid 00's XP laptops ever be considered retro? I have a couple of these as backup machines and they can still do modern tasks like playing HD video.
Probably. Someone who grew up with one will find them pretty retro as an adult.
When will 00s nostalgia become hot shit?
When kids who are sucking on moms tit right now can post on Sup Forums.
I would love to hear what they liked about that era when that day comes. For me it was the time when we said goodbyes to the beige boxes and hardware like FM synth sound cards. Then started the increase of low quality products, totally devoid of any aesthetic.
>low quality products
Bitch please, all those value sound cards with FM synths.
Low quality products devoid of any aesthetic always existed.
I really doubt it. These old retro threads always have computers that were either a) insanely popular or b)had a timeless design.
So the MacBooks, EliteBooks, ThinkPads, Latitudes, ToughBooks and Vaios will be retro but pretty much everything else from the XP era won't be.
>These old retro threads always have computers that were either a) insanely popular or b)had a timeless design.
t-thanks... I'll remember not to post any of my random clone machine anymore
A clone of a recognizable design is still recognizable. Clones are interesting as well because the practice of cloning a computer really doesn't exist any more.
They do have a certain charm that comes from their uniqueness. If they didn't have the standard OPL synth from Yamaha, they would have their own implementation that was slightly different. I'm not saying low quality products never existed, of course they did, but can you really claim that their numbers haven't increased? For example, 90's keyboards usually had laser etched keys, which will basically never wear out. You don't see those these days.
LGR posting kys
Why the butthurt?
Just because he's a normie?
At least he has passion for his shit, not like most hipsters shitting up /retro/ these days.
Just found this.
How nifty is that!
Does it work?
Open BASIC and do:
10 PRINT CHR$ (205.5 + RND (1)); : GOTO 10
It does work but when puting batterys in it the springs get really hot so I think something must be wrong. Plus I don't have any batterys around here.
>Radio Shack
>Let's make a line of products, from desktop, portable and pocket computers
>Name them all TRS-80
not confusing at all
Good luck and have fun fixing it!
a good way to find shorts is to put shitloads of current into it and see what goes up in smoke (or flames)
>be blind
>buy computer in the early 90's
>can't do jack shit with it
>at least you know it's a Pentium
Does it come with the machine gun turret?
>windows 7
that would have been something cool in 2003 and not when Win7 was out
still cool though
after a bit of head cleaning and dust removal it's alive
but unlike my other PS/2s this one doesn't want to boot at all with a bad RTC battery so I guess I'm ordering a new clock chip from the chinks and waiting a couple years
What RTC does it have? The Dallas one?
yep, I know you can mod them to take 2032s but I don't think I have the tools for it at the moment
or the patience
No excuses, do it!
I probably will when I get the shit together, it's always good to have
however for now I have other toys to distract me while I wait, so it's good
Of course, retro in the actual sense of the word is just a time frame.
Now will they be desirable and lusted over? Probably not for the most part outside of nostalgic attachment or pure utility for running specific software, just as is the case with a lot of "retro" systems today.
Just dug mine out. What should I do with it?
Burry it.
what, a Z22?
surf freewarepalm on the web archive and find some cool shit, it makes a pretty good gameboy emulator too
;) ;) ;0 ;) ;) ;) ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0
setfont ter-228b
>permafucks plastic with unsightly streaks, bleaches it way past it's intended beige, disintegrates leather handle
Fuck this retard e-celeb.
>when he starts massaging the mustard and ketchup
Well, at least he's using the new Hakko iron someone sent him and not butchering the solder work anymore.
>intended beige
It was originally grey you retard
Is that Ethan?
I believe only the early 00's XP laptops are retro ATM.
In a few years at least. There's already an image like this, so it's possible.
Yes, it is I. beep boop
White/beige electronic enclosures look so good.
Sadly everything must be black or silver nowadays.
Are there any good looking cases (other than G3 mac) with translucent colored plastic?
pretty nice except for that shitty mousepad
I know, but I like how it shows that beige and white would still look good on modern hardware.
can someone help me identify what model is this old pc?
>comes with nontouchbar
>thinkpad with windows 98
This was literally the zenith of civilization.
He has gone to shit over the last year.
Maybe he hit his head real hard or something.
Well, hes unit did look the right shade in the end.
Even if he think it should be beige.
Maybe he thinks of the painted ones, those where pretty beige.
Is it Soviet?
So the battery in this was getting crusty and I decided to remove it before it caused any damage. I've ordered some bits to install a battery holder and such. In the meantime it turns out this fucker can't even get to bios without it's battery. Wire the old battery back in? boots. no battery? nope.
Super strange, most I've seen just lose their time and various parameters. oh well, new battery stuff is on it's way.
Nice, specs?
Does it get any power fed back into the battery when you turn it on? You could use a supercapacitor then, no hassle with batteries.
Does it say anything without the battery? I've encountered a few systems that just give a black screen without a CMOS battery.
It's a 25Mhz 486 SX (sad), with 8 mb of ram, and a ~200mb hard drive. At the moment I've got some generic 1mb vga card in it, a SB16, and a 3com network card.
I plan to do some more upgrades to it. It'll happily take a faster cpu and I'd like to bump up the ram.
Power is fed back into the battery yes. I was plaining on just using cr2032 and a diode to stop it from charging, though I'm not sure how long it'll actually last.
Nah it doesn't say anything. Just a black screen and no response without it. It's the first machine of this era I've seen to do that. I thought at first maybe I'd fucked it up, but sure enough with a battery it's fine.
I think not, it's probably some italian corporate computer from the 80s but i can't quite find the model
He did a really bad job on this really.
Very cool.
Is it a VLB machine or ISA olnly?
Got a CPU socket for upgrades?
Happy upgrading, seems like a fun machine to pimp up.
>Power is fed back into the battery yes. I was plaining on just using cr2032 and a diode to stop it from charging, though I'm not sure how long it'll actually last.
Just an idea, my 486 uses a supercap after the battery leaked and it has been working great.
Hey /retro/, what are some recommended computers that are user friendly if I wanna open it up.
Open up, physically?
Late 80's and 90's Macintoshes.
All-in-keyboard Amigas.
Pretty much even old X86 are "user friendly" just because they are still quite simple.
Just noticed the OS/2 Warp and C++ set box, noice.
I still like it to run Windows, so I'm probably gonna go with a old x86.
Why? I really don't know why, I guess I just wanna buy an old computer before the prices rise.
I mean I probably wouldn't even get one. I still need to get a computer from early 2000s for my FreeBSD project. Tanks user anyways.
>I still like it to run Windows
Get one of those old Compaq computers or IBM PS/2 ones, those where pretty user serviceable.
If you do get one, have fun.
Tell us about the FreeBSD project? Get a dual (Pentium 3/4) CPU IBM workstation machine, those where pretty nifty.
ISA only. Yep, the CPU is socketed.
Do you have one or are you able to get one?
>what did he mean by this?
good thread
it's a device you'd expected to see in 2003 and not 2009