Arch Linux!

I just installed Arch Linux, and I was wondering what's everyones favorite favorite desktop environment, tools, and personalization options for this amazing distribution? I'm currently using KDE4 w/ Plasma but I want to try out other options.

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install gentoo

Install Gentoo.


> linux on windows


Install Gentoo

Been enjoying xfce so far. I'm an Arch noob though.

Try i3wm or other wm. Once you get the hang of customazing stuff you won't want to use those heavy DEs like kde or gnome anymore.

dwm+dmenu+compton so I can look at my waifus behind vim and my terminal

Where did you get those keycaps?

snappy, stable, and comfy once you sort out screen tearing and start configuring it to your liking.
Haven't been using arch for long perhaps 2 months or so now, I like it so far.


the one and only unicomp my good friend :)

also sorry about that hair, just saw that. FUCKING DISGUSTING.

I personally enjoy using i3 with dmenu, it gets the job done



dd is a great tool. Use it to create a Void Linux USB and install Void

is this a friendly linux thread

how can I get a cool ssh welcome message that shows the current system stats or some cool ascii art

Cinnamon > *
And stop using yaourt... pacaur > *

please stop.

I am using kde on desktop, although I've been away from it for a month and on a laptop, which only has i3, and I really plan to change to i3 on desktop when I get back

Arch is a meme, install Fedora

y not dvorak tho

>KDE 4

your font rendering in firefox is awful

I'm using i3-gaps

bspwm because I could never get i3 to work properly on slackware

what bar are you using?

i3bar with i3blocks and custom scripts

what font are you using? nice setup btw

Personally been running Cinnamon with dmenu for quick launch and urxvt for terminal.

>uses a tiling wm that's supposed to be screen space efficient
>adds gaps
i never understood drooling retards like you

You want for before logins, and motd for after.

Terminal font is Hack
bar font is DejaVu sans mono and fontawesome for the icons

I like it and usually I remove them while programming. It's only 10px anyway

i use
>i3 + dmenu
but i had a great time with
>openbox + dmenu
and before that i had a great time using

i can recommend all of the above.

Try j4-dmenu-desktop instead of dmenu

What are the advantages

i'm but i found this:
j4-dmenu-desktop is a replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop. It's purpose is to find .desktop files and offer you a menu to start an application using dmenu. Since r2.7 j4-dmenu-desktop doesn't require i3wm anymore and should work just fine on about any desktop environment.
You can also execute shell commands using it.

Why use a DE with a window manager?


That is a nonsensical question.

Every desktop environment has a Window manager.

You can not really use a DE without a Window manager.