lel, Firefox uses Google Analytics on its about:addons page and disables addons so Privacy Badger or uMatrix can't block it.
Image related.
lel, Firefox uses Google Analytics on its about:addons page and disables addons so Privacy Badger or uMatrix can't block it.
Image related.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you do something you need to hide, maybe you shouldn't do it
Oh, it also refuses to fix a phishing issue for SJW reasons:
>> We want every script and language to be treated equally on the Internet.
This is the last straw, swithcing browser right naw!
The only thing why i use firefox its because the skin app right now, the privacy meme died long ago and now this fsssss
>If we start putting restrictions on scripts which happen to look like Latin, such as Cyrillic, we are making that script a second-class citizen because not as much can be represented using it. If the Internet had started as a Russian invention, and Latin was late to the party, I think we'd be pretty annoyed at being treated that way. So I don't think we should treat Cyrillic that way.
Plis tell this is not the true status of Mozilla and he was expresing himself using a very conplex form of sarcasm
Glad I switched to Chromium.
>and disables addons so Privacy Badger or uMatrix can't block it.
uBlock works just fine on that page for me mate.
Hmm, looks like that indeed works. Weird. uMatrix and privacy badger don't seem to work for me.
Probably because those are shit normie-tier add-ons.
Then maybe you should post your bank account info. Since you have nothing to hide.
>more normie than ublock
I don't invest in jews. I have everything in cash
Then why don't you tell me where you live? Surely you don't mind if someone visits.
umatrix works fine
It does a lot more than that, pic related is just from 1 hour from 1 device. Firefox constantly tries to ping home. And if you're not using a L7 firewall to block shit, you're doing it wrong.
Just ignore them it's probably just a bored Sup Forumsentleman being a contrarianfag for (you)s.
I don't see any google analytics there, despite seeing the network request to there in the inspector.
network.captive-portal-service.enabled set to false
Until around 1998, my office at MIT was also my residence. I was even registered to vote from there. Nowadays I have a separate residence in Cambridge not far from MIT. However, I am rarely there, since I am nearly always travelling out of town.
it only connects to g analytics after you enable the inline script
Of course:
Or I could just block it and all the other telemetry like telemetry.incoming.mozilla.org at my firewall
No, no, I wanna see how this fucker explains not telling me his address if he's got nothing to hide.
>living at Cambridge and MIT
>doesn't have a bank account
>constantly travelling
>and paying everything in cash
How the fuck do you get your paychecks.
How retarded are you? He is quoting
>swithcing browser right naw!
to what browser?
Do you really expect me to memorize everything RMS has ever written? Especially after he went full SJW?
which? Opera?
You can block it.
>not using network.IDN_show_punycode:true
>Do you really expect me to memorize everything RMS has ever written?
No. But who the fuck else has lived out of their office at MIT?
NoScript blocks it perfectly fine.
That look really interresting could you explain a little bit more ?
i'm retarded i know.
>That look really interresting could you explain a little bit more ?
Cisco Firepower Threat Defense. If you want to play with it, I posted a crack to certcollection. It needs at least 8 CPU cores and 16GB RAM though.
>If you do something you need to hide, maybe you shouldn't do it
I agree. So, when can we expect the live stream from your 24/7 body camera to be up and running?
>Oh, it also refuses to fix a phishing issue for SJW reasons:bugzilla.mozilla.org
Leftists really are completely mentally ill.
I'm glad I made the right choice and switched to Iridium.
I see 8 CPU cores damn. I have 16 GB RAM but only got an I5 4570.
Even if Firefox is shit, it's still the best browser in terms of privacy.
It needs 2 VMs with 4 cores and 8GB RAM each so technically you could run it. It could have some contention problems though. You can also run it without Firepower Management Console but you lose a lot of functionality.
>The Iridium Browser is based on the Chromium code base.
99% botnet
>All modifications enhance the privacy of the user and make sure that the latest and best secure technologies are used. Automatic transmission of partial queries, keywords, metrics to central services is prevented and only occurs with the approval of the user.
Do you understand that it's almost impossible? Chromium source code is huge and it's quite a mess. I heard that they wrote it in c++ like java coders and used libraries for only one function instead of writing it themselves or something like that.
>It needs at least 8 CPU cores and 16GB RAM though.
>because that would make all non-Latin domain names show as gibberish. That's not really a good thing for people, countries and languages which don't use Latin letters. We want every script and language to be treated equally on the Internet.
Is this the SJW boogeyman you're all so scared of?
This one.
>99% botnet
It's basically ungoogled chromium but hardened. So no bother. You do realize chromium was an open source project right? Google has no final power over it's direction.
>Chromium source code is huge and it's quite a mess
You could say that about most programs out there. Linux, OPNsense, FF etc., are all in the millions of loc and you need a huge documentation to get around them. I'm all for supple bare bones code but unfortunately I have no power over how others make software. The situation is what it is. Iridium and Brave are best security/privacy wise atm so that's where I'm going. And no, in case you're wondering, Netrunner will never amount to anything, like every other Sup Forums project.
why don't subhumans that use non-English letters just make their own browser, or their own firefox fork?
