What's the best phone on the market right now?
Justify your answer.
What's the best phone on the market right now?
Justify your answer.
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nokia n900 with the mainboard replaced by a raspberry pi zero and an adafruit gsm module
The one you already have. You don't need a new phone, user.
can you do that really?
I do, I lost mine while fishing so I legitimately need a new phone
Caterpillar Cat S60. It's the only non-pussy phone left on the market. While girly-men take selfies and snapchats for instagram or whatever, you can be a real man and know you have a phone that's next to invincible and sees like Predator.
The iPhone that came out before the one that has no headphone jack is probably the best. I hate iPhones.
That said, Google has given up on Android, they're continuing their half-baked bullshit ideas, Allo/Duo have existed for a year and they still haven't done anything with them, they released a Samba browser that requires SMBv1 to be turned on, released months AFTER the SMBv1 vulnerability was noted and everyone shut it off on their production systems, and now they're working on just throwing the OS out entirely and going to Fuscia, unless they abort that too like they did with Glass and Voice and Gtalk XMPP and Hangouts SMS integration and Google Reader and hey remember that Project Ara thing, the modular hardware phone that was going to save us all FUCK IT we're killing that too.
On the hardware side it's just a bunch of MEMEPHONE G2s8 Premium Plus 2017 edition now in BEST BUY BLUE, come check out the Samsung MEMESCREEN or the LG MEMECASE or the Motorola er Lenovo er Moto CHINKMEME or the Google 1.5 years of support before they drop you like a sack of shit.
FEATURING UP TO 10 HOURS OF BATTERY LIFE after the first year!
Christ I hate mobile devices.
iPhone 8S Pro: Queer Dick Sucking Gold Edition paired with the ThrottleBook 2018: Uselessly Thin
Should have clarified: no memes
You sound like an idiot
>no memes
Do you also think the Panasonic Toughbook is a meme?
you're projecting pretty hard there sport
Not bad. A phone for men, finally.
>no memes
Go back to your basement watching anime, trapfaggot.
>Panasonic Toughbook
You have to have terminal autism to buy that
>terminal autism
Fuck you, my zsh is dope and pimped as hell
$600 is a lot but I'd almost be willing to drop it just for the FLIR camera. Would be immensely useful for prototyping circuits. I've already lost like five power MOSFETs to overheating in this 180V boost converter I'm working on and I'm getting really tired of doing the finger test to measure how hot it is. Tends to be a nasty surprise when the heatsink is 80C... or when you brush up against the output diode after you burn your hand and come into contact with the high voltage flyback pulses from the inductor. Point is FLIR would eliminate this problem.
Sorry did I interrupt your dick sucking
LG Nexus 5, sturdy phone with decent specs and latest android if you unlock
>polluting waterways
Never go fishing again.
Lenovo P2
Battery life
What are all those switches for?
BlackBerry Passport
>physical keyboard that doubles as a trackpad
>god tier OS
>great aspect ratio, resolution isn't retardedly high either
>microSD slot (still can't believe that's a noteworthy feature these days)
>aesthetic as fuck
I got an IR thermometer for ~$10 on banggood
>tfw no 1.4 aspect ratio qt BB slider
I guess the KEYone is pretty close, it got Android though. I need to buy some BB Torch some day just to check it out.
iPhone SE. Compact, quality, does basic shit since that's all a phone should do.
Good if you're using other CAT products while doing physical labor
If it were any good it would have "Black" in it's name tho
>just werks
>comes with a week of prepaid
>less than 20€
>I can pick it up @ my local supermarket while I'm buying oats and bargain fish
>doesn't require you to fill in you id to use it
I use it