Can't move paused torrents to a specific category

>can't move paused torrents to a specific category

Why is Qbittorrent shilled so much here?

Because all of the stuff it CAN do.

- download in sequential order
- add peers manually
- trackerless LAN file transfer

- add peers manually
- trackerless LAN file transfer

what this do?

So you mean things that uTorrent 2.2.1 can do without stalling, automatically redownloding deleted files, or randomly deleting all your torrents?

>Search function

>So you mean things that uTorrent 2.2.1 can do
magnet links

>- download in sequential order

How do I enable this by default?

uTorrent 2.2.1 can do magnets

>can't move paused torrents to a specific category
Literally who needs that function?

This is how dumb qshittorrent fags are.


I don't believe you can. You can on uTorrent 2.2.1.

1) Goto Options > Preferences in uTorrent

2) Select Advanced Tab and set the value of bt.prio_first_last_piece to be 'true'

3) Set the value of bt.compact_allocation to be 'false'. In my uTorrent 2.2.1 this was 'false' by default.

4) Press okay to save changes

5) Hold Ctrl+F2 [if this doesn't work use shift+F2]. Goto Options>Preferences without releasing Ctrl+F2 [if this doesn't work use shift+F2]. Release Ctrl+F2 after the preferences menu opens up. [if this doesn't work use shift+F2].

6) Set the value of bt.sequential_download and bt.sequential_files as 'true'. They are false by default.

wondering the same

>download only a few videos in the same torrent
>all the other videos that were told not to be downloaded gets downloaded into a hidden ".incomplete" folder that doesn't get removed even after the torrent is removed from the torrent client

I LOVE the search plugin though

Can't selectively download files

Into the trash it goes

Yes it can.

what is the best android torrent client niggers?

Cant wait for 3.4. Hueg changes inc!

Such as?

19+ new "Features". One of them is multi-label tags.

Post it

Because every torrent client for Windows is trash. qBittorrent is probably the less trash, but everything that uses rasterbar (qBit, Deluge, PicoTorrent) will suffer from the "stalled" meme, and everything not-rasterbar on Windows doesn't work for some reason (Transmission is broken, uTorrent is a botnet).

Also, the RSS feature is subpar compared to flexget. It works, I guess, but rTorrent/Transmission + flexget on Linux works better.

Damn those fucking inept devs. Not using time and effort to add a functionality 0.01% of the user base would actually use on a constant basis.

I selectively download files with it all the time lmao

You can but it's buggy as fuck. If you unselect everything, it'll complete the torrent for no reason. It happens when you pause the torrent too.

Then when you select something and resumes, it refuses to download until you recheck it several times and even then, it'll download everything.

Raise an issue on github instead of bitching like a child. Maybe you'll actually end up improving the program.

Just use Tixati you faggots.


He asked why it's being shilled here. Those shilling it should be trying to get it fixed.

>free software
Ur retarded? Ur probably OP, right?

Those "shilling" probably didn't have OP's problem.

Not all wealth is monetary. You can shill free software, freetard.

>using freetard as an insult

What does League of Legends have to do with anything, freetard?

>using freetard as an insult
>on Sup Forums

>I'm not retarded if I'm on Sup Forums!
Sorry to break it to you, but you are.

Yes, because lusers like you are exactly what developers need and value.

Apparently. See how hard qB and mpv are shilled.

MPV is actually good

Compared to what? WMP? That's not a very high bar.
WMP even has advantages over mpv, and that's pretty sad.

>using Windows
mpv is the best thing available on Linux.
Mpc-hc > mpv > vlc > wmp

It's better than MPC + madvr


You seem nervous. U ok?


Six years and nothing has come close. Pretty sad since uTorrent was pretty much completed in 2 years. (Not much happened between 1.6.1 and 2.2.1)


>Six years and nothing has come close
Come close to what?

>uTorrent 2.2.1 is still undefeated
How the fuck did they do it?

It's funny how nowadays you can't even mention anything in a positive way without being called a shill.

Yeah, uTorrent is one of the best data-recollecting software out there

this. search function. far as i'm aware qb is the only client with a search function.

Proprietary excellence vs uncoordinated code monkeys.

thinking about going back to utorrent, 'cause it has the best rss auto downloader.

qbittorrent uses the exact same one

if that obscure feature is so important to you just post the issue on their github instead of crying on a vietnamese cartoon site

Qbitt doesn't even use a db, it stores all torrents as .torrent files. No wonder it's slow as shit on startup.