>spend $1000 on a brand new CPU
>it performs worse than a two year old $300 one
Why is this allowed?
>spend $1000 on a brand new CPU
>it performs worse than a two year old $300 one
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut the fuck up you retarded street shitter. Intel still blows Ryzen out of the water.
shekel deposited, ty for your service.
The 7900X is performing worse than Ryzen there
most games don't use that many cores, how is that hard to understand?
Easy. They boosted L2 Cache and Lowered L3 Cache.
L3 cache dependent programs will shit themselves and L2 dependent will see higher performance.
Fuck you, you bought that chip to do work right? use some L2 favoring programs and your problem will resolve itself.
>Fuck you, you bought that chip to do work right?
No, fuck you, I bought it because I wanted a faster CPU, not a slower one.
If I wanted a slow CPU I would have bought Piledriver.
Except the give it the "EXTREME" branding and market it towards gaymers.
>Why is this non-gaming CPU worse off than a general consumer / gaming CPU
In what universe is that statement true?
You sure did your research before making that purchase : ^ )
>spend months shitting on Ryzen for being slower than a 5GHz 7700K in MUH GAYMES
>"Skylake-X isn't meant for gaying you plebs stop comparing it to the 7700K, REEEEEEEEE!"
i9 is gaming tho.
Now that's what i call damage control.
What will happen on Threadripper launch?
why is this incel so mad
Skylake-X is not a gaming architecture
Want to take a guess?
Do I really have to post another of these?
Yes, it's the second coming of Presshot.
What the fuck is "mega-tasking"?
I kinda want AMD to pull another Ryzen launch.
>Threadripper turns out to be ok, not mind blowing. Intel's stock fall by a small margin.
>Intel gloats that AMD failed to deliver, their stocks rises slighty.
>A month after release day they unfuck their code and it beast the fuck out of Intel's lineup.
>Intel stocks tank while AMD's double.
No, it's two Zeppelin dies in one package.
It's two Ryzen 7s.
These are already well-polished.
Why would it be prohibited?
It's when you task so hard your CPU goes nuclear.
Threadripper has already been demonstrated kicking ass at Computex, though. No reason to believe it'll have Ryzen's teething issues. youtu.be
Fine, but what if Threadripper comes out, tears Intel appart and one month later Lisa say "oh shit, this was our 'fucked up' code. Here's the working one." and it allow deeper internal bleeding to the i9?
It doesn't really work like that for CPUs. Unless there's some massive microcode bug. This isn't like GPU drivers.
CPUs are not GPUs.
That's not how stock works you mupet
>Skylake-X: Intel justifies the decreased gaming performance
>An improvement, for example through game patches, is not to be expected.
>bingbus is bad
>remov bingbus
>its worse
More like add moar bingbus. A whole mesh of them.
What would be the best way to actually increase the IPC? decreasing the pipeline stage count?
Intel, you've been in this business for over 40 years.
You know it's better to be fucking quiet.
this we know that ryzen chips scales at 97% so we already know how its going to perform
this statement along with their statement about epyc IF is just pure cringe
it's ~97% for 64 cores though
Yeah, when the intel CPU explodes from overheating, it blows Ryzen out of the water because of the shockwave
You're not funny
>Using video game benchmarks to judge the performance of workstation CPUs
Why is this allowed?
>no ECC
>>Using video game benchmarks to judge the performance of workstation CPUs
well they do it on vega fe so i guess its fine
>its fine
It's not.
>Ryzen 7 comes out
>HAHAHAHA Look at how shit it is
>I9 comes out
You have encountered a double edge sword, you died on this hill.
What the fuck are you talking about, I'm an AMD fanboy and dislike Intel, but I hate retards who lack a basic understanding of how CPUs work and only use video games to judge the performance of CPUs even more
Like peas in a pod.
>rendering with non ecc-ram
>falling for the ECC meme
This is skylake CPU, it's exactly the same as i7-6950k but with more cores and more L2 Cache, and less L3 Cashe and higher clock.
What the fuck are you talking about?
They marketed it as MUH GAYMES, they can go fuck themselves.
