Why is Sup Forums so racist towards Indians?

why is Sup Forums so racist towards Indians?

REEEEEEE you're infringing my rights to free speech REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Because of outsourcing and H1B visas, you knob.

Probably the fact that they don't poo in the loo.

being against incompetent, smelly retards isn't being racist.

Sup Forums is dominated by shitty teenagers or people who didn't move past being shitty teenagers as they grew older -- someone once

It is probably true, so that would be your reason. Cretins having nothing else to do, cretins thinking it is funny, cretins thinking such shit will meaning to their life or something.

Indians are racist against Indians.


Nah they're classist dude.

I had one Indian coder who came into the tutor lab, and he was the worst. He didn't even care if his code compiled when he submitted it. He used eclipse, but his code would just be one entire block of red. It was like he didn't give a shit about programming, yet he was in a Computer Science course that was only required for Computer Science majors.

He ignored all the advice I gave him too. He would just ask me to look over his big red block of code and ask why he it doesn't work. I eventually just said I wouldn't look at it unless it could compile, or if the question was about why a specific line has a compile error. He just got other tutors to look at it.

Cause they're the niggers of technology

What about biharis

Things get outsourced to India and because the companies doing so are cheap, they don't train them properly. Particularly with tech support call centres, they just give them scripts to read from and flowcharts to go through and they get stuck if you go off-chart.

People mistake this for Indian people being naturally idiotic i.e. are a bit racist, and Sup Forums being Sup Forums people like to be edgy and vent out what they're not allowed to vocalise elsewhere etc.

Poo in the loo pajeet

Because they all smell like musty incense or shit or both. This is actually fact.

They stink. A house near me had to be stripped bare and completely renovated after a some poo in loos had lived rented it for a year or so, because it stunk of curry. They and their clothes are no different.

Tech support scammers are almost always Indian. I don't use tech support but it's a accurate stereotype.

Spotted the disgusting Pajeet

Holy shit, the analpain is astounding.

Who keeps making this thread?

>pajeets are smelly and took my job
>this is free speech

>you are racist

Because, on the whole, they don't know how to conduct themselves. Both in their own country as well as overseas.
Indians are pretty shitty to everyone, themselves included.

If being racist means not wanting to deal with assholes then whatever, if it makes you feel better calling someone racist instead of fixing your shit do whatever you gotta do

Two reminders-
Rape is a legitimate issue in India.
UNICEF, fucking UNICEF had to make a song reminding you retards to not shit in the middle of the street.

And you're a faggot, as OP.
This is free speech too.

> Somebody work hard for living in the best place
> You just get it for free
Do you think this is fair?

"we'll do it for one dollar"

I dont have any problem with Indians but I have a problem with shills

Because they're fucking incompetent in any tech related job


Remember to poo in the loo