Why should i care about net neutraity if im not amerifat?


Other urls found in this thread:


American website

owned by jap

imagine a Sup Forums with no amerifats


Then Sup Forums wouldn't even exist nigger. Moot was from New York.

Chances are your government uses burgerland as a reference to take some decisions.

I'm not a burguer either, but I'm cheering for you guys. Hope you win this one.

Imagine Sup Forums doesn't exist anymore


net neutrality issues mostly affect only martsharter race at this point, but there's something really bad coming for everybody:


Cause we need their net.

the back stabbing faggot stole 2ch

why would it just disappear? mook would just switch servers outside the US

Because we as based jewropean will mimic all what America is doing.

Sign me up

Hiroyuki has implied that it will be more expensive to move to servers overseas, and may shut down Sup Forums instead.

Because jews will also take down net neutrality in your country by taking the burger's example

America does, your country most likely soon follows. Either directly copying them or using a slightly altered version.

>Sup Forums closes
>people flock to smaller chan sites
>the good ol days of chan culture will return

Not that bad.

Australian government usually follows america, if they are screwed Australia, Canada and other countries will follow. do you really wanna be in a Sup Forums with only Israelis?

this will affect us europeans just as much, once the floodgates are open we are all doomed. dont give them a single inch in this fight. it is important to take a clear stance against anything even remotely in this direction, the government is watching us anyway and breaking the law to do so everybody knows that but once we give in and make that shit legal it is only gonna get worse and worse. give them an inch they take a mile.

so although this might not affect you right now it surely will in the coming months or years when this cancer spreads to europe. It is bad enough that the american people are too spineless to stand up to the massive personal surveillance the NSA is doing if they even let their government kill the last bastion of freedom and anonymity we are all getting fucked sooner or later.

they will be able to control the whole internet not just Sup Forums, as soon as people flock to a new site, they will target that one

They wont care about several smaller chans, if they have the same amount of userbase as they did 10+ years ago. Sup Forums is very monolithic in its size of the userbase, which makes it an easier and clearly defined target.

if we lose net neutrality, it will set a precident for the (((free))) world

No it wont. The EU thinks its the center of the world and has a clear superiority complex. US deciding to lose net neutrality will only serve to inflate the egos of Brussels politicians who think they have the moral highground when they denounce the decisions of "Rebublicans and their Russian pay masters".

>who think they have the moral highground
Well, they're not wrong. How're those police shootings, death penalties and increasing socio-economic disparity things treating you?

Seriously, news anchors use the same tone of voice to talk about the US and Syria.

Im from the EU too my friendo. And I wouldn't say EU is a paradise on Earth.

pls make it happen amerifats, go to war with russia or some shit desu

lol no
just like america letting a bunch of corporations rape their citizens != EU letting that shit slide
how many times have they fined google now? LOL

>tfw safe from this bullshit
Thank god access to the internet and its contents is marked as a human right in the constitution here.

>And I wouldn't say EU is a paradise on Earth.
I wouldn't either but it's still better than the third world shithole on the other side of the ocean. We should stop comparing ourselves to the US on any front and look to actual developed nations like Japan, Australia and Canada.



that sub is some weird parallel universe tbqhwyf a bunch of kids looking 47

Get fucked, frogposter. If you can't be arsed to post an on-topic image, then you need to gb2/b where you and your ilk belong.

>ISPs stay out of the game and watch how meme webpages grow and colapse
>Google notices how fuged they are and lobbies Obama for a law

Without this law google is toast and ISPs would crush down and buy every single one of those meme webpages that create billions of paperinos every year

EU hates it's citizens just as much

How else do you explain TTIP?


Suddenly it doesn't sound bad at all. Fuck net neutrality, ban the yanks!

So fucking what? There are 1000's of chans, there is nothing that makes this one special. Literally nothing would be lost but a domain name.

But Trump doesn't like traps. smdh

wife beater

Japan is owned by the USA.

Nah m8, smaller chans just won't be able to afford the exorbitant "have your site load faster than 1kb/min" fee.

I find it very difficult to take the political leanings of a 12-year-old seriously, because their opinions are usually made entirely of a book or two their English teachers made them read.
Teacher assigns 1984? Wow, there are lots of little communists! Animal Farm instead? Tommy's next essay is about how libertarianism is the best thing ever.

Because they have a nearly $20 trillion economy (larger than the whole EU), like 5,000 nukes and have one of the biggest influences on the whole internet outside of China.

That's why.

>look to actual developed nations like Japan, Australia and Canada

All 3 are literally American protectorates.

It's easy if you try

Doesn't matter. US servers.

Yeah well u little shitstain u and the rest of everyone reading this knows those facts actually doesn't matter when you take into account all the different factors.


because every time America does something big, the rest of the world follows, always pay attention to the west because for better or worse we do it first every time


>no one understand net neutrality at all in this thread

if I am not in the US, I can still browse Sup Forums without any throttle or issue. it's the fatlard that have issues because either their ISP will block Sup Forums entirely or will throttle it.

anyone living outside of america have nothing to worry about.

>but Sup Forums is hosted in the US

so what? they throttle or blocks the US from accessing it, not the entire planet. jap moot can also hot Sup Forums outside of US if needed be,

you Sup Forumsuys call yourself smart when you can't even understand this simple shit. yeah buddy, I code complex 2+1 shit and can hack you! jajjajajaja


>other countries

this ffs. only burgers are kill and who cares