AVX-512 and they put so many ring busses on it that it counts as a mesh somehow.
>slower than 7700K in gaymen
>melts mobo VRM or throttles
>potential to melt power cables
>requires delid
>requires expensive custom loop because even best AIO isn't enough
TOPKEK Jewtel® Combustion Lake™ Xtreme Fire™
Because you pay for it.
I wonder how AVX-512 performs in x264 with lower clocks due to muh TDP.
Imagine being this delusional
Update your shit nigga.
I'm not about to let intel pass this off, but maybe use something other than gaymes to make your point?
How to ruin performance with cache changes in one easy step.
Whoops, lost to a 1600X. How much does that cost again? $230 on sale?
>buying 10 core cpu's for gaming
Your own stupid fault, and also proof you shouldn't buy into the moar cores meme of AMD
all the raw power that can't be used because of thermal throttling
You're like the nth idiot in here to ignore Intel's own marketing bullshit for this CPU.
Corelets when will they ever learn
Intels own marketing is bad, but don't pretend AMD doesn't market 8 core cpu's as gaming cpu's aswell
At least they don't cost $600-$1000 for the CPU alone.
And they can still do what Intel is bragging about in their marketing slides.
(Also the 1700 is more than capable of doing this as well, which is on sale right now for like $270, goddamn)
>And they can still do what Intel is bragging about in their marketing slides.
No they don't, they are NOT gaming cpu's.
And higher clocked 6700ks + 7700ks will trash them in the majority of games except for a few fringe cases.
Now gaming + streaming that's a different story.
But to market 8 core cpu's as 'gaming cpu's' is only slightly less retarded than 10 core cpu's as gaming cpu's
>And higher clocked 6700ks + 7700ks will trash them in the majority of games except for a few fringe cases.
Good goy
>le evil merchant boogyman
Really all that delusional AMDrones have to say
I fucking linked a video with what I was talking about you stupid fuck. Go ahead and try streaming/gaming on a 4 core i7 at the same time.
Who the fuck cares about streaming + gaming you autistuc inbred.
That's maybe 0,01% of all people that game, and I already said that's a different story and Ryzen cpu's are better than I7s in that case.
That DOES NOT make them better gaming cpu's you absolute fucking troglodyte.
Stop shifting the fucking goalpost
>it's not a gaming cpu
>b-but it's better if I add streaming to it
Fuck off, turboautist. Try reading the thread before you open your fat mouth.
>It's not a gaming CPU because in 3 year old games it's 10% slower
>try reading the thread
The thread subject is GAMING you fucking mongoloid, look at op's post
Dank memes m8
Assmad AMD autist detected
i will just leave this here
>one game
Cool more cherrypicks please
But please,spend 500 bucks on an 8 core cpu for gaming that performs better only in a few fringe cases, do it
i got the 6700k for $200 last year
dont really see any worth while upgrades for it till 2027 the way things are going
I don't know man, I don't have the time to post all the benchmarks but in everyone of them the frametimes were lower than Stutter-lake.
If you want to buy Intel then go ahead.
what's better?
you don't have time to post all your cherrypicked benchmarks?
What a shame
Please spend $1000 on a 10 core CPU for gaming so your house can burn down.
If you arrived at that conlcusion from my post your deductive skills are pretty low
I own an I7 which should have been Obvious you idiot
An i7-7900X?
Whoops, read that from the bios instead of the box.
the one with the more consistent line. Indicating smoother performance and lower hitches/jittering/stuttering. Frametimes are better indicator than average FPS for gaming because they are not affected by the statistical outliers and you can perceive the stuttering much easier than just a low framerate.
>amd fags though multithreaded gayming would ever be a thing
>b-but muh ashus of singuhlarity
Get rekt fags, fast quadcores will rule forever
lmao you're the same quadcore cuck that was going on about your i7-7700K beating an 1800X. Kill yourself, faggot.
The 6900K/6950X games better than this shit. Intel just fucked up when they changed the cache/memory latencies.
Well fuck, you got me.
They're better because they don't stutter.
>using the same reaction image in both shitposts
No an i7, idiot
>they're better because 'insert random meme'
Every AMD post ever