>because its open source it means that goooogle cannot spie on me
>and also being open source it takes up less wam on my computer
>and and and being open source im not connected to bo..botnet whatever that is
Fucking Chromium retards don't get it.
>because its open source it means that goooogle cannot spie on me
>and also being open source it takes up less wam on my computer
>and and and being open source im not connected to bo..botnet whatever that is
Fucking Chromium retards don't get it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't have to get it. Because open source.
>Don't get it
In otherwords, Don't understand.
Right. We're on the same page. Open sores.
Nobody thinks that. Literally everyone knows that even chromium is botnet. You'd have to be very misinformed not to know that.
I've seen multiple threads where it was
>Chrome is shit
>Lists a few reasons
>user replies ' i use chromium '
Welcome to open source software, everyone just assumes that because its open source then it's not botnet because "surely someone else would have noticed it!!", but of course this falls apart when everybody just expects that somebody else will have audited the source.
And I'm sure you just assume that Google is spying on you through Chrome and Chromium.
Google doesn't need a web browser to spy on you.
Privacy is done. Google only cares about using the botnet to make money off you. The people that might use your data to control you, like NSA or what have you, will get it from whoever's on top, because they have to be willing to play ball to stay on top. That's why your hardware is cucked, your software is cucked, and your life is cucked. It's over user, unless there's a revolution, in which case you'll die, because you're on a Chinese shitposting board screaming about web browsers instead of living out in the woods learning how to build a bomb.
but i use ungoogled chromium
You don't get it, retard.
>and also being open source it takes up less wam on my computer
>and and and being open source im not connected to bo..botnet whatever that is
Those points are still correct.
>niggers don't know what iptables are
>niggers don't know how the network interface works
Open source equals safe though.
>they don't use a custom hostfile so they can use whatever distro they want
Joke's on you, I use Iridium
That slows down your whole internet.
no it doesn't you dumb nog
German botnet.
bitrot only sets in when you block microsofts IPs, because they have a failswitch on your hard disk.
Yeah it does that's why a program called Hostsman has a trim option to reduce the size of the hosts file in an attempt to reduce the impact a large hosts file has on your internet speed.
that's illegal in germany tho
People break rules all the time.
they would get sued tho
Also Iridium is based on a fuck old version of Chromium and hardly gets updated.
It's literally on the board right now.
I used that shit and it still grabs a google analytics cookie at start up. Iridium is also german botnet. If you really wanna use the pile of garbage that is chromium then at least use ungoogled chromium.
ITT: firecuck shills and windows babies
>Google Chrome
Colorful logo
>Reports crashes only if turned on. Please include symbolized backtraces in bug reports if you don't have crash reporting turned on.
>User metrics only if turned on
Video and Audio codecs (may vary by distro)
AAC, H.264, MP3, Opus, Theora, Vorbis, VP8, VP9, and WAV
>Sandboxed PPAPI (non-free) Flash plugin included in release
Code is tested by Chrome developers
>Sandbox is always on
Single deb/rpm package
Profile is kept in ~/.config/google-chrome
Cache is kept in ~/.cache/google-chrome
New releases are tested before being sent to users
>Google API keys are added by Google
Blue logo
>Does not ever report crashes. Please include symbolized backtraces in bug reports.
>User metrics are never reported.
Video and Audio codecs (may vary by distro)
Opus, Theora, Vorbis, VP8, VP9, and WAV by default
>Supports NPAPI (unsandboxed) Flash plugins, including the one from Adobe in Chrome 34 and below
>Code may be modified by distributions
>Sandbox depends on the distribution (navigate to about:sandbox to confirm)
Packaging depends on the distribution
Profile is kept in ~/.config/chromium
Cache is kept in ~/.cache/chromium
>New release testing depends on the distribution
Show me the part where Chromium spies on me or is a "botnet"
You make fun of ignorant people but I'm sure you're also ignorant yourself
Yes, when it comes to software the developer is guilty until proven innocent.
firecucks sucks
Is Debian Chromium any good?
It should be similar to ungoogled chromium without some iridium and inox patches.