> 15 inch laptop
> Iris Pro graphics only
> still uses Haswell
> $1800
Why does Apple still sell those?
15 inch GPUless MacBook
Why would you want a dedicated graphics card in a laptop
I have many criticisms of Apple (like the price), but I don't need graphics for my sysadmin daily driver. Once I got rid of trashOS and put the botnetOS on, it was actually the best Windows laptop I've owned.
i5, 16gb, 256gb ssd. Ran VMs, all admin apps and all the shit I have to deal with daily and it handled it perfectly. No IRQ stutter, the best battery life to date, video playback felt like a discrete card.
Apple is gay AF hipster-tier, but they make a great Windows laptop. Oh and the chassis, I really do like the milled aluminum chassis. Cold as fuck in the winter but took drops and bumps like a champ. I have a dell precision now and it's bretty gud but fucking heavy. The Air was the perfect size and weight.
God I feel dirty now..
I hate macshit but to be fair GPUS on laptops were a mistake.
I don't want to have something in my laptop that will just make it bulkier, drain battery and be obsolete in a year or two.
Gpus just advance way too fast.
because OP is a retarded Sup Forumstard kid
Naw, you're just all pajeets or geeksquad egotists. I wanna play games occasionally when I travel. Or, for example, people that actually have careers, unlike you faggots, can make use of a Quadro or similar for 3D shit. Plus, offloading hashcat to GPU makes cracking zip passwords quick for retarded C-levels that can't remember the one password they use every day.
>I wanna play games
see i was right, op is a stupid Sup Forumstard
I am not op you fucking retard. Is this your first day on Sup Forums? Do you want me to use a tripcode?
>Video editor(for his 4 subscriber youtube channel)
>Skriddy "zip" hacker
Back to Sup Forums
Actually I am a data center technical lead.
How is retail treating you?
>people that actually have careers
If you want that then just buy a workstation laptop you fucking retard.
They don't even use the same gpus for gaming and "work" anyways.
I play games too and like I said making your laptop worse just because you want to play videogames on the same device is shit.
Just build a desktop for gaming or use a handheld.
Are you a toddler that can't step away from his videogames for a few hours?
>What I need is what everyone needs and I'm right.
There is a reason why you can't get a real tech job. Your faggot fanboy egoautist thinking.
I don't need to carry around two laptops because >i need muh gaming card to run games.
My precision with a xeon and quadro run CS just fine. Plus, I am too busy making money instead of wasting it on fanboy consumer garbage.
You should seriously consider visiting a shrink.
Sys admin for a fortune 500 making 70k annually after skipping 6 grades actually.
Only 19 too. Plenty of growth ahead :^)
Enjoy your ifruit gpu though, brainlet
Why do you retards post, the "I have a job and you don't" meme when it's a fucking anonymous board?
t. google employee.
Alright OP whatever you say
you realize integrated graphics are tiny GPUs right? They are also getting obsolete every year you dumbass, the ideal laptop has both dedicated and integrated graphics.
They are not obsolete for tasks that do not require current year [gaming or workstation] gpu.
If you get one with a [gaming] gpu then it will be worthless in a few years and a drain on battery, increase in thickness and weight from day 1.
>Ran VMs
poorly, shit heats up and throttles like a motherfucker doing that stuff
>playback felt like a discrete card
no it didn't
>took drops and bumps like a champ
now I know you're just being retarded
Because MacBooks always overheat and slowly fry the dedicated graphics chips
>GPUS on laptops were a mistake
somewhat literally
You should seriously kill yourself seeing as you've got no substantive reply.
Lmao. 70k in SV or similar is like 25k in a nonfaggotized city. How's your 340sqft $1800 shitbox?
I am 12 and work for the US Space Corps making 9 trillion USD a month, paid directly in platinum mined from Urmomsanus.
Actual sysadmins don't post their age because they know better. 19 year olds don't know their ass from their elbow yet, you are not important if you are even telling the truth.
Nice bait my friend
I hope it is bait because I'm laughing my ass off at the level of stupidity of spending $1800 on a piece of shit to not even use it for its intended and optimized case of use, gold comedy at its best.
2010 Macbook Pro with a 320m.
I've never had that problem.
1. Can you show me temp logs from my laptop? Fucking retard, 3 VMs at idle do not make heat.
Yes, it did. Streaming 1080P over 802.11AC with no stutter, poorfag.
3. Also work on my cars in my spare time. The amount of times I've dropped it off the rad support onto the engine or driveway and all I got was scratches.
>This guy is all seeing all knowing, he is everywhere, monitoring performance and environmental.
Fucking summerfags+poorfags make the most autistic good-for-nothing losers on Sup Forums
>buys macbook
>installs windows
Literally fucking w-h-y. The whole point of buying a MB(P) is that you buy into the whole ecosystem. OS X is godly on the MB. Does Windows even get close to the battery life provided by macOS?
Seems like I already make more than you
Stay jealous bud.
