What plugins do you use, Sup Forums?
What plugins do you use, Sup Forums?
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adblock plus, steam inv helper and refresh buddy to give my youtube videos views that youtube took away and also tab buddy and ad block.
I meant Vim plugins, user.
Can you even write actual native plugins for vim?
Neonwave color scheme
I'd copy and paste my list but then you'd find me.
I'll just name a few I would highly recommend:
press - to go to current file's directory, cg changes directory while in tree view (which are cleaner than nerdtree/whatever the other one is btw)
press gcc to comment current line in normal, gc a visual block (fucky with html, wants to use for everything even inside and ...)
automatically gofmt on save (can also do other things)
vertically align by spaces = : , etc
e.g. ga=
int a = 1;
float b = 2;
const char* str = "Hello.";
pretentious I know but it makes some code easier to look at
emacs, it even includes vim.
>pretentious I know but it makes some code easier to look at
For untrained faggots. In reality, nobody gives a fuck.
Best Vi experiance you'll ever get.
Too bad that there's nothing like Neovim for Emacs.
it's my personal preference sometimes
here's an example with it
sf::View view = window.getView();
sf::Vector2f center = player.sprite.getPosition();
sf::Vector2f size = view.getSize();
float left = center.x - size.x/2.f;
float top = center.y - size.y/2.f;
float max_x = tilemap.width * tileset.width;
float max_y = tilemap.height * tileset.height;
if(left < 0) center.x = size.x/2.f;
if(left+size.x > max_x) center.x = max_x - size.x/2.f;
if(top < 0) center.y = size.y/2.f;
if(top+size.y > max_y) center.y = max_y - size.y/2.f;
and without:
sf::View view = window.getView();
sf::Vector2f center = player.sprite.getPosition();
sf::Vector2f size = view.getSize();
float left = center.x - size.x/2.f;
float top = center.y - size.y/2.f;
float max_x = tilemap.width * tileset_width;
float max_y = tilemap.height * tileset_height;
if(left < 0) center.x = size.x/2.f;
if(left+size.x > max_x) center.x = max_x - size.x/2.f;
if(top < 0) center.y = size.y/2.f;
if(top+size.y > max_y) center.y = max_y - size.y/2.f;
I just find it easier to scan and the plugin makes it so easy to do it's not like I'm wasting time manually aligning shit (I also use = > and < a lot in visual mode and their normal mode counterparts == >>
Fair enough.
Doesn't make a difference to me, though.
Can vim do this?
NERDTree before i realized vim has a file explorer
Vanilla always
sweet, just started on vim so the plugins you more experienced fags have will help me out.
D-does anyone really use vim like this? I never realized how slow I was. Takes me a second or so to use the right modifer to do what I want.
Your life will never be the same after you find vim-textobj-variable-segment and vim-textobj-methodcall.
Also vim-exchange
What was that button that showed as a circle with an arrow in it?
YouCompleteMe for C++ autocomplete etc, it can use your cmake files to generate autocomplete data for your own files too
>non modal editing
No thanks.
Forever ignorant. Try again.
vim-surround (for working with parentheses/brackets/etc.)
restore_view (saves your cursor location and folds)
ctrlp (fuzzy file searcher)
Nice. Pic related is some more awesome vim magic.
Macros truly are amazing.
Stop using vim. neovim.io
>vim plugins
>adblock plus
is there anything about nvim that is better
Plugin manager.
Does something, I forget.
File chooser.
Makes it look nicer or something.
Adds way to use multiple cursors, I use it to change the extensions on lots of files sometimes even though there's a built in way. Really slow if you have lots of cursors.
Highlights whitespace at the end of lines, adds command to remove them.
Editing of gpg encrypted files.
A patch added :terminal a while ago. Before that, there were terminal plugins.
Yes, we can do that.
Is it possible to do decent HTML with vim?
JS is fine.
Yeah. There are plugins like surround.vim to help and you can also just make maps to have common tags if you want.
Stop cramming shit into a single line.
> if(...)
Nevermind, you're retarded. All hope is lost.
>I use it to change the extensions
visual blocks, my dude
Macros are gay. I prefer spamming n.n.n.n.n.n.
Well, vim's plugins run synchronously. I had trouble when I began loading too many plugins. Haven't had any issues using nvim.
none because I only use vim for editing config files
I only use vim to edit vim's config files.
dirty plebs
ycm. No compilation errors are orgasmic.
I tried this. Didnt like it. gvim works much better for me I like gvim and could not find a neovim equivalent, tried nvim-qt but it sucks.
Used to use nerdtree and neocomplete but now all I need is muh Molokai theme. Wish slimv worked for me but I can never get that shit to run.
it runs noticeably faster
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plugin 'tomasr/molokai'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'raimondi/delimitmate'
Plugin 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
" Plugin 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'
" Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plugin 'simnalamburt/vim-mundo'
Plugin 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete'
"Plugin 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
Plugin 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
" Plugin 'dbgx/lldb.nvim'
" Plugin 'huawenyu/neogdb.vim'
Leaving in plugins I've tried but later disabled (commented) in case they might be of interest. Running neovim.
Name 1 (one) good reason to use neobim