Have you upgraded yet Sup Forums?

Have you upgraded yet Sup Forums?

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>fedora is still on kernel 4.8.6
How the fuck do AMD users even manage to play on that shit

>playing video games on a distro designed for professionals.

back to Sup Forums you fucking manbaby.

I don't, but a lot of people recommend Fedora for gaming (for some reason) and I now realize that's the fucking stupidest idea

Yeah It's stupid; if you want to play vidya; which I do from time to time; just have a seperate partition for Windows


Linux isn't at all bad for playing, but what in the actual fuck. Kernel 4.8.6 is absolute torture for AMD cards.

Well I guess OP is just retarded

debian is the only good linux distro

prove me wrong

debian is freaking garbage

not an argument

you buttmad, fedora autist? m'llady

I have fedora and I'm on 4.11 from the official repos, I don't know what's wrong with OP.

I love that fresh install feeling. Who else Fedora + Enlightenment here?

Its packages are far too old. Great for servers and stuff but I'd rather get fucked by a dinosaur than use it on a modern desktop.

>Great for servers
> modern desktop.
then buy a Mac

Mac for laptop/dekstop , FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Debian for servers

Windows for gaymers and virgins.

>his distro has a version number

/:-------------:\ x@x-fedora
:-------------------:: OS: Fedora 25 TwentyFive
:-----------/shhOHbmp---:\ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.11.8-200.fc25.x86_64
/-----------omMMMNNNMMD ---: Uptime: 1d 10h 44m
:-----------sMMMMNMNMP. ---: Packages: 4136
:-----------:MMMdP------- ---\ Shell: zsh 5.2
,------------:MMMd-------- ---: Resolution: 3600x1080
:------------:MMMd------- .---: DE: GNOME
:---- oNMMMMMMMMMNho .----: WM: GNOME Shell
:-- .+shhhMMMmhhy++ .------/ WM Theme: Uranus-V0.0.2
:- -------:MMMd--------------: GTK Theme: Paper [GTK2/3]
:- --------/MMMd-------------; Icon Theme: ultra-flat-icons
:- ------/hMMMy------------: Font: Roboto Medium 10
:-- :dMNdhhdNMMNo------------; CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 @ 4x 3.6GHz [50.0°C]
:---:sdNMMMMNds:------------: GPU: Gallium 0.4 on AMD PITCAIRN (DRM 2.49.0 / 4.11.8-200.fc25.x86_64, LLVM 3.9.1)
:------:://:-------------:: RAM: 5051MiB / 7928MiB

damn sexy

what is the easiest way to get enlightenment running on fedora?

dnf install enlightenment?

I'm on 4.8.0. Fuck. What are good distros for AMD users?

Updated fedora, or updated debian, or updated anything that's gotten past 4.9. AMDGPU drivers were fucked before 4.9


why does this picture (and its variants) trigger me so much?

i upgrade kernel all the time for no reason. one of these days it's gonna break my shit and then I'll come to Sup Forums and start a linux sucks thread from my phone

>4136 packages
you need to stop

terminal dotfiles pls


Not yet, I'm on 24 because I skip releases. I prefer doing a new installation, it usually takes me a few days to get it setup how I like it. I'm working on a website for a client for the next week so hopefully any bugs will be fixed by then.

I have upgraded without any problems so far.. But knowing fedora it will not stay that way

he's currently upgrading. He's still on 25

I've finished now; seems pretty legit; all is 'just werking' for me right now

>distro designed for professionals.
Tips fedora

Anyone on Nvidia drivers? That's always the most worrying thing when I upgrade.

RHEL is designed for professionals. Fedora is designed for unpaid beta testers.

Fedora has been the most stable for me, been using Linux for about ten years. Though my hardware is pretty average.

so Sup Forums redpill me on fedora, why would I use it instead of say Ubuntu ? I dont really see a reason to change yet since most of what the different distros do can be adjusted and changed anyway so whats the advantage of using one distro over another ?

fedora doesn't have many benefits over Ubuntu other than a possibly better GNOME implementation.
OpenSUSE is in every way better than Fedora.

Yes Jessie to stretch

I'm on opensuse right now and I don't like it. If it fails to change my mind by the end of the week I'm moving back to fedora.

what do you dislike about it?

A lot of very little things don't work.
On tumbleweed I had constant problems with stability, so I moved to leap. On leap everything is stable but I NVENC encoding doesn't work despite me having the correct packages. Half of my steam games don't work if I don't use STEAM_RUNTIME_PREFER_HOST_LIBRARIES=0 and the other half don't work if I DO use STEAM_RUNTIME_PREFER_HOST_LIBRARIES=0. Simultaneous output in pulseaudio won't work despite having the checkbox checked both in KDE and in paprefs. QT4 applications don't use the correct icon theme if your icons are svg files, even though I had the version of the packages that were supposed to correct the issue I had to batch convert my whole icon theme to png to get it to work right. And then some other smaller things like I prefer selinux and mkinitcpio over apparmor and dracut.
It really is death by 1million papercuts.

There are a few things I have to give it credit for. The KDE integration with firefox is good and is actually the reason I decided to use the distro, and openbuild service is good.

I can list plenty of things that fedora has over Ubuntu.

dnf is a very robust package manager that supports deltas as well has supplies lots of easy to use tools like history and "whatprovides"
ubuntus custom kernel causes poor behavior in advanced virtualization scenarios like those used in qemu passthrough.
fedoras kernel is more up to date and even provides the preemption patches out of the box.
Fedora is also very up to date while also being surprisingly stable.

However, in actuality the gnome implementation on ubuntu is much better, being that ubuntu gnome edition gets a better edition of gnome. and also the release cycle on fedora is so fast that it might as well be rolling release so if you want LTS you're better off with ubuntu.

t. chronic distrohopper

Arch. Stop living 4 years in the past and get current packages that aren't addled by some basement neckbeard with burrito stains on his shirt.

But I need muh debian for muh games and apps ;)

U didn't see he's using a g4 notebook did u?

>Have you upgraded yet Sup Forums?
yeah, I upgraded back in May - which was a bit too early and there's still some bugs that annoy me in Fedora 26.. like unmounting a USB device in XFCE4 makes dbus stop functioning.

>kernel 4.8.6
not sure what you're talking about.

Don't want to sound like a dick or nothing but it says on your paste that you're a ramlet(?).

what font is that?

>not waiting a month for bug fixes and 3rd party repos to catch up
you have fucked up now

>a distro designed for professionals

xos4 terminus regular

Shitty logo

OP is running Fedora 25

Yes, to manjaro openRC


The main benefits to Fedora are security.

To list a few; package manager downloads software encrypted over HTTPS, it also comes with SELinux enabled by default with a sane config policy.

I've been using the Fedora 26 beta for awhile and installed 26 today. So far I'm impressed with how well it is put together.

Is this the default theme for Gnome now? it looks pretty good desu

It's a modified arc theme.

>using a distro called fedora