>post gif
>people bully you for typing speed
Post gif
Other urls found in this thread:
>not jif
>not kraft
>not yiff
>>people bully you for typing speed
One of my coworkers on the other side of my cube types fast as fuck and it really pisses me off... like why the fuck are you typing so fast? Are you chatting with your girlfriend on AIM? What the fuck. I mean, I type an average of 80wpm and my coworker sounds like they're blazing at twice my speed.
If you type your message as a password in KeePass, the auto fill in will type out the words stupid fast, making you look like you're a typing God.
I don't get it
>posting anything
there's your problem
OP is that you? :^)
The (You) he received
n-not the first time
kek what board is it?
Sorry you were bullied. Report all bullying to the mods. Don't let this taint your opinion of SLASH GEE. We're a welcoming group of white males.
What the FUCK. I didn't even get to see the circle.
That's a fat birb. Post more.
How the fuck can anyone tell you're a slow typer?
Don't ask him for a reply we'll be here all fucking night
Sup Forums
It just keeps going....
how fucking new are you
>tfw youre too afraid to look at something else just in case the gif ends you have to start over
How fucking dumb are you? Tell me how I'm supposed to know faggot
What are you, a typelet?
I bet you hate programming languages with keywords and love shitty editor macros.
If you're just typing normal words then 80 is slow as fuck
>he types half as fast
kill yourself
>on a phone
>taking typing test on a phone
just leave already
wpm-let detected
autistic individual detected
>don't think I type that slow
>do a test
Should I do typing exercises?
> not dchayff
What a pleb