What mobile Sup Forums browser does Sup Forums use?

What mobile Sup Forums browser does Sup Forums use?

Web browser because i can open 27825882478 tabs without reloading and sync it with my desktop.

>sync it with my desktop
what did he mean by this

clover is the only right answer

His computer fgt


Ive been pretty satisfied with Mimi.

donate to floens faggots

Not all of us have money dude. Why would we be using an android app if we had money

nice bait faggot.

Anyone remember 4charm? Most underated Sup Forums browser

Clover. By far the best UI and 2.3.0 is stable as fuck. Never had any problems with it.


Don't you just love Yotsuba?


The UI on clover is so good, just wish it would push notifications on (you)s

I dunno, it's just called "browser"

please. Not that one. Just no.


I wish there was a full screen gallery in Clover, so you didn't get the nav bar at the top and bottom taking up space when perusing images.


Ohh shit, thanks senpai

he means instant notifications by push.

i hate shindol


Someone give me a (you) to test out push notifications


It works, thanks. This is gonna take phone posting to the next level

I may be some sort of faggot, but Mimi ain't too bad. I used to use clover until I couldn't find it on the app store anymore. It gets frequent updates too. Tabs are easy to manage, and bookmarking and captcha isn't a buggy mess.

Voyer for Sup Forums on my windows phone

that does not mean "instant". app checks with intervals.

Turn off battery saver, ya dip.

you can set to 10 minutes max dumbass.

I've been using clover for some time until I switched to dashchan about a momth ago. its ok

[x] told
[ ] not told

Guess I'm just extremely lucky you post on the 9th minute every time?

im on dezktop rn. reply me once more.


It occurred to me that i might just be getting instant notifs because I'm actively using the app to browse other threads now, and it's not actually in the background.

hmm it works. i was wrong sorry.

What the fuck is a Sup Forums browser?

i was a clover fag until i used dashchan. and its better.

Put your trip back on Floens you sneaky kike.

no worries, happy to help

fuck you got me.

The web browser just works fine. No need to use any proprietary apps

A mobile application that shows Sup Forums threads in a format optimised for phoneposting. Usually comes with additionally features such as thread bookmarking.

this i also would add that mimi is good enough for me desu

>97 tabs

Your bait wont work on me

I know this is bait, but desktop version of the site on a decent browser with adblock is better than any dedicated Sup Forums browser I've tried.

Floens if you're lurking fix the gallery. How am I supposed to fap with all this letterboxing.

RIP windows phone

Posting from Chan Baruza

The chan


Clover. Because it's the only one lightweight enough for my toaster phone.

Firefox. Same as I do on the desktop.



>Current state of applel


I tried ChanU because someone mentioned it in the last Clover hate thread but I don't see how it's better. All I notice is a fancier design and inline image expansion but that's it. I like the simple design of Clover.

Chan Burauza, better than vanilla desktop version


It's my real phone. I usually use an adblocker though

Nothing wrong with having lots of tabs open. I usually have over a hundred, I trimmed it down before that screenshot

Chan Burauza

Dashchan is the best