Give me one good reason you aren't using windows 10

give me one good reason you aren't using windows 10

>3d sagiri
muh dick

it's a boy

linux does it better

>it's a boy
muh dick


My time isn't worthless to be wasting it with endless update cycles.
I want my computer to just work whenever I want to.

I'd just wanna stick it in the pooper anyway....

Forgot pic related, what a joke on an OS




I can't access the defaultuser0 profile in the users directory. The anxiety produced over what could possibly be in there makes the OS unusable.



Because macOS

Yes and?

why stop at just one?

-botnet. No, it can't be disabled.
-forced updates that often make """your""" PC unable to boot
-even if not, installing them takes forever even on a fast machine
-unstable depending on the hardware
-ugly as sin

want me to go on?


without makeup

photoshop counts as makeup for me


Because I don't want to

the only reason why im not using windows 10 is because i am so poor as fuck that i just rent just to browse Sup Forums.

>without makeup
edited pic tho


>poor as fuck
>i just rent
We will never solve why, what a mystery.

>replying to urslef

Cause Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (Desktop), Windows 7 Professional x32 (Laptop), Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (Netbook) & Windows Home Server 2011 x64 (Server) just werks perfectly?

Because my ChinkPad is in my backpack and I'm using my LAGDROID K20 PHONE

because I'm already using the world's most advanced OS

Two words:
bot. net.

I always wonder when gay autistic weebs post their desktops.. do you show it to other people?
Do you go to work with it?
What about your family?

What could possibly compel a man, apart from mental illness, to shit up their desktop with drawn sexual content and chink writing

I got it.
They only use put those backgrounds to show em off to other autistic weebs.
It's kind of a showing off in the "community".
It also serves to signal their avaliability for virtual homosexual roleplay on the internet.

don't reply to my posts

stop bullying her

y not user I just wanna understand what troubles you and lead you to this path

the only troubled one here is you

Absence of sexual experiences and projection of sexual desires towards the female figure through the male organ as the sole point of reference of sexual pleasure


fite me irl freetard ramlets

Because I'm so deep into the chinkshit lifestyle I can only use red flag os

Yes clearly normal people are the real weirdos.
That I get; in fact having observed lots on people like those on r9k and twitter go from normal to flaming schizo "cutebois" in a manner of weeks/months.
I guess it's a way to cope.

HOWEVER I've also witnessed normal, healthy, sexually active young men fall for the what appears to be mere memes, and breaking down to a very similar state apparently willingly.
Possibly caused by a traumatic irl experience?

In one case I narrowed it down to homosexual, pre-existing tendencies (as the person had had a "phase", self admittedly) and the weeb/trap/cuteboi persona might have been just an "identity" he chose to pick up.

What's that music player?


your fuckin dumb

didnt read


pls censor that

Regarding normal active young men it might relate to the high idolization of the female on modern civilization coupled with a traumatic experience of sorts

Thanks brutha

did you ever think that maybe some guys just like a cute girl with a p*nis?

>maybe some guys just like a cute girl with a p*nis
Nevertheless there's a difference between growing to appreciate transexuals on a sexual basis thanks to Exposure, or deep rooted subversive tendencies or what have you;
and reverting to a sorry state (which I like to call praeter-homo-infantilism) where you choose/are drawn to simulate childlike perversion and become so aberrant you lose any sense of self-awareness and/or decency.

A form of animu-induced shota-loli-autogyniphilia whereby you self-insert (and therefore emulate) the twisted object of your fetish perchance?

didn't read

yeah and they are fucked in the head

Yes, however the current trends don't follow the usual patterns and is happening on an unprecendented scale

If anything most people who fall for this are victims

>endless update cycles.

>however the current trends don't follow the usual patterns and is happening on an unprecendented scale

From a simple utilitarian perspective it makes sense for people to become qweer/transgender in today's society, as the incentives are immense.

This holds true both for incel/outcasts (filling the void with an identity/easier access to sex, albeit homosexual) AND progressives (diversity points/upgrade in status).

In an atomized society it is natural to feel the need for a social sense of belonging, and the lgbtqp+ community offers that too, just the same as other minority identities (ethnic, religious, etc.).

That, coupled with the aforementioned Exposure Effect, leads to nil-irresistible maelstrom of co-factors.

tl;dr stop watching porn

because i am using a mac
a superior mac os XII

Where do you find these chink boisluts?

>The only board where you can get valid discussion of 21th century sexuality is Sup Forums
>Half of the boards for actually discussing this topic would get you shitposted to death or outright banned

sauce pls

your even dumber then the other guys

the title is right there

same boy as op

Back to /hima/

Not so much shitposted as people will ignore you and keep fapping. People dont really like to break down things they place so much of their emotional weight/identity into. Much easier to surround yourself with people who reinforce what you cling to.

If not that, then its just "yea, but so what?" which is rather useless.

Yes, Allah forbid you ever stop for a second to analyze what may be wrong with your life!
Go on further down this path, with 24/7 escapism and ever increasing perversion; I'm sure you're gonna turn out fine.

>Go on further down this path, with 24/7 escapism and ever increasing perversion
I was gonna do this anyway.

>Get home after long day at work
>Just want to unwind and play some video games
>Go online
>Massive lag spikes
>Check task manager
>All processes have 0% network usage
>But resource tab shows 20mb/s DL

Oh I wonder who that could be. Hm wait, didn't I set my connection to metered? Oh yeah I did, Windows just doesn't give a fuck.

The Windows devs should be rounded up and thrown in the ocean. Bunch of disgusting rat faced motherfuckers

>just want to unwind and play some video games

try doing that on linux or os x :^)

>>All processes have 0% network usage
>>But resource tab shows 20mb/s DL
We told you to save net neutrality, you didn't listen.

What does that have to do with net neutrality?
The point is Windows 10 updates automatically without showing its downloading anything. If I was a rich jew I'd file a civil lawsuit or something. Imagine people who have bandwidth caps having to deal with 20gb downloads in an hour because Microshit is a lying piece of garbage company.

Why would I bother downgrading from W7 to Vista 2: Electric Boogaloo? I do NOT like W10's desktop environment, there are privacy concerns about W10 dialing home, that shitty Microsoft policy of bugging the users constantly ("hey, restart now", "hey, restart now!") is stronger than ever, and my games run just fine in W7. Yes, the ONLY reason I have Windows installed is for games, otherwise I wouldn't be dual booting.



You also forgot the part where it constantly trashes your hard drives if you ever idle




>ever being idle
>ever not thrashing your drives

My dick.

Drivers-of-a-notebook hell.

I don't know how to activate it as easily as Daz Loader works for Windows 7, would honestly love some answers

x32 and x64 don't mean anything retard

Windows boi sluts are acceptable, macOS trash whores are not.

hmmm why did u use such nerdy words???

delet that rn

dont bully her again

Same reason why I used win xp till late 2011/early 2012 and only switch to win7 around that time: there's no reason for me to upgrade yet

Recently helped someone setup their email account in Windows 10, what a piece of shit. We were entering the wrong password but it gave no errors, just kept trying to sync.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Windows 7 is faster, more simple to use and easy to tweak

Unexpected reboots kill my libido.

cos it's shit