>posts a legitimate question about a problem which many users face
>nvm fixed it
>thread closed
Posts a legitimate question about a problem which many users face
Other urls found in this thread:
>i don't know the answer but i hope you get the fix
>here is your fix
>link broken
OK, you've had your say, now fuck off
>legendary ancient poster with 10k+ posts
>this is the wrong section buddy kindly move your thread to correct section
>Sent a PM about the fix :^)
>google the problem you're having
>only a single person has had it and posted about it
>no replies
>google the problem you're having
>result is a thread telling the op to google the problem they're having
>oh shit, i finally found it!
>megaupload link
>month old thread with no solution
>first post has been randomly selected as the answer
>thread closed
>don't worry guys this problem is fixed with v2.35
>you still face it on v3.1
>tfw haven't felt the satisfaction of utterly destroying something in a long long time
>Start a thread about a problem
>Get in trouble for not using search
>Search and post a question/fix to a thread that no one answered
>Get in trouble for necroing
You can't win with these faggots. Back door mods are fucking retarded, no wonder Reddit won the forum war
>is anyone else encountering this error
>user with 4000 selected answer
>58000 points
>decade old account
>title 'technical god'
>comments have you tried updating your drivers ?
>yes i have
>never replies back
>check this attachment, this will solve it
>click it
>you need to sign in to get that feature
>sign up and click
>contents have been deleted/moved from this thread
show me one(1) example or else i'm just going to assume you're making it up for reddit gold
Fucking Yahoo Answers.
Being this new
Literally every forum site
i'm not dumb enough to need tom's hardware hold my hand at every driver fault
>nice thread on Sup Forums
>it's archives with zero replies...
>really dumb thread
>mods don't archive it even after 15hrs with few comments
> mods archive threads
Kill me
>being this naive
Mods archive newfag
>to enter for $4k high end computer giveaway comment
>top comment is a guy who doesn't want to enter and wishes every good luck
>i hope you win
Stackoverflow does this shit all the time.
It happens literally everywhere in all forums
Big, small, all of them
Just today I was browsing a c&c3 mod on moddb and in the comments section someone asked for a problem and the dev told him to send him a pm
>public forum
>cannot get 'x' done need help
>don't worry @user will help you
>hey user here, check your pm for fix
>thanks man it worked
>make new and post a comment/thread
>your comment is not public and is awaiting mod approval
Being this motherfucking sensitive on a small forum site wtf
>make a new thread about a particular software/game
>it gets deleted because there is already a megathread about it
>comment on the megathread and ask a question
>dude it has been answered read the thread first
>thread has 40 pages and 400+ comments
that's a lightweight coffin.
>dead forum
>"you must be logged in to see links"
>proceed to register
>website spits out database errors during registration
> google for how to solve a problem
> all the results are forum threads of people asking the problem and being told to go google it
>ask a question
>nobody replies
>ask again
>you are bumping this thread if you do it again you will be banned
>never get replied
>post a question about a problem that nobody has asked about yet
>no replies
Fuck y'all niggas this is why nobody bothers to use GNU/Linux
>still using meme linux
>google a problem
>there's a bad fix, like unplugging and replugging the component
>the 2 of the 3 threads you find on the issue have no solution
>the third's solution is "lol just powercycle it. lol solved"
>ask question
>moderator says use the search function, locks the thread
>use search function and reply to thread
>moderator says don't necro threads, first offense on new users are permanent bans
>got a 5.1 DVD htib system for free
>has optical in
>pc hdmi -> TV optical -> DVD htib
>no surround only stereo
>search for days found that S/PDIF can't handle LPCM above 2.0 channels
>Graphics card can convert LPCM to DDL
>in Nvidia forums a representative said they are working on a driver update
>2012 nothing has happened
>details your problem perfectly
>someone asks what are your pc specs and that they can't help you without knowing it
>it's a problem totally independent of hardware, but whatever
>after you post your specs, it doesn't affect the replies
>still nobody can solve the problem
This right here is the dumbest shit when it comes to forums.