Researching mbp because I'm about to drop 2.5k on one

>researching mbp because I'm about to drop 2.5k on one
>there's a fucking issue where the key switches sticks and increases noise when the laptop gets hot

What the fuck?

How do you fuck up a keyboard design? With heating?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How do you fuck up a keyboard design? With heating?

you make it with the cheapest parts and the cheapest chinks who are so motivated to assemble quality hardware they had to install nets to keep their workforce from becoming pancakes

>I'm about to drop 2.5k on one
If you're actually being serious here's some advice. Buy the last non-skinny non-port-neutered retina version for less. No point in getting the updated models unless you like shitty keys and dongles.

Agreed with this user. 2014 or 2015 is your best bet.
t. 2014 mbpr owner

Where did you get that info? Sounds fishy and weird.

I got the 12" MB which is passively cooled and rarely gets noticeable warm, and at least here there is no fucking sticking.

The keyboard is definitely noisier than the old one but unless you're in a dark room at 4AM, you'll probably not notice it. Any average desktop keyboard is much louder.

>this meme again
Foxconn got much lower suicide rates than the average in China and much lower than in Murica. Obviously it's still quasi slave labour but on the better side when compared to jobs in 3rd world countries.

Fuck that there's posts all over macrumour about failing amd gpus.

>better battery life
>smaller and lighter
>better screens
>modern ports
>larger trackpad
>much better speakers
Unless OP is a poorfag watching every cent, there is no point to go for the inferior version.

2014-2015 is comfy senpai
>wanting a meme bar and big trackpad

It's simply not worth it if money isn't your main concern. Yeah, 2014-2015 is still good but 2016-2017 are objectively superior at most things while equal at others.

The absolutely are overpriced as shit but they do offer quite a bit too for the premium ... and if you're in the market for a memebook and have to watch for couple bucks here and there, you're probably doing it wrong. Besides, specially 2015 one is still pretty pricy.

I suppose. I got my 256gb for really cheap on ebay new. Saved 800 buckaroos. Breddy gud.

X1 Carbon

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life
>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

>throttling housefire

> no escape



>memebar that "autocorrects" your password in plaintext

>no escape

>when the laptop gets hot

You shouldn't let your throttlebook get hot in the first place.

Only the retarded gaymers are calling the touch bar a meme bar.

See those virtual buttons from left ? A better replacement for windwpad and autohotkey in windows 10. I can move my windows instantly the way i want without having to remember combinations or needing a numeric pad.

Also, with automator, bettertouchtool and others the possibilities are infinite. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it. Actions, widgets, app shortcuts etc.

It's not anyone's fault that you bought your mac just to impress people. I'm making money with it and i'm using it at its fullest potential.

Also, if you install parallels on it along with a winshit 10 VM, the transition between the two OS's is fucking incredible. With a 3 finger swipe you navigate through a full screen WinShit like it's native.

Is it the camera/angle or do the colours look as flat IRL too?

>>there's a fucking issue where the key switches sticks and increases noise when the laptop gets hot
it's not an issue. it's a mechanical switch... it's always louder than rubber membrane keyboards found in other laptops.

I'm typing on one now and it's a fantastic keyboard. it's hated by retards who never used it.

Just a shitty picture. Everything looks perfect.

Also, i'm seeing people criticizing the keyboard. I agree, the one from the 2016 model is absolute shit. But if you didn't play with the new one, don't talk crap, because they've changed it. It provides a much better feedback (clickier)

The battery is also great. 7-9 hours per day while keeping 10-15 chrome tabs opened, videos, music etc.

>touchbar replaces function keys
>is not a meme
Please stop posting.

>t. mactoddler

It's Last Pass's fault, you fucking dumb penguin

"LastPass is using some third party library for text fields, where the password field isn't really password field. They messed up."

It's Applel's fault, shill harder Ranjeet.

Personal Computers (i.e. not fruity toddler toys) don't have this problem.

>implying the trackpad moves in 2014+ macbook pros

It's all in your head. The trackpad has "force touch", recognizes how hard you are pressing and powers a linear actuator to give the illusion of a click. It's quite a mind fuck when you can "turn off" the click, which is just a sound from the speakers.

Frankly, I would recommend the mid 2012 model. You have every port that you could need. Even fucking Ethernet. CPU performance hasn't increased that much lately and the new ones are also dual core.
You can upgrade that to the max. Mine is smoother than a friend's 2014 mbp bc of the RAM upgrade.
However I don't care about the screen. Your situation might differ.


Macs are a joke. Even Acer is better.

The only reason to buy a mac is if you're in abject poverty yet you want to show off to all the other hipsters at starbucks. If you care about performance, any $500 garbage laptop from Walmart would shit all over any mac, any year.

>It's not apple's fault
>links to a person who literally works at apple


Dude, get a previous year model on ebay or at a college or state surplus store.

Or better yet, get a Lenovo or an Elitebook.
Macbook Air: X1, XPS
Macbook Pro: P51, Latitude, Elitebook

I have a refurbished 13" non touchbar MBP and I can confirm this does happen. A couple of my keys make a loud popping noise when pressed while the laptop is hot. It's some bullshit.

>tfw want to buy a macbook so I can compile xcode but don't want to be judged for having a macbook
>only alternative is to buy a good windows laptop and spend the savings on a slow, old used macbook which will be annoying to deal with

>Where did you get that info? Sounds fishy and weird.
literally hundreds of sources and all the employees.

>Foxconn got much lower suicide rates than the average in China
That seems to be true only if you assume that none of their employees killed themselves on their own time.

>The only reason to buy a mac is if you're in abject poverty yet you want to show off to all the other hipsters at starbucks

you do realize how contradictory this statement is right?

Not getting a mechanical keyboard laptop with the same thickness.