Oh I didn't spend anything. I don't pay for my gear. The Macbook air was given to me by my employer, and after a year I asked for something better. Now I have a $4500 precision, a company car, company credit card and a skid of servers and sans sitting in my garage. Free. But since I'm not an autistic brandfag, I agree, they are overpriced.
No, actually you don't. Let me know when you break six digits. Oh wait, you can't do that as a geeksquad employee that lies on Sup Forums.
OSX is useless for my job. Everything is windows/linux in enterprise. I was surprised to find that Win10 actually gave me 14 hours where as OSx gave me 10. Timed it out to make sure the calculation for time remaining on battery wasn't fudging the numbers.
OSX is for media people and non-technical people. So most of those in this thread.
For the same reason I want heated seats in a 60k car. Because I'm paying for something nice.
Um, don't you think that MAYBE, um, just MAYBE, having a powerful GPU requires a better heating system therefore making it much heavier?
You can't have everything.
There's no way you actually work in enterprise if you don't even under how to operate macOS.
I work in an exclusively Windows field and I have no problems using OS X. Alternatively, on my side job in embedded development, everyone uses macOS or Linux. Both are perfect operating systems for ease-of-use programming.
>requires a better heating system
I didn't realize that computers needed extra heat.
And yes, more heat needs a better cooling system. But since I'm not a faggot 19 year old playing skyrim all day pretending to be a sysadmin on Sup Forums, the OEM cooling works fine, as designed.
Of course you can't have everything, but I don't need a watercooled laptop because it has a discrete GPU you fucking mong. It's a quadro that uses less power than it's consumer counterparts.
>the 'I don't need graphic card' meme
If you don't, then don't spend USD $1800 on an overpriced piece of shit, there are plenty APU laptops
>telling lies at your friends on the interwebz
Wow, you really are a winner...
Working with Linux or MacOS makes no difference, at its core both are Unix systems, where I work our product is meant for Linux environments yet almost everyone uses Mac (the programmers even) because the difference is minimal, MacOS is practically a "Linux" that works out of the box for most cases and is perfectly fit for work.
If you need a Microsoft environment that's a different matter, still would not use a Mac for it.
Oh ok, are RSAT available for OSX?
You fucking wannabes are going to be stuck at minimum wage. There's no way YOU work in enterprise if you use OSX to manage Windows. Actual admins LAUGH at people like you for doing shit like this.
Happened to mine
Granted, it took ten years
Laptops that have a Quadro are heavier for a reason than shit-laptops with Intel graphics.
Those laptops are workstation tier, a Mac isn't meant to be used as a workstation.
Lmao, did you read this out of your Comptia A+ combined book?
What don't you understand, retard? Apple hardware, WINDOWS ON APPLE HARDWARE. I DO NOT USE OSX FOR MANAGING WINDOWS.
OSX in a linux environment? Totally makes sense, I don't disagree. However, just because OSX and Linux are at the core both unix, does not mean that they are not wildly different implementations.
God, you must be a fucking pajeet. Your reading comprehension is piss poor. I didn't say the Dell was lighter than the Mac, I didn't say the Mac was meant to be a workstation.
I said that my light, medium-powered Macbook Air was perfectly fine and great running Windows 10 for sysadmin tasks until I needed more power. I even said the Dell is heavy as fuck. If you're going to reply, read what I wrote first. I've fired people like you that argue in parallel because they are too retarded to even be aware of the topic of discussion.
I only would not use OSX for a fucking server, I doubt it would have issues for almost anything else.
I'm a Linux user, but I used a Mac Mini for a while for my programming and sysadmin tasks.
And I WOULD NOT use a Mac with Windows to mange Windows environments, you only deserve to not be completely crucified because it was a gift... still, no fucking reason to use a hardware not designed for that task, it is degenerate.
Also, when the fuck did I say that discrete graphics did not mean an increase in weight? Oh right, I didn't, you are just a pot smoking summerfag burnout that's shitposting on Sup Forums. Keep regurgitating shit you read on Sup Forums from the other fanboys. You just keep looking more retarded.
I just RDP into my Windows box for that and manage the rest.
>MacOS is practically a "Linux" that works out of the box for most cases and is perfectly fit for work
oh boy, here we go
That's the point, idiot, if it did, it would lose other qualities you need from it, like being light weight.
No need, if I had a boss this retarded I would quit instantly.
Gift? Standard issue. That's how enterprise actually works.
You wouldn't use Windows on a Mac because you regurgitate bullshit fanboy autism that you see on your brand-loving echobox called Sup Forums. To be honest, I thought it would be shit too until I actually tried it. Windows is still Windows, regardless if it's on a Mac or not. There is literally no difference. Even the bootcamp drivers for Win10 were waaaaay better than the garbage drivers HP puts out, which is obviously all Windows, since you don't seem to know very much.
>Muh brand degeneracy
>Muh non sequitur
Try adding substantive replies, otherwise it's people like YOU that are the problem with Sup Forums.