...yeah I'll stick with Opera. Chromium64 looks janky as hell, I'll probably use it when I'm looking up tranny porn.
mozilla just doesnt know what to do anymore, it wont take long till it crashes completely
fucking sad...
i blame the sjw crew that got in there
google shills
Firefox makes all their income through Google.
That explains why it's soooo fucking lame!
Firefox OS - Seriously? They already tried that bucket of flame bait and total failure it was called Internet Explorer!
Respect, you know that Burns there fucking analytics eyeballs having to look in your browser history to see, chick's with dick's!
>You do realize chromium was an open source project right? Google has no final power over it's direction.
The Steam Browser is based on chromium and it pings go.google.com constantly.
Because fucking Steam is so concerned about privacy....
>The Steam Browser is based on chromium and it pings go.google.com constantly.
>if I take an open source software and make a fork with malware in it that makes the original software malware to.
The mods should ban people for posts like these. Not even kidding here, this level of tech illiteracy should not be allowed on Sup Forums.
Stop bitching that you're too retarded to monitor what URLs your computer is accessing, and that chromium is botnet.
>this level of tech illiteracy should not be allowed on Sup Forums.
dat projection
>ff thread again
>try it b4 ad hominem
You have a big mouth for a little slut like you that doesn't even know how open source works.
FYI, Iridium doesn't even let you sign into Google.
>You do realize chromium was an open source project right? Google has no final power over it's direction.
that's like saying that mozilla has no say on firefox because ff is an open source project that takes some queues from the community
chromium is developed by google/google developers, the only differences outside of the name/license/trademark issues is that chromium lacks the auto-updater, lacks google specific telemetry, lacks proprietary flash, lacks proprietary codecs and up until very recently lacked a pdf viewer
stopped being true years ago
>moving the goalposts
stay btfo user
I think in usa they should ban non fat people.
Only policeman should be able to run and be under 30 BMI. You dont need to run if you have nothing to hide, do you?
Chome is worse – every time I try to visit chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz it crashes.
>I think in usa they should ban non fat people.
I got news for you, they already have. Pic related.
Oh no, they want to know which addons people install in their browser :(
>that's like saying that mozilla has no say on firefox because ff is an open source project that takes some queues from the community
False analogy, Mozilla has no power over who forks FF.
How old are you? Serious question.
>False analogy, Mozilla has no power over who forks FF.
I misread what you said, that was reply under the assumption you were talking about chromium not iridium, but you're right
In my 30s
>Oh no, they want to know which addons people install in their browser :(
even worse, it's only on the "Get Add-ons" page which embeds a version of addons.mozilla.org
also something something discovery telemetry, I'm well aware
>nothing to hide nothing to fear meme.
Nice shitpost desu
They are getting BTFO on github:
As I mentioned in #1107: we will not be removing analytics support entirely. It is extremely useful to us and we have already weighed the cost/benefit of using tracking.
That said, I think we should only be enabling tracking for users who have opted-in to sharing their data usage in Firefox. I'd guess respecting the Telemetry checkbox would work. Or maybe having a new checkbox if piggy-backing on that one is problematic from a legal perspective.
Go and express your concerns there, I doubt FX devs read Sup Forums
I don't get the obsession with Google Analytics.
As if interfaces improved after the devs got all the usage stats.
Doesn't matter that it's harmless, if you opt-out you should be left alone. I have full telemetry enabled on my moms PC and zero on mine. I want this to be respected. If clueless people who try or use Firefox would still give them data, why piss off Sup Forumsentoomen?
the sjws want pretty graphs to play with in between just-sjw-things. that and they are completely out of sane ideas
>I doubt FX devs read Sup Forums
oh buy, you have no idea...
>It is extremely useful to us and we have already weighed the cost/benefit of using tracking.
What a fucking jew, I hope he gets cancer and dies painfully. I'm glad I haven't updated since FF46.
What other browser is there that doesn't pull this shit?
>inb4 chrome/chromium/other botnet-sponsored software
>inb4 vivaldi shill
>using firefags
That argument is fucking stupid considering you can specify a local passphrase that encrypts all the sync content locally before upload.
Yeah, right, they're tracking me.
>FYI, Iridium doesn't even let you sign into Google.
Fuckin' open source maggots, free software fools, fuck all of you.
And there's still no reasonable alternative to FF
I find it fascinating Firefox has been absolute cancer for the past number of years and still Sup Forums's asshole is still lubed for more. First, it was a slow piece of shit. Then it went full SJTumblr. Now it's privacy issues blown wide open. Do you guys like taking it up the ass? Serious question.
what's all this shit
see FF became shit but other browsers are still worse
It's only on the "get addons" tab. I think I clicked on it once when I installed firefox. People love being outraged though I guess.