I would not buy one for 5$

I would not buy one for 5$.

I am opposed to the basic principles of the Apple ecosystem--

Ever tried to make your own ringtone for an apple device? Be prepared to deal with proprietary audio formats, having to use the itunes backup feature to push the 3rd party re-encoded tune to the phone, and having to wade through literally thousands of paid endorsements to buy ringtones when you try to look up how to do it. OR-- you could just get an android phone, push any supported media file (which are industry standard formats) into the RINGTONES folder, then pick it.

Perhaps you want to do something else, like say-- play a gameboy game on your device? Oh-- sorry, no. Apple does not allow virtualized software to run on iDevices. :( It makes apple sad pandas, and they wont let those dangerous, nasty applications into the app store. It is for YOUR protection, citizen!

Why the fuck would I want a device that bends over backwards to STOP me from using it, EXCEPT in the shamelessly commercialized way the creators envisioned?

Fuck that noise.

Iphones are really good phones though. Poorfag

what do you mean "if"?

they're good phones, sure, if compared to basic,

This locked down system has its advantages:
It stops people from breaking their own phones and not knowing how to fix them. People like this for some reason.
It also provides a consistent user experience. Every single thing is the same, and so patching, software, is all made extremely easier due to the uniform nature of the software environment and the hardware.
It's also better for security, since if people are locked out of doing anything on their own phones, so are other people.

Apple's moving to a situation where you 'buy a phone' and that actually means you're leasing the service to use that phone for 2 years. All your data, personalisation, etc, is stored on a server somewhere, and you grab the phone and it syncs to that data and gives you what appears to be 'your phone' even though you could pick up any other phone, put in your details and get that data. Actually that's a little different than what apple is doing currently, but I can see that becoming common later. I mean, imagine a system where you can't really break into someone's phone because no data is actually stored on it. It's all streamed from a server and it's the login details that matter.
One day.

>wasting your money on toys
poorfag and brainlet detected

nice slashdot copypasta

not worth 1000 bucks

iTunes on Windows is shit and its been like that so long that its clear they are handicapping it on purpose to compare it to the Mac version and go "look how much faster it is!"

>Every single thing is the same, and so patching, software, is all made extremely easier due to the uniform nature of the software environment and the hardware.
>nextstep Frankenstein monster of an OS on all devices

Keep dreamin kiddo

Nice blog post faggot.

>eww buying things you enjoy
Stay mad, poorfaggot.

>i can afford to waste my money, so there!

Didgeridollars don't count

I might pay $1000 if it has an 120Hz display.

>Didgeridollars don't count
they're not

>buying things you want to have is wasting money
More assmad, please. It's delicious.

>You make more than $6 an hour and can afford nice things, hehe fuk u

I don't like iPhones either, but you wouldn't buy one for 5 bucks?

>i cant think of better things to spend my wagecuck dollars on than a overpriced phone with a fruit on it

That's the dumbest thing I've read tonight.

>liking what I don't like cryingbaby.jpg
Just stop being poor and you won't have to rationalize your financial impotence to internet teenagers, bubbah.

>wanting to get the best value for my dollar is being a poorfag

It's what apple is doing. So yes, it will sound dumb.

party rockers in the house tonight?

>bitching on the internet how others use their money

My dad used to have an iPhone 4 as he was given it as a gift. He didn't like how locked down it was and he didn't like how officious Apple was. He eventually returned the device and went out of his way to purchase a far superior Android smartphone.

Why do people give two shits about custom ringtones, are you still in high school?

Why would anyone purchase an iPhone these days? I cannot see any advantage.

If you want a phone that has apps get an iPhone
If you want a smartphone get an Android phone

The iPhone is marketed to people who dont know fuck about technology, that's why 90% of girls hound their parents for an iPhone (that and the female competition where they have to be like or better than their friends)

Iphones are for women and elitists who think they know it all about technology
My girlfriends gay cousin said he understands technology because he does "software development in college" and I know nothing about it because I dont go to college

Don't bother fighting macfags they will defend their decision because admitting they made a mistake will give them an aneurysm

>i-i'm not poor guys, i'm shmart and froogal!!1
Wew lad. I can smell the stench of fast food in a beat down 10 year old shitbox civic all the way over here.
>ebin frog maymay

>not being a vain 13 year old girl or middle-aged woman
pff, this is 2017, m8

Its an accord if we're being accurate and its 17 years old now

>caring about other people's device preference
Summer couldn't be over too soon.

For 1$ in store and 20-40$ per month you can feel better about yourself while you're flipping these burgers or making latte for other burger flippers.

What are you guys talking about?

My roommate has a macbook and not even he likes iPhones.

Nice blog tho

how were you able to tell it was a blogpost if you didnt read it?

I Would rather pay for an android than have a free iphone. Kinda nullifies your poorfag argument, no?

I'd still rather have an iPhone than a lagdroid

>buying cheap phone
Poorfag please

lagdroid is a name that only rings true for single core CPUs which are all but completely gone now.

kill yourself

yeah i'm with you. the apple ideology sucks shit. android lets me do all the Sup Forums stuff.

however for a normie like my mom the apple streamlined smart phone experience is better.

The first two sentences gave it away.