
Are there other pen testing operating systems out there other than kali linux?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=pentest distro

maybe spend ten seconds googling it faggot

Fuck you i did and found nothing

I like blackarch personally

ok thanks ill try that in a virtual machine

Pentoo as well. If you are a gentooman

Yes, but I prefer Kali


Black Arch

Black arch linux my friend

Yes, and this is what the grown ups use: labs.fedoraproject.org/en/security/

Install Pentoo

u get up to 12% more hackings upon install of kali (even better than ubuntu at 9%)

ArchStrike Linux

If you are a professional, or greatly experienced, you would not need to ask this question.

If you are looking to get into infosec, then use kali Linux. It is always best to use the most common platform as most documentation is based on it and will normally work as intended.
Always put learning first, not error code Googling.

Isn't having a distro just for pentesting silly? You could just install the same software suit on Debian.


Backbox is pretty sweet.

Matriux is also good. It has an ancient Greek vibe to it tho.

It's a convenience thing. Whole reason they make customized distros in the first place. Why don't you roll your own LFS?

lmgtfy.com/?q=pentest distro




What the fuck did you search for?