> a drain on battery
false, you can switch between integrated and dedicated graphics
> increase in thickness and weight
Nope, the 15 inch retina macbook also has a model with dedicated graphics, and it's literally the same weight/thickness
I use things as they are meant to, from all brands, you are just a degenerate nu-male faggot that thinks is better because you are a "millionare normie but geek ;)"
Literal cancer
Lmao, ok. Why don't you try that in an ITAR/DoD environment. Logging directly into a Windows box to administer it? Aside from that being a BASIC MISTAKE in security, you really think all Windows boxes have the GUI installed? Get the fuck out of here, geeksquard SMB faggot. RSAT or powershell is how people actually manage shit.
ITT: Macfags defending a $1800 fucking Haswell laptop
Thanks bro, at least there are two people on Sup Forums that aren't turboautists larping as 19 year old 70k/yr sysadmin prodigies.
No, actually I didn't. I am not OP for the 3rd time.
You are sperging out. When was the last time you got some pussy? Never, right? Escorts don't count.
Dude, I literally work for the Air Force Research Lab. Everything I do is ITAR. Still completely OK.
I actually complained it wasn't powerful enough, I.E. CPU and RAM. Thus the Dell with 64GB DDR4 and a Xeon. VMs, remember? You can play CS on Intel GMA faggot.
>still, no fucking reason to use a hardware not designed for that task, it is degenerate
do you realize that we're on Sup Forums, right? or you're too much of a retard?
Why wound't you want dedicated graphics on a $1800 computer?
>Escorts don't count
Don't disregard your mother like that, she counts user.
Also you didn't read what I wrote. I said I remote into a Windows box and then >manage the rest
I don't RDP into all of our windows machines.
LMAO. Proof. You can't possibly be this retarded and work for AFRL. Maybe as a Jr that was too fat to complete basic. Do you enjoy switching out keyboards that are crusted with flyboy cum?
And it never will be, keep crying Mac fag.
Or grow some balls and get a real laptop.
In your home do what you fucking want, enterprise level you don't do this shit.
You realize most AFRL employees are civvies? I work at Kirtland on the SmallSat portfolio. Under Dr. Voss.
>Because laptops always overheat and slowly fry the dedicated graphics chips
Seriously, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to increase the total TDP by at least an additional 200% and at most a laughable 1000% while still maintaining roughly the same physical dimensions as an ordinary laptop?
Oh no, he insulted maymay. Forgo a substantive technical argument, his dead-end, predictable, juvenile insult just got me cornered! Pic related.
>In your home do what you fucking want, enterprise level you don't do this shit.
Go back to /gd/ or one of those faggot boards
You're right, I didn't read it all because you are a RDP inception GUItard
You must realize the mistake you just made then, right? What about that NDA you just violated? If you do really work there, you deserve to be jailed. I might even send this thread over and let them decide about your minor opsec breach.
This whole thread is cancer. You have one or two realfags vs teeniebopper larping shitposters that aren't old enough to be on here anyways.
>he responded to my low-level bait insult with a classy mother joke but I'm gonna pretend it was him that first resorted to this
Pic related is (you)
I think you have a serious misunderstanding about what ITAR and security clearance are. Sounds like you just like to pretend you're important?
Everything that I have written in public knowledge and not in violation of ITAR. But, okay. Have fun I guess.
What do graphics have to do with not taking your hobbies to enterprise level?
Lmao, I'm not even a Macfag. I said I felt dirty for praising the good points of the product, fuck me right? See since you are too retarded to scroll your mouse.
Also, my precision is more than enough power.
Pic related, since faggot larpers like you can't even prove basic details of what you claim.
>taskbar on top
We're talking about using a decent OS, not macOShiet
You could be right, maybe lower-level employees don't have this problem, but my clearance explicitly stated that I CANNOT disclose companies that are clients of mine, despite being public.
Pic related, it's you. Triggered over taskbar placement, like anyone gives a fuck.
Oh, that sore neck doesn't hide how red it is, faggot.
Hash cracking/other maths
THIS, thank you bro. Also, CHECKED.
>not macOShiet
>on macShiet overpriced underpowered hardware
>implying that OP paid anything for that crap
If you get a macbook for free, the intelligent way to go is uninstalling macOS.
Actually, I'm not OP but the person who didn't pay for their Macbook Air.
You at least redeemed your retardation by suggesting OSX be removed though. I like you, you can sweep the floor when my cablers are done wiring patch panels.
>>Why does Apple still sell those?
Becuase they still make money...
>no memes on this post
What the fuck? Someone giving a real answer?
Being $1.8k you'd think it'd be for media creation but it doesn't have a GPU, is the MacBook a useless overpriced piece of plastic for browsing Facebook that could be replaced by any phone, tablet, laptop or desktop?
not that guy, but if you released macOS as a linux distribution, nobody would call you a liar. aside from some tools and frustrating protections (seeing "permission denied" as su is a baffling experience - denied by whom?) there's virtually nothing to distinguish macos from, say, ubuntu